Happy Birthday to Me!

36th birthday

I’m thirty-six today. Thirty-five was oddly traumatic. Thirty-six feels pretty good.

The kiddo’s in playgroup and I’m headed to Goodwill to spend my birthday discount, and then enjoy a childfree lunch with a friend. After that, maybe a nap. Ah, this wild, wild life of mine!

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44 Comments on “Happy Birthday to Me!

  1. Happy Birthday! You have now spent half of your life as an adult! Live it up with the childfree lunch. I know how rare it is to eat a meal with out picking mac and cheese off the floor.

  2. Happy Birthday, Cari! Rrrr!
    I got a card on my birthday that said “Yours is one of the few birthdays I don’t need a facebook reminder to remember.” Well, yours is one of those for me 🙂

  3. 36 is double chai– so it has to be good, right? So far so good for me, and you know how hard 35 sucked for me.

  4. I love that smile! I loved being 36. It seemed somehow special, different than any other year. Maybe I just wanted it to be. We’ll see how 37 is. Happy Birthday!

  5. sounds like a perfect way to spend the day celebrating. it is only after kids come that one truly appreciates what the words ‘me time’ mean.

    happy happy birthday, lovely lady. a few days late.

  6. Happy Birthday Cari! I hope you had a fabulous day.

    When I was in Portland, 2 weeks ago now, I popped into a Goodwill and was pleasantly surprised to find a really nice chic shop! Here in Edmonton they lean alitte towards the junky.

    take care

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