Dispatches from the road: Day One, 297 miles
Well, we did it. We closed on the Brooklyn house on Thursday and on the new house in Portland on Friday. We were all set to hit the road on Saturday, but then Friday night my SIL (my brothers wife), …
Well, we did it. We closed on the Brooklyn house on Thursday and on the new house in Portland on Friday. We were all set to hit the road on Saturday, but then Friday night my SIL (my brothers wife), …
The sweater, that is. The empire waist cardigan. It’s just not working. I still like my original idea. I still like the yarn. I don’t like the two of them together. The heavy collar and cuffs are great, but not …
We didn’t close yesterday, thanks to lawyers. It looks like Thursday is the day. In the meantime we’re staying with my mom, having a nice visit with her. We wanted to be on our way by now, but no worries. …
Well…this is the last few hours in our house in Brooklyn. This evening we’ll head to my mom’s in Jersey, and it looks like we’ll be closing on Monday and then hitting the road. Please think good closing thoughts, as …
Thanks to the lovely and talented Julia, who shared her last Ravelry invite with me, I’m in! (And this is not the first time that Julia has been exceedingly kind to me, I might add. Wonderful, that woman.) Username: DogsStealYarn …
I meant to scan in one of my old baby photos for today’s birthday post, but then I went and packed all the photos. And then I meant to have Billy take a new photo of me for today’s post …
No time for a real post, so here are a few links to blogs you should be reading that you might not know about yet: Sutton, college friend o’mine. He and his wife just moved from Baltimore to Montana. Do …
How have I lived in Brooklyn all this time and not known about Liquid Love: A Sophisticated Meeting Place? Photo snapped from a moving car, hence the fabulous quality and composition. No, I didn’t go inside. I wouldn’t want to …
I already knew I needed to get rid of stuff–lots of stuff–before the move. But now the moving estimates are rolling in and I REALLY need to get rid of stuff. The moving companies charge by weight and if the …
In the midst of the getting-ready-to-move flurry, we’ve also been doing this: And this And this (Yep, that’s the empire waist cardi. I warned you it would be slow going on that one. I’ve got an inch left of body …