The Trilce pattern is now (finally!) finished, knit, and up for sale on Ravelry and on the Patterns page. Thanks for your patience. I hope you enjoy it! The first time I knit Trilce, I used Manos del Uruguay and …
The Trilce pattern is now (finally!) finished, knit, and up for sale on Ravelry and on the Patterns page. Thanks for your patience. I hope you enjoy it! The first time I knit Trilce, I used Manos del Uruguay and …
I’ve just had a somewhat heartbreaking epiphany of the Proustian sort. A small epiphany to be sure, but it’s mine and I’ll take it. And no less valid, for having been triggered by a blog entry instead of an uneven …
When I say Proust changed my life, I’m not trying to prove that I’m clever. No, really. Read more »
What you maybe can’t tell for sure from the photo, but what is perfectly clear if you see this in real life (in a community garden in SE Portland) is that the fence is not cutting through the squash. The …
Yesterday, some of the neighborhood kids decided to build Thumper a bike with training wheels. Yep. Build him. A bike. They had a frame that fit him. They had wheels with tires that just needed a wee bit of patching. …
If you haven’t read this letter about Sarah Palin yet, it’s worth a read.
I spotted something today as I left the grocery store, something I’d love to include in a novel or a story. If I was bolder (less considerate of others’ privacy?) than I am, I might have taken out my camera. …
…but I’ve been knitting. I know. Weird, right? I seem to remember that I used to do a lot of this kind of thing. Viola. The Central Park Hoodie I’ve been meaning to knit for a couple of years now. …
I’m 35 years old today. This is the first birthday that’s had a sting to it for me. It’s not old, but it’s certainly not young. Thirty-five sounds terribly grown-up, doesn’t it? Cue midlife crisis.
The best blog you’re probably not reading: Luc Sante’s Pinakothek He doesn’t post often, but when he does it’s always worth a read. Today’s post is beautiful, so do check that out at the very least. It’s a pitch-perfect snapshot …