He’s here!
And boy do I have a doozy of a birth story for you! But that’s for another day. For today, just feast your eyes on the glory of Thumper, complete with pompadour: “Thumper”born June 14, 20068 lbs, 6 oz, 21 …
And boy do I have a doozy of a birth story for you! But that’s for another day. For today, just feast your eyes on the glory of Thumper, complete with pompadour: “Thumper”born June 14, 20068 lbs, 6 oz, 21 …
The calls and emails checking to see if I’ve gone into labor yet are stressing me out. I know the inquiries are all coming from well meaning people who care…but they aren’t helpful. The baby isn’t due until the 17th, …
3 a.m. Wake up, have to pee. Shift from left side toward center, lifting belly with hands to avoid those shooting ligament pains, if possible. Reach your back. Wonder if those shooting pains are ligaments or muscle. Shift to right …
Thumper and I have been named to the No Back Labor Task Force. Our primary responsibilities fall to me and involve keeping my weight forward, sitting with my knees lower than my hips, and keeping tabs on his positioning within …
A gift of baby booties from Carolyn And yet another pair of socks that I knit for myself when I probably should have been knitting for the baby. Pattern: Child’s First Sock from Knitting Vintage SocksYarn: Lorna’s Laces Cranberry
Yesterday Billy and I were wandering around Park Slope, having just given in to the fetal demand for ice cream and waiting until we were hungry enough to give in to the fetal demand for a burrito when my phone …
…I will be done with work. Done with inhouse work permanently (that’s the plan, anyway) and done with freelance work (to be done from home) until six weeks after Thumper’s arrival (except for one little bit of a job still …
If your knitter should set about knitting you a pair of socks, and you know as soon as the socks are cast on that you do not like the colorway, do not–I repeat, DO NOT– wait until the first sock …
A Public Service Announcement for the Partners of Knitters Read more »