transit strike, day two
I’m not feeling trapped at home yet, but if the strike goes on much longer I anticipate a bit of cabin fever setting in. Luckily I have handknit socks to soothe the sting. Look what Monica made me! They’re beautifully …
I’m not feeling trapped at home yet, but if the strike goes on much longer I anticipate a bit of cabin fever setting in. Luckily I have handknit socks to soothe the sting. Look what Monica made me! They’re beautifully …
Yeah. Transit strike. Pregnant women do not walk 8+ miles each way in the winter cold to get to their jobs in midtown, thanks. Nor do we ride bikes. Or rather, my doctor has forbidden me from riding a bike …
Man, did I get off light with the ambassador’s sweater repair. Behold, the sweater in question, knit by previously mentioned dead knitting mum, in what feels like a very scritchy cotton blend: And behold the damage needing repair: Yep, that’s …
Yeah. You read that title right. See, it all starts with a phone call from my darling husband the other day. “Hey!” he says. “I gave one of my patients your phone number.”“What?! Why?”“The house number. I gave him the …
Things people who know me in the real world could tell you about me: 1. I’m very independent. Fiercely, grumpily independent.2. I’m stubborn.3. See numbah one.4. I have a somewhat exaggerated sense of what I can accomplish in a twenty-four-hour …
Sabotaging myself, just to keep things interesting Read more »
If you please, go to failbetter and check out the right sidebar…where it talks about the upcoming issue.I have to say that it absolutely thrills me to see my name within two inches of Mary Gaitskill’s.
I love my coffee. You know how I love my coffee. The first three days after the positive pregnancy test, I went cold turkey with the coffee. Intense pain and anguish ensued. Wasn’t worth it. It seemed that withdrawal was …
I’ll admit it. All you folks with bad backs who would groan or complain as you gingerly lowered yourself into a chair or slowly shuffled across a room…I never really got it. I thought I did, but I didn’t. I’d …
On Friday I had more than enough to keep me busy. I’ve got two freelance jobs on the schedule right now, and I really needed to work on one of them all day Friday in order to stay on track …
Wow… Thank you all so very much for your congratulations and good wishes! It means so much to have heard from so many of you. And the lurkers! I love hearing from the lurkers! Sniff. You guys rock. You really …
You guys got me all teary…and it’s not the hormones, I swear Read more »