A confession…
I recently saw 20,000 Days on Earth, the Nick Cave documentary. I’m a longtime Cave fan. I met him in 1992, and wrote about it. I sit square in the middle of the target audience of this documentary, and I …
I recently saw 20,000 Days on Earth, the Nick Cave documentary. I’m a longtime Cave fan. I met him in 1992, and wrote about it. I sit square in the middle of the target audience of this documentary, and I …
I’ve been thinking about emails lately. Jeff Jackson and I recently completed an epistolary review of I’m Very Into You, which is a collection of emails between Kathy Acker and McKenzie Wark from 1995. (The book and the review are …
(The blue walls are hard to see, but they’re there.) I used to have a blog. Technically, I still do, but now it’s just a place where I occasionally post interviews with and essays by writers with kids. But I used …
Leesa Cross-Smith, author of Every Kiss a War and editor of WhiskeyPaper Age of kids: 10 and 8 What was your writing schedule like before kids, and how has that changed? Before I had my daughter, I was writing obituaries …
J. Robert Lennon, author of: Mailman, Familiar, Pieces for the Left Hand, See You in Paradise Age of kids: 14, 17 What was your writing schedule (ideal and actual) like before kids, and how has that changed? My wife and …
Kara Krauze, author of essays, memoir, and fiction, occasionally blogging at karakrauze.com. Teacher of writing workshops for veterans. Founder of Voices from War. Age of kids: Two sons, 6 and 8 I’ve started writing this guest post twice already on …
Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like An Artist and Show Your Work! Age of kids: 2 years and one on the way What was your writing schedule (ideal and actual) like before kids, and how has that changed? My wife …
RK Arceneaux, author of: M.I.L.F.shake, a memoir-in-progress Age of kid: 1 I bought a vibrator off of Groupon because it was $19.99 (regular $99.99!) and it had seven functions and it was an enormous upgrade from my last vibrator which …
Maya Lang, author of The Sixteenth of June Age of kids: One daughter, five years old What was your writing schedule (ideal and actual) like before kids, and how has that changed? Pre-kid, I didn’t really have a writing schedule. …
Michelle Wildgen, author of You’re Not You, But Not For Long, and Bread and Butter Age of kid: 3 years old What was your writing schedule (ideal and actual) like before kids, and how has that changed? The most productive …