The Cloud won me over
I went ahead and ordered more Shine in the Cloud colorway for the cardi. I’d originally imagined the sweater in gray, but then when I had enough Cream on hand already, well… But the thought of red hair + gray …
I went ahead and ordered more Shine in the Cloud colorway for the cardi. I’d originally imagined the sweater in gray, but then when I had enough Cream on hand already, well… But the thought of red hair + gray …
I can continue to lie awake, watching Thumper and Billy and Diego sleep (Oscar is awake and attacking my fingers as I type, the beast). Or I can distract myself with a quick knit-related post. Having trouble turning the mind …
Bad (lazy) blog photography, courtesy of another sleepless night Read more »
which leads to the discovery that “Go” was named as a Million Writers Award Notable Story of 2006. And then the discovery that it didn’t make the top ten stories of 2006. Not terribly disappointing, since I hadn’t even known …
Unexpected nice things about my back forcing me to switch from sling to stroller: 1. We can walk and walk and walk and walk for miles and I don’t get too tired/feel like my shoulder will fall off. 2. Thumper …
For the past however long, I’ve been working on stealth knitting and haven’t been able to show you even a stitch of it. You’ve been very patient, really you have. I know how you all lie awake at night, wondering, …
Walking down the street in Park Slope with Billy and the baby on Saturday night. Passing us, a middle-aged woman, short hair and glasses, crying, holding a slice of cake in a plastic container. Walking with her, a younger woman, …
The topping I used for the milk-free cupcakes (not vegan. I opted for a recipe that called for eggs) wasn’t a messy, smeary frosting, so I’m sorry to those of you who’d been hoping for the traditional baby cake face. …
When you point a camera at a one-week-old baby, you get this: When you point a camera at a one-year-old baby you get this: Happy, happy birthday, my sweet baby boy! (And a very happy birthday to your birthday twin …
My dear, dear friend Emily Mitchell’s debut novel, The Last Summer of the World, comes out on June 18th. I’m lucky enough to be one of Emily’s draft readers, so got to see this book develop from extremely promising early …