The best blog you’re probably not reading: Luc Sante’s Pinakothek He doesn’t post often, but when he does it’s always worth a read. Today’s post is beautiful, so do check that out at the very least. It’s a pitch-perfect snapshot…
The best blog you’re probably not reading: Luc Sante’s Pinakothek He doesn’t post often, but when he does it’s always worth a read. Today’s post is beautiful, so do check that out at the very least. It’s a pitch-perfect snapshot…
This morning, Thumper opened his eyes, stretched, looked at me, and said, “Bacon.” “Bacon?” I said. “Bacon is meat. We don’t eat meat.” “I want to eat bacon!” he shouted. “Meat! I want to eat meat! MEEAAAAAAT!!!” I didn’t say…
Anonymous* sidewalk message, SE Portland I’m back to work on the novel, waving my hands to change second draft into third. Happily caffeinated, fed, and air-conditioned at the usual Sunday workplace. I got (fantastically helpful) feedback from Marrije, who went…
I was awakened this morning at 6 a.m. by what sounded like something mammalian being eaten alive outside our bedroom windows. I looked outside and saw the branches of the elm across the street waving rather wildly, so whatever was…
This morning Heather returned her copy of the manuscript, all marked up and ready for my next round of revisions. That’s a one-week turnaround. Heather rocks. And now I sit and wring my hands and wait to hear from everyone…
Random bit of street art found on a rock in SE Portland. I love this city. Second draft is out of my hands now, with my draft readers. And right on schedule, as I was taking a shower on Saturday…
A photo of my guys, because who wants to see a photo of a printer? Unfortunately, the glory of finishing a draft of a novel is closely followed by the drudgery of printing. And printing. And printing. Yes, I know…
Stuff keeps growing. Go figure. Oh…and I finished revising the novel. Second draft will be on its way to my readers, as soon as I get the copies printed out.
Walking through it. I’m sad as hell, but moving forward. I can’t focus at all on reading, having a really hard time focusing on writing. I’ve been doing some small bits of knitting, but not finding much comfort in it.…
(this is not fiction. Oh, how I wish this were fiction) Friday, 6:15am. My son is asleep beside me. Downstairs I hear my husband getting ready to leave for work. I get up to pee. The toilet paper comes away…