Blue pancakes = cry for help
The rain has returned to Portland, melting all that godawful white stuff. The return of puddles and pavement. All is as it should be.
While the snow lasted, driving was treacherous because of the lack of plows, and pushing a stroller absolutely impossible, so we could only get out as far as the kid was willing to be pulled on the sled. Which meant a whole lot of staying home. A week stuck indoors with a toddler, all the usual routines and playmates unavailable? It got kinda dicey there. Is anyone surprised it ended in the eating of blue pancakes?
One morning last week, Thumper said he wanted blue pancakes for breakfast. Looking back, it seems an odd request. Kind of out of nowhere. It’s not like we’re in the habit of giving the child blue food. I’m not sure how it occurred to him in that moment that there might be such a thing as blue food. Cabin fever led my child to ask for blue pancakes, and cabin fever led me to make them, using the food coloring I’d sworn I would only ever use to make playdough.
I think it’ll be okay. He’ll probably still go to college.
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Ew! They look even worse than I thought they would 🙂
Next time use blueberries! I know you were housebound this time, but the blueberries would have made blue pancakes less cringe-worthy than food dye.
We used to freeze blueberries in the summer so that we could have them through the winter. They would turn your pancakes nice and blue AND be yummy. Added bonus: if you put milk on frozen blueberries, you get purple/blue “snow” in your berries…we used to love that when we were kids.
Jo and Kim already said it, and in fact I thought that’s what your post was going to say — blueberries (canned, especially, with some of the juice) will give you blue pancakes.
Being stuck in the house together for almost two weeks is how I explain Luna Kitty eating a tater tot off my dinner plate and me asking her if she wanted another one.
teehee! If Thumper doesn’t go to college you’ll know why.
Blue corn pancake mix also makes blue pancackes but not a true blue.
So funny! Since we were wee ones, you and I discussed dying our hair blue, when we hit 80…perhaps Thumper will too!
trust the girl from the midwest, he’ll still make it to college. now if you’d broken down to sugar cereal on the other hand … god only knows where he’d end up.
Cari, long time no comment, I know. Though we haven’t had snow in Prague, save for one day a couple of weeks ago, we’ve also been cooped inside. Winter vacation, so no school or work PLUS colds. I know what you mean about going crazy with a little guy for days on end inside *&^!)!&%&#&* I thought it would get easier the older he got, but he SO needs a playmate… So Tim & I take turns playing pirates & monsters, Eyeore and Christopher Robin, fire boy and fire girl, doctor and broken leg person…. Wow! On another note, we so miss Portland!!! Hopefully we will see you guys next summer! HAPPY 2009!!!!
I thought they were maybe made with blue cornmeal. Considering the amounts of blue things I ate as a teenager–I would worry. Worry a lot. Or you know, not worry at all so long as you don’t mind your child growing up to be a caffeine dependent dreamy sort.
Honestly I think as long as it was actual food, you did well. Those snow storms almost broke me as I found out that I do not like being stuck at home. I do not like it at all. I wish I had thought about having blue pancakes. That would have been a fun adventure, except I don’t have the necessary food coloring at home. I may need to rectify that!
They look very Dr. Seuss to me. And that’s always a good thing. To add to the list of other potential blueitives for pancakes (yes, I invented a word. I just scored 770 on the verbal GRE, so I am allowed to add words to the lexicon), blue cornmeal would also work.
Blue pancakes, hunh? I remember when things like green eggs and ham were really exciting. To see the world again through the eyes of a child!
An old friend of mine used to say ‘cope and fend’. If making blue pancakes for your cabin-feverish, stir-crazy toddler gets both of you through the day, well then so be it!
This post made me smile – it has been a very long time since I had a toddler making strange requests!