My god…my petty little problems, my teensy luxury problems are so very very small in the face of this…
“What was I thinking when I said it didn’t hurt?”
Yeah… When I said I had pretty much come to terms with Drowning Practice not selling, I thought I was telling the truth, but it turns out I lied to you and to me and to everyone else I fed …
“What was I thinking when I said it didn’t hurt?” Read more »
First harvest
The spinach starts that I planted at the beginning of April are already ready to start feeding us. I harvested the first of it today, just taking the outer leaves to (according to my gardening books) encourage more growth. We’re …
And so…
…yes. The blog will be renamed. I know what the new name will be, but don’t want to reveal that just yet. Full disclosure: I decided on the new name about five minutes after I posted the entry about maybe …
identity shift?
I’m thinking–just toying with the idea, mind you–of changing the name of the blog. Since there’s now one dog, not two, and the one dog doesn’t steal yarn. Since that one dog is a little old man who doesn’t much …
So maybe I’ve got the blog blahs
…because I keep thinking I should post here and then keep putting it off. I don’t have much to say. Thumper’s terrific. The garden is growing. I’ve got a huge crush on Billy. All the usual stuff. It’s rather quiet …
Grateful that I’m not a vegan
In Utopia, your neighbors turn up on your doorstep with eggs they’ve just gathered from their chicken coop. Aren’t they beautiful? The white ones aren’t actually white. They’re a very pale blue. I’ve never had eggs quite this fresh before, …
Not much to say today
So I’ll point you in the direction of my friend Michael Deibert, who has plenty to say and says it well.