cough cough, hack hack, sniffle, snuffle, groan

I’m sick in bed. Luckily it is a Sunday, so I’m free to take to my bed all day while Billy toddler-wrangles. Though, with all the snow on the ground, I suspect Billy would have been home today even if it was a work day. What did we get? Like six inches? That’s not supposed to happen in Portland. Bizarre.

Even I, who hate snow, have to admit it was pretty damn beautiful last night, though. I was not yet feeling quite this unwell, and we were next door at the neighborhood solstice party. Warm room full of neighbors we love, fire going. Dogs and kids and food. Cozy old house and the tallest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen indoors. And it had been snowing all day, and as we gathered in our neighbor’s living room it continued to snow, and it was damn near perfect.

(Thing # 768268 that I love about Portland? We were invited to three solstice parties yesterday, and not a single Christmas party.)

It’s supposed to keep coming, though, and with storms all across the continent, I do have to wonder how it’s going to impact Thumper and my ability to fly back East later in the week as planned. It may be too much to hope for that flights be totally normal and un-backed-up by the time we’re scheduled to fly. At the very least, I hope I’m healthy enough to face the challenge of solo toddler-wrangling on a five+ hour flight.

I’ve been lying around and dozing all morning while Billy and Thumper played pingpong at a neighbor’s house. Now they’re back, and the kiddo napping beside me in bed. I’m going to attempt the revision work I had planned for today, but it entails writing an entirely new scene and my head is pretty damn fuzzy. We’ll see how it goes…

Warm thoughts to all. Happy Solstice, folks.

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10 Comments on “cough cough, hack hack, sniffle, snuffle, groan

  1. Oh happy solstice to you! I hope you’re well enough to fly. The snow really took me by surprise as well – I thought we’d moved away from all that. When I’m done with school I hope I find a neighborhood I love as much as you love yours. We just don’t know many people over here in hillsdale in apartments, but hope to find something on the east side of the river that’s as welcoming as you have found. And solstice parties! so v.v. jealous, but really happy for you. portland rocks!

  2. Hope you feel better soon and that your travel plans aren’t too foiled by the weather. (I’ve got a cold too, though I’ve been largely in denial about it hoping it will get bored and leave.)

  3. Happy Solstice to you! No one invites me to Solstice parties. I was going to go for a walk today to celebrate, but after shoveling my sidewalk I decided it was really pretty cold out, and drinking tea while knitting a hat would be a fine way to celebrate instead.

    I hope you don’t get as sick as I did. The lungs trying to leap out of the body trick was really disconcerting. Be well.

  4. sick just sucks. hope it all clears before your trip. tim and i are wondering if we will be able to get into pdx friday, by then i hope it is fine. we miss portland lots. cannot wait to see her again.

  5. Get thee to a health food store and get oregano oil and Airborne. I swear by all of them and when I get sick, it is usually bronchitis=of-the-year award with a little pneumonia thrown in just to be festive. You will smell like a felafel, but it works!

  6. Oh no! I’m so sorry you’re sick. Selfishly, I hope you’re well enough to fly back east and I hope you don’t experience any weather-related delays. I sure hope i get to see you. You are missed in a big, bad way.

  7. Oh, and BTW? Quantum Cold and Flu Formula (also at the health food store) tastes like ass (not that I know what ass tastes like, but this stuff probably tastes even worse) but it really works. I shudder to think of the taste, but it knocks colds out faster than anything I can think of.

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