First strawberries!
Okay…not the biggest harvest, was it? One berry for each of us, after our french toast breakfast on Saturday morning. And eaten still sunwarm, right from the plant (after a quick rinse in the sink). There are many little green …
Okay…not the biggest harvest, was it? One berry for each of us, after our french toast breakfast on Saturday morning. And eaten still sunwarm, right from the plant (after a quick rinse in the sink). There are many little green …
Thanks to that self-imposed cooling-off period, I’m not allowed to start revisions on the new novel until July 8th. It was a good decision to hold off, but it’s absolute torture. I want to dive in and get back to …
…and then I ate kale from our garden. In that basket, the first of our kale (Winterbor and Improved Siberian Dwarf) and beet greens. This kale was so damn tender. Unbelievably tender. Not only was it nothing like supermarket kale, …
I finished the first draft of the new novel on June 10th. I’m not allowed to even look at that draft, much less start revising, until July 8th. I set that date, made that rule myself, and yet every time …
By request: Listening to his gramma (my mom) sing the Cake Song while eating cake: Contemplating the meaning of cake: Hoping charm will earn him a second piece: This is a toddler. This is a toddler on sugar: Thanks for …
You can’t sing the cake song if you don’t have any cake Read more »
I woke up this morning to find a few comments that needed to be approved. (The first time someone comments at this new url, the comment needs to be moderated. Any comments after that are posted automatically.) Most were birthday …
Thumper is two years old today. You can tell he’s two because there’s a trail of destruction in his wake. Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet boy! Not sure what we’re doing today, but it will certainly involve playing outside, …
Am I correct in assuming that a handful of hastily snapped photos of the garden with poor composition and not-great light are better than a garden post with no photos at all? See, Thumper is napping and I get nervous …
Garden update and some crappy photographic evidence Read more »
First draft of my second novel, finished today. Crazy. I started it in October 2005, and in the time between then and now I landed an agent, made a baby, had my first novel shopped around and rejected for two …
I’ve just crossed the 70,000 word mark. (This is a lean first draft, in spots, but already I can see where it wants to be filled out and it will certainly grow a good deal in revisions. I always tend …