Madly, deeply, truly in love…
These mittens! Have you seen these mittens?! Technically my desire to own these mittens is a want, not a need. But at the moment, it really feels like I NEED these mittens. Sigh. Thinking of them in two shades of …
These mittens! Have you seen these mittens?! Technically my desire to own these mittens is a want, not a need. But at the moment, it really feels like I NEED these mittens. Sigh. Thinking of them in two shades of …
Happy, happy, happy me. This evening I got some great news. I’ve received a Pushcart Prize nomination for “Go.” I think the final decision as to which pieces make it into the anthology happens sometime in the spring. Cross your …
As I write this, Thumper is finally napping. He’s having a rough day because a certain someone who is responsible for breastmilk production ate toast with butter over the weekend and then a burrito with cheese yesterday when she knows …
Why, yes. Yes, it is. As promised, the answer to that eternal question: “What’s on the needles, lady?” I have been knitting. Slowly, because I only get to do it while Thumper naps, and there are any number of other …
You’re out there! Nice to know so many of you are still reading, even if I’m unloved by Bloglines this week. As promised, the answers to your questions: Heather asks:Which writers would you most like _your_ work to be compared …
Is this thing on? Testing for bloglines, which has been ignoring me…
I was going to do a second part to the true crime thing where Oscar Madison was interrogated about the spindle attack and he would confess but have no remorse etc, but then a baby ate my blogging time and …
Working on the novel while eating fresh, crusty pumpernickel bread slathered in pumpkin butter… Oh my… I am happy.