Here we go with the canned meat again

I just deleted 96 spam comments from yesterday’s St Vincent post, and closed the comments on that and all previous posts to keep the little buggers from getting in again. Once they find an opening, they hit it again and again, so…

So it comes back to that Word Press migration again. David’s all ready to go and I even have a new banner, thanks to Xina. I just haven’t had the chance to make a template for the free patterns and move those over. When I have a moment, the last thing I want to do is tinker around with code, which I’m not terribly good with, but I guess it’s time to buckle down and get that done. Or spend the rest of my days deleting comment spam.

Attempted yesterday to get back to my regularly scheduled Wednesday evening writing, but chose the wrong cafe (loud techno and dim lights and a counter guy who annoyed me by flirting and doing a magic trick with my change). I had walked there, and headed home, thinking to pick up the car to go to a different place that wasn’t a walk away. Billy and Thumper already had the car, were out having adventures, and when I called Billy he suggested they could pick me up and drop me off at this other place. Big mistake. As soon as I got into the car, I knew there would be no escape. Thumper has been having a rough time, with all four eye teeth coming in, and he had no interest in me leaving again. We all headed home for dinner and I had to give up on the writing. I get to try again tonight. Certainly won’t be going back to the House O’ Techno Y Java. Ugh. Who plays loud music in a cafe full of people working on laptops on a Wednesday evening? Or am I getting really really old?

28 Comments on “Here we go with the canned meat again

  1. I ask myself that all the time. 6 months ago I was doing some volunteer work, facilitating grant writing workshops for youth. When I got there, they had the youth set up at computers with really loud hip hop BLARING, typing away at their grants. Really, GRANT writing with a soundtrack?!?!?
    Posted by: Kim

  2. It reminds me of people in college who did their homework at the local bars. I can concentrate with low music of MY choice, maybe some background murmur, but music/smoke/loud chatter/alcohol? No, thank you. And I’m turning 30 in may, so it’s not your age. 🙂
    Posted by: Karen

  3. Bummer about the spam. As for the music, I don’t understand it, but then I AM old.
    Posted by: Celia

  4. Our knit group recently tried out a new cafe and the music (techno) was too loud and it was really dark in there. My reaction was that it was too hip for me. It didn’t occur to me that I am getting old!
    Posted by: Knittripps

  5. I ask myself that all the time. 6 months ago I was doing some volunteer work, facilitating grant writing workshops for youth. When I got there, they had the youth set up at computers with really loud hip hop BLARING, typing away at their grants. Really, GRANT writing with a soundtrack?!?!?
    Posted by: Kim

  6. It reminds me of people in college who did their homework at the local bars. I can concentrate with low music of MY choice, maybe some background murmur, but music/smoke/loud chatter/alcohol? No, thank you. And I’m turning 30 in may, so it’s not your age. 🙂
    Posted by: Karen

  7. Bummer about the spam. As for the music, I don’t understand it, but then I AM old.
    Posted by: Celia

  8. Our knit group recently tried out a new cafe and the music (techno) was too loud and it was really dark in there. My reaction was that it was too hip for me. It didn’t occur to me that I am getting old!
    Posted by: Knittripps

  9. do you have a mac? i only ask because instead of having your patterns in HTML, you could make PDFs of them from your original files (like word files) and just link to them.. you can even put them on ravelry now! fun! let me know if you need tips. it’s super easy.
    Posted by: gleek

  10. so no techno on the 12th…noted. 😉

    or is techno okay when knitting? make you knit faster?
    Posted by: shanny in oregon

  11. If you’re getting old, then I am too. I can’t stand hipster cafes. Who wants to drink coffee in a bloody nightclub atmosphere anyway?
    Posted by: Phoe

  12. Ah, the ever-elusive “clean, well-lighted place.” We’ll have to add *quiet* to that list.
    Posted by: Emily

  13. do you have a mac? i only ask because instead of having your patterns in HTML, you could make PDFs of them from your original files (like word files) and just link to them.. you can even put them on ravelry now! fun! let me know if you need tips. it’s super easy.
    Posted by: gleek

  14. so no techno on the 12th…noted. 😉

    or is techno okay when knitting? make you knit faster?
    Posted by: shanny in oregon

  15. If you’re getting old, then I am too. I can’t stand hipster cafes. Who wants to drink coffee in a bloody nightclub atmosphere anyway?
    Posted by: Phoe

  16. Ah, the ever-elusive “clean, well-lighted place.” We’ll have to add *quiet* to that list.
    Posted by: Emily

  17. Not old, just sane. That would be a nightmare environment for writing – I’m all about a couch and very, very soft music (that I admit I listen to in a continuous loop). Hope the next night went well!
    Posted by: Aura

  18. Hi there! I’m sorry to post this on this entry but I wanted to ask you about your Positive Negative socks and the comments on that one are closed.

    I’m new to sock knitting and I really like the rolled top! My question is this: do you do anything to stop the rolling? Or do you just keep knitting stockinette and it eventually stops curling?

    Thanks for your help! I love your blog and you are a most talented writer!

    Posted by: Lynn

  19. Hi there! I’m sorry to post this on this entry but I wanted to ask you about your Positive Negative socks and the comments on that one are closed.

    I’m new to sock knitting and I really like the rolled top! My question is this: do you do anything to stop the rolling? Or do you just keep knitting stockinette and it eventually stops curling?

    Thanks for your help! I love your blog and you are a most talented writer!

    Posted by: Lynn

  20. I’ve been wondering the same thing myself. I go to a cafe to chat with a friend, read a book, or do some work–none of which do well with loud blaring music. I guess I’m not sure why blaring music is the “in” thing. My knitting group used pick different places to knit. We found one place that we liked, except the music was out-of-control loud. When I asked if they could turn it down they said that it was “company policy” to have it as loud as possible. I don’t know if they were serious or making fun of me but we never went back.
    Posted by: Jeanne

  21. Not old, just sane. That would be a nightmare environment for writing – I’m all about a couch and very, very soft music (that I admit I listen to in a continuous loop). Hope the next night went well!
    Posted by: Aura

  22. Hi there! I’m sorry to post this on this entry but I wanted to ask you about your Positive Negative socks and the comments on that one are closed.

    I’m new to sock knitting and I really like the rolled top! My question is this: do you do anything to stop the rolling? Or do you just keep knitting stockinette and it eventually stops curling?

    Thanks for your help! I love your blog and you are a most talented writer!

    Posted by: Lynn

  23. Hi there! I’m sorry to post this on this entry but I wanted to ask you about your Positive Negative socks and the comments on that one are closed.

    I’m new to sock knitting and I really like the rolled top! My question is this: do you do anything to stop the rolling? Or do you just keep knitting stockinette and it eventually stops curling?

    Thanks for your help! I love your blog and you are a most talented writer!

    Posted by: Lynn

  24. I’ve been wondering the same thing myself. I go to a cafe to chat with a friend, read a book, or do some work–none of which do well with loud blaring music. I guess I’m not sure why blaring music is the “in” thing. My knitting group used pick different places to knit. We found one place that we liked, except the music was out-of-control loud. When I asked if they could turn it down they said that it was “company policy” to have it as loud as possible. I don’t know if they were serious or making fun of me but we never went back.
    Posted by: Jeanne

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