Does it seem unfair to you that my well being is determined by two people with a combined weight of 55lbs?

Which is to say that I have not been sleeping well, because the kids have not been sleeping well. I blame the preschool winter break. Or rather, my not having kept up our regular schedule in spite of the winter break. No…the kids slept in, so I slept in, too. And then bedtime got later because they’d slept later in the morning. And then they slept even later the next day, the baby’s two naps got pushed back because she wasn’t tired, then bedtime pushed back, and now…well, it’s just all gone to hell. I bring the baby up to bed at her usual time (7:30), go through our bedtime routine, get into bed and nurse, just like we’ve done since day one. Normally she’d snuggle in and nurse until she fell asleep. Now she’s nursing for about ten minutes, then rolling over, sitting up, tilting her head and giving me her very best “I’m so damn cute I don’t know how you stand it” smile. That smile is significantly less cute when you are supposed to be sleeping, my love.

I’m all for following my baby’s cues, but 10:30 is not an acceptable bedtime for a not-quite-nine-month-old. Gah!

Since I can’t write until they’re asleep, this is not working out. Sleep deprivation I can handle. Writing-time deprivation? Not so much.

Last night, after trying to persuade the baby that she really, really wanted to sleep from 8pm to 10:30 (she was exhausted and fighting it at this point. We’d been nursing and cuddling and rocking and walking and NOTHING worked) I gave up, plunked her down in the family room with some toys, and dug out the copy of No-Cry Sleep Solution that saved our butts when Thumper was younger. It confirmed my suspicion that the schedule change was likely to blame. Today I’m trying to get us back on track with our routine. I got her down for her regular first nap time at 10:30, and she’s still asleep now at 12:10. So there’s a good first nap for the day. If I can get her down for her second nap before 3pm, I think we’re in good shape.

Ah, the fascinating things that occupy my mind these days. And you wonder why I’m not blogging more often. (Next up, a post on precisely what “bite-sized piece” means when feeding this particular baby! And then maybe a treatise on bath toys!) I think I need some grown-up time. Help!

PS: Kiddo’s been fighting bedtime, too, but that’s Billy’s problem. Heh.

7 Comments on “Does it seem unfair to you that my well being is determined by two people with a combined weight of 55lbs?

  1. Oh, Cari, hang in there. I feel your pain, we’re in transition from two naps to one and struggling day by day to figure out what works. Little Ladybug is probably having as much trouble with the inconsistency as you are, just at different times 😉 I hope you’re able to work things out soon…

  2. Raising little children always reminded me of that army motto, “Hurry up and wait,” only “Times of irritation interspersed with moments of extreme sweetness.” I promise you, you’ll look back on these trying moments with great fondness.

  3. Man, time sure flies! This post stirs up half-forgotten, hazy memories so tainted by nostalgia that I can only BARELY relate to your sleep and creativity-deprived frustration. I remember Bernie walking around with a baby on his shoulder for an hour or longer, trying to get him to sleep. There were desperate random outings in the minivan with no real destination in mind, just the hope that the car vibrations could bring on sleep to the tiny tyrant in the car seat. Those trips usually ended up at Starbucks, and I remember telling the baristas that God invented caffeine as a gift to sleep-deprived parents.

    Hang in there, girlfriend — this too shall pass.

  4. As a mother of young kids, I’ve learned there is so much more happiness if you can stick to the schedule during school breaks. My oldest (7) thinks I am mean to not let her stay up late every night of Christmas break. When they are older it will be different. I feel for you!

  5. I don’t have kids, but my sleep schedule has also gone to hell over the last two weeks off. Sleeping in + going to bed later = insomnia from hell. When will we learn?

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