Still here
I meant to blog sooner than this. I had every intention of returning from our trip and jumping back into some kind of regular blogging. But then there was the craziness of re-entry, and then the craziness of everyday life, …
I meant to blog sooner than this. I had every intention of returning from our trip and jumping back into some kind of regular blogging. But then there was the craziness of re-entry, and then the craziness of everyday life, …
Were back. Settling back into our Portland life after a weeks return to the frozen east and our mothers homes. I wasnt sure what to expect from this trip. I figured one of two things: either my creeping homesickness would …
Take care, everybody. I’m going to do something rather out of character and leave the laptop home this time. Comments closed while I’m gone, to thwart the evil ^$#*(&) spammers.
It’s not much to look at yet, is it? But there you have it, the beginning of the next Trilce. I’m using Lamb’s Pride Bulky this time, in the Spice colorway. I was able to match the gauge I got …
We’re leaving town in a few days, finally headed back east for a visit. The dog/house sitter is all lined up, the travel plans made, plans made to see family and friends, etc. Now just the frantic list-making of everything …
Out on the street was the cool clean air of spring and everyone with that Saturday night bounce to their step. Another few hours and that slick edge of promise would be smudged and run. But for now there was …
Child-led toilet training. That’s been the plan all along, when the time came. I just didn’t expect the child to lead us to it quite so soon. Last night Thumper asked to have his diaper taken off. He then ran …
A cold, rainy night in Portland. I’ve spent the evening happily tucked into a corner of a cafe that does NOT play techno, drinking my decaf americano and writing. A good writing night, I’m happy to say, and now a …
I was, lets see seven at the time? Eight? 1925, so I guess eight. I was eight and my brother Ronny, he was ten or thereabouts. Miranda was just five. I do remember that, because thats as old as she got. …
Details here. In other news, I finished reading Sabbath’s Theater last night. Oh my god. How (why) did I wait this long to read Roth?