Breaking news: Doctors don’t know everything

I got all worked up about those cholesterol numbers, then Holly commented on the previous post that she believed breastfeeding elevates cholesterol levels. So I did some googling, and you know what? She’s right. (My readers save the day again. I love you guys.)

A study published in JAMA showed that cholesterol levels are elevated in pregnant and lactating women, and recommends that doctors NOT check lipids in lactating patients.

This does not mean that I’m running out to gorge on ice cream. I’m still going to follow through with all those changes because it feels like the right way to take care of my body regardless of my cholesterol. And I’m not taking it to mean that I’m totally in the clear. All it means is that we have no way of knowing what my true cholesterol levels are until Ladybug weans. Thumper nursed until he was 3 years and three months old, so if she’s like her brother we’re looking at another two+ years before I could have an accurate cholesterol test. I’ve been pregnant and/or lactating since September 2005, so I may as well just call these numbers my version of normal for now.

I’m going to send the link to my doctor. But I’m also going to keep up the exercise and watch the food. I’ll take this little scare as the inspiration. Five pregnancies, two live births via c-section, a pretty serious diastasis that needs healing… Time to give this poor old body its strength back.

4 Comments on “Breaking news: Doctors don’t know everything

  1. Good for you. Not surprising that the hormones your body creates while BFing would elevate your cholesterol, especially because of the link between BC pills affecting cholesterol levels. I didn’t even think of that when I wrote my last post!

    Yay Holly!!!

  2. Well there you go. And several other things.

    a) FWIW, it sounds to me like you have a very good diet. Yeah, tons of meat & eggs & cheese will in fact raise your cholesterol. But in moderation, all those good things are fine (for most people – not for me, but my family is unusual).

    b) I have definitely had cholesterol issues. My family history made my first cardiologist exclaim, “Wow!” when he read the list I’d prepared for him.

    c) So I take medication for it. Low dose. No side effects. I was very afraid of it when I started, and it’s been one of the best decisions I ever made. You know how much exercise I get, and I eat extremely well (most of the time), but those things weren’t enough in my case. If, in your case, that turns out to be the case, post-breastfeeding, there are other options, and I’d be happy to talk to you about how that’s been for me.

  3. Forgot to add: d) If at any point you decide you want to change a few things in your diet (I am NOT saying you should – merely IF), I have over the years invented some good recipes for sweets that have zero cholesterol (and you would never know it, to taste them), which I’d be happy to pass along. Or in case the Ben & Jerry’s gets boring.

  4. Hang in there! You’re busy, you’re nursing, you’re mothering, you’re writing–don’t stress too much about this.

    I actually consider you very healthy. You eat well and consciously, you exercise, live well and strike me as happy.

    It’s good to watch these things, but don’t let the Doctors tell you you’re one brownie away from a heart attack.


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