I know the spambots are just robots, that there aren’t humans deciding to target my specific blog and specific posts, but it still bothers me no end to find 15+ spam comments following the post about my aunt. I closed …
Grrr… spammers
I got SLAMMED with comment spam while I slept last night. Comment spammers are the reason I close comments on each post after a week or so. I’m sick of them. Movable Type has been great, but I think I’m …
The high cost of yarn hair?
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while. You know how I’ve loved my yarn hair. Really love it. It’s how I remember myself when my eyes are closed, you know? Inside my head, I’m a perpetual ragdoll. And …
I’ve got nothing for you today
It’s well after 3pm and the kiddo is still resisting his nap (normally around 12:30), which means at this point there likely won’t BE a nap, which means I’m not getting a break today. And damn do I need a …
I, CyberStalker
I dont often think about the nature of blogs. Odd, maybe, since Ive kept this blog for quite a while now. I dont think too much about why I keep it, or why you read it. (Okay, I do sometimes …
And if you want the challah recipe…
…I can’t post it here, because Amy slightly adapted the recipe from a cookbook, but I can point you in the direction of the book and tell you what modifications she made. It’s from the New Jewish Holiday Cookbook by …
Bread with strings
Leaving New York for Portland meant leaving a place with a large Jewish population for one where we would be in the extreme minority. We joked that once we arrived here, there would now be ten Jews in Portland. In …
What a “bad” writing night looks like
Log into iChat to see who’s around. Say hi to one or two people, then tell them right away that it’s a writing night and you can’t chat. Turn on your Away message, but peek back to see who’s coming …