More knitty gifts!
Good news! The baby won’t freeze this winter! Our cousin Sarah (Billy’s cousin, technically, but I love her too and so she is my cousin by marriage and yarn) knit this beautiful sweater for Thumper using Dale Baby Ull and …
Good news! The baby won’t freeze this winter! Our cousin Sarah (Billy’s cousin, technically, but I love her too and so she is my cousin by marriage and yarn) knit this beautiful sweater for Thumper using Dale Baby Ull and …
Billy doesn’t like to wear sweaters. Can you imagine? Married to a knitter and he doesn’t wear sweaters. I’ve knitted him socks, hats, a scarf (the scarf was left in a cab and he didn’t really like the hats, but …
By Thumper Dogsstealyarn, Adventure Baby I set out recently on my most dangerous quest yetto find and document knitters in the wild. Im already quite experienced in the ways of the domestic knitter, having lived my entire life with my …
…Thumper would like to remind you… …to stop and smell the fabric flowers with the rattley thingies and the leaves that make the crinkle crinkle sound.
Remember this sweater? It’s the 12-month size, but I figured Thumper would wear it this winter, around six months. Well..he’ll be three months old on the 14th. I don’t think this sweater will fit come winter. Ditto for the Baby …
Lying in bed, nursing my baby, it occurs to meperhaps something I thought I already knew. The emotional weight and understanding of a line of prose depends so much upon the experience the reader brings to it. Now that Im …
Sunday afternoon: Thoughts on the novel revision… Read more »
Thumper has received an amazing knitted gift from my friend Andrea: How gorgeous is that?! I lovelovelove this sweater and can’t wait to dress the kid in it this winter. Billy and I are both so touched that Andrea would …
Hmmm. Birthdays are quite different once you’re a mom, aren’t they? For some reason, I didn’t anticipate it. I should have, though. There’s no way a day can be all about you when everything is actually all about the baby …