By the way…
Just for fun, I opened a Cafe Press store with that autumn camouflage photo I took while I was at Ragdale. Truth be told, I just really thought the image would look great on a magnet or a coffee mug… …
Just for fun, I opened a Cafe Press store with that autumn camouflage photo I took while I was at Ragdale. Truth be told, I just really thought the image would look great on a magnet or a coffee mug… …
I may be sick, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need my tostones. When I first blogged about how one of my strongest pregnancy food cravings has been tostones, I heard from a number of you who didn’t know what …
It’s gonna take more than a common cold to thwart the pregnancy cravings Read more »
I’m sick. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. The cold that’s been knocking seemingly the entire city on its ass has found a home in my lungs. Somehow a coughing fit becomes a whole new experience when you’re nearly five months pregnant. I’m …
The dogs were surprised and disappointed to learn that: A) The Superbowl is not, in fact, a large bowl of really super foodB) We don’t celebrate Superbowl in this family. That’s someone else’s religion, you see. Alas, sweet Diego and …
Skim milk, nonfat French Vanilla yogurt, frozen strawberries, and a big heaping spoonful of Nutella combine to create a damn good smoothie. I love it when a refrigerator raid ends well.
We had the 20-week sonogram today. Everything looks great, and the baby continues to measure a week larger than his due date (which makes me wonder why they won’t change the due date, but anyway…) We know for sure he’s …
It’s (definitely, absolutely, no question) a boy Read more »
…it’s true, what your mother (okay, your grandmother) told you about how making out with boys and listening to the rock n’ roll can get a girl into trouble:
Not that I don’t have plenty to do, but it’s late in the day and the energy has flagged and all I want to do is crawl under my desk and nap until it’s time to go home. And once …