Hear that?
It’s the sound of the last quiet moments before the electricians descend and the work really gets started around here. They did the preliminary eval. work the other week. Today is the day the holes appear in the walls, the lights start flickering, and the packs of men named Tony and Joe arrive in workboots. You know what that means? It means we’re one step closer to having the work done and our stuff out of storage. It also means it’ll be kinda hectic and noisy around here for a few weeks. Billy and I will be fine (well, Billy will be at work when the crew is here. I’ll be fine). The dogs, though, I’m thinking they might be asking to visit their gramma in Jersey after a few days of it. We’ll see how they hold up. They’ll be closed up in Billy’s office for safety, of course.
Inspired by Shobhana’s recent fit of concentrated knitting, I thought I’d try some knitting monogamy and just spend all my knitting time on Rosedale until it was done. Good idea, right? But then Alison tempted me with her adorable Kittyville hat. I cast on for one last night, using supersoft Reynolds Andean Alpaca Regal. Three-ply bulky alpaca, baby. It feels like a kitten. Rather fitting, given the pattern, no? I’m up to the point of decreasing now, but I’ have a ton of work to do today, so I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to finish it tonight. I hope I can. The temperature’s supposed to drop down to ridiculous again tonight and I wouldn’t mind having some toasty alpaca goodness with earflaps and kitty ears to keep me warm.
ya gotta wonder what’s up w/ new york being cold and chicago being balmy and pleasant. i am sooo wanting to make one of those hats too, maybe i’ll pick up some yarn for one at threadbear on friday…
Posted by: carolyn
we just had our old wiring replaced last October, And the plumbing a few months before that. It was hectic and the animals balked, but it was worth it.
Posted by: max
Oh, this is so exciting!
I have yarn saved for a Kittyville hat as well. Maybe I should just go ahead and get that done already. Like the alpaca gloves I have yet to make.
As for the weather, I might as well be back in Minnesota.
Posted by: Em
Helo canadian friend, how are you ?
My name is Evander, im brazilian. I have a blog too and i am journalist. Of here there 5 years, more or less, i desire live in Canada for to study english. Hence, i need to make canadians friends. In the future you can help me something. Off course anything if you to need of me, i help you too. If you desire go to Brazil, for exemple, will stay here for accept you. My blog have a version in english and you can to send in my blog. The adress is http://www.pop.com.br/popblog. Go in the search (in portuguese: busca) and write mpb. Send in the blog blog sobre mpb, arte e cultura) . Attention for no to send in mistake blog ! Look the order of the characters.
A big embrace
Posted by: Evander
Helo canadian friend! What’s up with this guy? He got me too. Grr.
Anyway, yay for Kittyville hats. If it’s cold over there, you definitely need alpaca earflaps. Plus you can wear it while you work and the earflaps will block out some of the noise of your exciting renovations!
Posted by: alison
ya gotta wonder what’s up w/ new york being cold and chicago being balmy and pleasant. i am sooo wanting to make one of those hats too, maybe i’ll pick up some yarn for one at threadbear on friday…
Posted by: carolyn
we just had our old wiring replaced last October, And the plumbing a few months before that. It was hectic and the animals balked, but it was worth it.
Posted by: max
Oh, this is so exciting!
I have yarn saved for a Kittyville hat as well. Maybe I should just go ahead and get that done already. Like the alpaca gloves I have yet to make.
As for the weather, I might as well be back in Minnesota.
Posted by: Em
Helo canadian friend, how are you ?
My name is Evander, im brazilian. I have a blog too and i am journalist. Of here there 5 years, more or less, i desire live in Canada for to study english. Hence, i need to make canadians friends. In the future you can help me something. Off course anything if you to need of me, i help you too. If you desire go to Brazil, for exemple, will stay here for accept you. My blog have a version in english and you can to send in my blog. The adress is http://www.pop.com.br/popblog. Go in the search (in portuguese: busca) and write mpb. Send in the blog blog sobre mpb, arte e cultura) . Attention for no to send in mistake blog ! Look the order of the characters.
A big embrace
Posted by: Evander
Helo canadian friend! What’s up with this guy? He got me too. Grr.
Anyway, yay for Kittyville hats. If it’s cold over there, you definitely need alpaca earflaps. Plus you can wear it while you work and the earflaps will block out some of the noise of your exciting renovations!
Posted by: alison