Feeling a good deal better

though not entirely healthy yet. But it’s been long enough that I’m fairly confident I’m no longer contagious. A good feeling in and of itself, as I don’t enjoy going out into the world with the sense that I’m dropping bits of disease in my wake.

There’s some stuff going on (or rather pointedly not going on) on the publishing front, and I’ve been formulating a post on it, talking to you guys in my head about it, but haven’t yet had the time or strength of will to sit down and write it. In the next day or two I’ll do it. I never think about posts ahead of time like that, but this is kind of a big one, revealing something that matters to me more than I tend to here, and I’m nervous about it. But declaring now my intention to do so, because I think it’s important that I do. I’ve even gotten permission to quote emails from two of the involved parties.

So much thought for a blog post surely bodes ill, but there you have it.

On the more positive front of things going very very well, we have the current novel-in-progress. I had this mini-epiphany the other day. One that seems, in retrospect, almost embarrassingly obvious. But that’s the way with epiphanies, isn’t it?

I realized that, as a writer of fiction, I am not beholden to historical fact. There. Obvious, right? I told you. But I was feeling so cowed by the history of the current novel, so tied to getting it “right” and to “what happened,” and I entirely forgot my right (my imperative?) to take whatever kernels of history that suited the story I wanted to tell and use them as a jumping off point to…you know… make shit up. Make shit up in order to tell the story I want to tell in a more true way than actual fact can do. Why is it so easy to forget that bit? I was so hung up on something that I’m actually not required to do. That I would do best NOT to do. So big relief there, and with big reliefs come big spurts of productivity, and the novel is trotting along nicely now. I’m optimistic about finishing the first draft by the beginning of the summer, and having a draft ready to submit to my agent by the end of the year.

But you know how things go. We’ll see.

Remind me to also tell you about the Grace Paley effect. I’ve been busy at the keyboard.

Which means precious little knitting. Remember how I thought Trilce II would be done…oh…a month ago? Yeah. I’ve been doing the raglan decreases of the yoke for about a decade now. The pattern had been done and tech edited and test knitted for ages. I really should just release it. But I feel like I want to finish this one last version first, and so there you have it.

And that’s all the rambling I can manage for today, as the kiddo is bound to wake from his nap any minute now.

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20 Comments on “Feeling a good deal better

  1. um – did you mean “affect” or “effect” when you were invoking the name of Grace Paley?
    … just curious …
    Posted by: m

  2. um – did you mean “affect” or “effect” when you were invoking the name of Grace Paley?
    … just curious …
    Posted by: m

  3. yay for epiphanies, and also right here to receive that post on the publishing things, when you’re ready.
    Posted by: marrije

  4. If you feel anything this morning, it’s me sending you positive publishing vibes your way. I can’t wait for the big reveal.

    (although, I initially typed “plushing”. Don’t know what it means, but I thought it was too cool a word just delete)

    BTW, I finally started my own blog. I’m still working out the kinks, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it evolves.


    Posted by: Megan

  5. glad you’re feeling better. if a serious dose of biscuits will give you the fortitude to put together that publishing related post, you just give me a holler…
    Posted by: heather

  6. I’m looking forward to your post, which sounds odd, but I think you know why! You write so honestly about this process and I find it hard to do so, now that my anonymity is gone.

    And I hear you on the knitting front too; I’m on the same project forever, and my blog has definitely suffered. But the writing does take over and that’s ultimately how it is supposed to be. I had the same realization about history with my book #1 (gah) – I tried for so long to make it close to personal history (my mother’s) until finally a professor yelled at me to quit it. It was liberating, really – and funny how it so obvious but hard to take.

    I owe ya an email too! Anyway – glad you are feeling better. Keep on with your bad self! 🙂
    Posted by: Tina

  7. yay for epiphanies, and also right here to receive that post on the publishing things, when you’re ready.
    Posted by: marrije

  8. If you feel anything this morning, it’s me sending you positive publishing vibes your way. I can’t wait for the big reveal.

    (although, I initially typed “plushing”. Don’t know what it means, but I thought it was too cool a word just delete)

    BTW, I finally started my own blog. I’m still working out the kinks, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it evolves.


    Posted by: Megan

  9. glad you’re feeling better. if a serious dose of biscuits will give you the fortitude to put together that publishing related post, you just give me a holler…
    Posted by: heather

  10. I’m looking forward to your post, which sounds odd, but I think you know why! You write so honestly about this process and I find it hard to do so, now that my anonymity is gone.

    And I hear you on the knitting front too; I’m on the same project forever, and my blog has definitely suffered. But the writing does take over and that’s ultimately how it is supposed to be. I had the same realization about history with my book #1 (gah) – I tried for so long to make it close to personal history (my mother’s) until finally a professor yelled at me to quit it. It was liberating, really – and funny how it so obvious but hard to take.

    I owe ya an email too! Anyway – glad you are feeling better. Keep on with your bad self! 🙂
    Posted by: Tina

  11. Dying to know all. And good on you for the epiphany. I hate how obvious they are once you finally have them, but that IS the way, isn’t it?
    Posted by: Rachael

  12. I’m eagerly anticipating the release of your bit of news and the trilce pattern too! No pressure though…I can wait 🙂
    Posted by: knittripps

  13. glad to hear you are feeling better. we missed you on wednesday!

    i’ll be sending out the email soon about arranging our next knitting adventure. 🙂
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  14. Dying to know all. And good on you for the epiphany. I hate how obvious they are once you finally have them, but that IS the way, isn’t it?
    Posted by: Rachael

  15. I’m eagerly anticipating the release of your bit of news and the trilce pattern too! No pressure though…I can wait 🙂
    Posted by: knittripps

  16. glad to hear you are feeling better. we missed you on wednesday!

    i’ll be sending out the email soon about arranging our next knitting adventure. 🙂
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

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