Eavesdropping #2

Location: Corner of 52nd Street and Sixth Ave, Manhattan

Construction worker on cell phone: So did you go through the whole ceremony?
Construction worker on cell phone: Yeah. You know. They bring you in and you kneel down and they tap you on both shoulders with a tomahawk.

22 Comments on “Eavesdropping #2

  1. Wouldn’t you just LOVE to know where they got a tomahawk in Manhattan? Barneys?
    Posted by: Juliette

  2. OK – is this a normal conversation overheard in NY? I’ve only been there once, and most of the people I saw were tourists in town for the Macy’s parade.

    Here in Seattle, the most exciting conversation you probably hear is someone speaking in dork-a-nese and talking about something you totally don’t understand.

    I’m jealous. But I have great hair today, thanks to you 🙂
    Posted by: Libby

  3. Wouldn’t you just LOVE to know where they got a tomahawk in Manhattan? Barneys?
    Posted by: Juliette

  4. OK – is this a normal conversation overheard in NY? I’ve only been there once, and most of the people I saw were tourists in town for the Macy’s parade.

    Here in Seattle, the most exciting conversation you probably hear is someone speaking in dork-a-nese and talking about something you totally don’t understand.

    I’m jealous. But I have great hair today, thanks to you 🙂
    Posted by: Libby

  5. Good one! Anyone who bemoans the proliferation of cell phones in the world would do well to reflect on how much better eavesdropping has become as a result.
    Posted by: anne

  6. You overhear the most intriguing conversations. I usually get the insipid “What are you doing? I was like, you know, blah blah blah blah…”

    Fascinating factoid: back when bridges and skyscrapers were regularly being built in NYC, Native Americans were routinely hired as steelworkers as they apparently have possess the ability to walk on high steel beams with uncommon grace and aplomb. Yes, I’m a geek. I admit this.
    Posted by: regina

  7. *sigh* your city has way more interesting conversations than mine…
    Posted by: brenda in toronto

  8. Good one! Anyone who bemoans the proliferation of cell phones in the world would do well to reflect on how much better eavesdropping has become as a result.
    Posted by: anne

  9. You overhear the most intriguing conversations. I usually get the insipid “What are you doing? I was like, you know, blah blah blah blah…”

    Fascinating factoid: back when bridges and skyscrapers were regularly being built in NYC, Native Americans were routinely hired as steelworkers as they apparently have possess the ability to walk on high steel beams with uncommon grace and aplomb. Yes, I’m a geek. I admit this.
    Posted by: regina

  10. *sigh* your city has way more interesting conversations than mine…
    Posted by: brenda in toronto

  11. Yeah, isn’t that normal? My boyfriend heard two bums @ Madison Square talking, and one said something about….. “yeah, and I know one thing’s for sure: I want my fucking pants back!” I can’t remember the rest…. Good stuff.
    Posted by: StephieP

  12. Yeah, isn’t that normal? My boyfriend heard two bums @ Madison Square talking, and one said something about….. “yeah, and I know one thing’s for sure: I want my fucking pants back!” I can’t remember the rest…. Good stuff.
    Posted by: StephieP

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