Fragment #5
All it takes is seeing one red pickup driving down the road and Im right back there, back to that summer. I think back on Joe, what we did and why. And I wonder if we really did get away …
All it takes is seeing one red pickup driving down the road and Im right back there, back to that summer. I think back on Joe, what we did and why. And I wonder if we really did get away …
You know how you start a big knitting project all full of hope and excitement? Thinking about how great the sweater will look on you, thinking of all the places you’ll wear it. How flattering it will be, etc etc? …
Those garden maps I posted a while ago are already proving to be flexible, guideline-type things. Only March 16th and already I’ve done some revisions. I had planned to just do broccoli from seeds, but a cute little pack of …
Yes, I’m blogging about a totally typical (for us), completely unremarkable dinner we ate. It’s come to that. But the soup really was quite good, and I really do recommend it. I found the recipe here. It was a link …
Glum right now and feeling guilty about wasted writing time. I had a bad writing day today. Managed to do a bit of revision on a short story, but wrote exactly one new paragraph on the novel. I spent most …
half-heartedly apologizing for another pictureless entry Read more »
Wait…so in the comments of the previous post, I’m getting the feeling that you guys suggest I scale back the zucchini a wee bit? Point taken. I’ll plant one zucchini plant (okay…sow seeds, actually, and thin back to one plant) …
Here are the garden maps I made this weekend. I feel like I’m going public with my wonky first knitting. My last attempt at vegetable gardening was at 6 years old, and you can imagine I had a good deal …
I made oatmeal honey bread yesterday. It was my first time making this particular bread. (The recipe is in the Tassajara Bread Book.) Thumper has always liked whatever bread I make, but he’s absolutely nuts for this one. Seeing me …