Because moms need to rock out too
Just to break up the baby news a bit… Some live Hold Steady for your viewing pleasure. Recorded at a show in NC. Your Little Hoodrat Friend Cattle and the Creeping Things They’re hitting the road again soon (dates on …
A month old
Well…THAT went quickly. I can’t believe our little guy is a month old already. I know, I know…time only goes faster from here, right? I don’t intend for this to become a baby blog. It’s just that there’s pretty much …
Thumper loved his sling. Thumper and his mom REALLY love the pouch
I liked the Maya Wrap sling for the most part. It was comfortable and Thumper was happy in it. Thing is, when I wore him in it for an hour or so, it tended to shift and pull through the …
Thumper loved his sling. Thumper and his mom REALLY love the pouch Read more »
I’m back on dairy, baby. Thanks to Stephanie, who tipped me off that the problem was more likely oversupply than food-related. I followed her advice and, lo and behold, a happier and more comfortable baby now lives in my house. …
Farewell, beloved yogurt…
For the past week Thumper’s been trying to tell me something. Now, I’m new at this mom thing and so am far from fluent in the language of baby grunts and grimaces, but I think I’m finally getting the hint. …
The last thing I’ll knit in 2006?
I’ve managed to knit maybe three rounds on a st st sock since Thumper was born, and I don’t see much knitting time in my near future. I did manage to get a bit of knitting done for him before …
Shockingly well-rested
Okay…so we’re only twelve days into this parenting adventure, but a few things are starting to click into place. I really get it now, that each family is different and it’s all a matter of finding what works for you …
A blanket for Thumper
Many many thanks to a group of especially wonderful friends/knitters who got together and made this beautiful blanket for our little guy: Alison, Carolyn, Cassie, Claudia, Irene, Iris, Jackie, Jenn, Kate, Lala, Lee Ann, Michelle, Melissa, Norma, Rachael, Regina, Sarah, …
Thumper loves his sling
We’ve been taking walks each evening, once the heat breaks a bit. Somewhat slow, somewhat short walks, thanks to my incision. Yup. Incision. I’ve decided not to get into the whole birth story here on the blog–it’s just not the …