I blogged too soon

Through no fault of Juno’s or Sadie’s, it isn’t working out between them. But we’re certain–more than ever in the days since she left–that we can’t keep Sadie. I’ve emailed IG rescue. She’ll be placed with a good, pre-screened home.

If I’m so sure I’m doing the right thing, why do I feel like shit? I’m ashamed at how judgmental I used to be of people who surrendered their dogs to rescue.

Poor Sadie…

I feel so damn guilty right now.

110 Comments on “I blogged too soon

  1. the whole thing truly sucks. but you’re doing what you’re doing not because you’re selfish or because you don’t care about sadie, but because you love her and you want what’s best for her. that’s incredibly important and no one can fault you for that.
    Posted by: heather

  2. the whole thing truly sucks. but you’re doing what you’re doing not because you’re selfish or because you don’t care about sadie, but because you love her and you want what’s best for her. that’s incredibly important and no one can fault you for that.
    Posted by: heather

  3. The number of people who do as you’ve done, and planned out their pet’s transfer to a new home carefully, responsibly, and with a great deal of love and the animal’s best interest at heart, is still an unfortunate minority. Thank you for writing about what must be a really difficult process for you — I think that by doing so you are serving as an excellent model of responsible pet ownership.
    Posted by: Sarah

  4. Well – relationships with animals are like relationships with people – sometimes they just don’t work out despite our best efforts. Too bad I’m not closer or I would see if she might fit in with my too Iggy’s. 🙁
    Posted by: stephanie

  5. Try not to feel guilty. She was acting out because she wasn’t happy, right? You’re giving her a chance to find a home she’d be happy with. What’s she gonna do, put out a personal ad? Search the classifieds? No. She needs you to send her to a rescue organization where she can find a place where she’ll be happy. It’s the kindest thing you could do.

    The simple fact is, you deserve a family bed that is urine free. And though our pets are members of our family, humans outrank dogs. Someone will take her in and love her and it will all work out.
    Posted by: Jenn

  6. Listen, you are doing the best for all involved. Best for Sadie, best for Thumper, and, while you may not feel this way right now, best for you.

    What’s the alternative? Bringing her back home? You know how much of a strain it has been – and how relieved you were when Sadie left – can you imagine going back to watching her like a hawk every time she was in the room with Thumper?

    I got my (now departed, but much beloved) corgi from breed rescue – they do a FANTASTIC job of matching the right dog with the right home.

    All that aside, I know how sucky you must feel right now. And it’s okay to wallow in it for a bit.

    But seriously, you are absolutely doing the right thing.
    Posted by: Dina

  7. You feel like shit because you love her, and you’re a caring and thoughtful and kind human being. This isn’t easy, but it IS the right thing.

    I wish telling you not to feel guilty would let you stop feeling it, but I know it won’t. I’m sorry sweetheart.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  8. Oh, I am so sorry. I can’t even begin to fathom how you must be feeling but you have to remember that you must do what is best for you, your baby AND Sadie. It wouldn’t be fair to any of you if you kept her and none of you were happy.

    Hang in there.
    Posted by: knittingnurse

  9. I’m so sorry. I feel bad now begging for a Sadie story on Juno’s blog. So many of the things you had written about her reminded me of Belu and her personality, so I had high hopes…it’s complicated. Anyway, she’ll get there.

    It’s got to be so hard. Working in animal rescue, I could go on and on about this issue, so I won’t, but you know that what feels right is right when it comes to this sort of thing.

    I hope Sadie finds her perfect home soon so that will be one less thing on your mind.
    Posted by: Wendy

  10. Oh, sweetie. I’m so terribly sorry. Guilt doesn’t do anyone any good, though you feel what you feel. I wish I could help in some way. Sending lots of love your way.
    Posted by: regina

  11. What everyone else said ! Don’t feel guilty for doing the right thing. When Oliver came home, after six weeks in Special care, five weeks before his due date [!!!], he weighed five pounds and was tube fed. It very soon became clear that our much loved and very spoilt seven cats had to go. I was pumping, changing gastric tubes, etc. and had no time for them. They were deeply unhappy. It was the only thing to do. I don’t feel guilty. I know that we gave them a very happy life with us. Things change, life moves on and Thumper must be your number one priority.
    You know, the hardest thing for me was that some ”friends” stopped talking to me over it ! Being a Mama means taking care of your chick.
    What’s right in your heart is right for you.

    Posted by: Emma

  12. Loving pet owners have to make difficult decisions, like finding a home where their pet will be happier. Hang in there.
    Posted by: Jen S

  13. You are a good person, and a wonderful Pet Parent. Don’t feel bad, all you can do is what is best for you both. The rescue group will be able to find a wonderful home for her, and she will thank you for caring so much about her. It will all be well in the end, don’t worry!
    Posted by: Nicole

  14. You feel like shit because you care about her. Which is why you’re doing this – to give her a home that she’ll be happy in. Don’t feel guilty, you’re doing the right thing.
    Posted by: Mary

  15. Think about it this way–you know that you will be happier in Portland so you’ve taken actions to change the place you live. Well it seems to me that Sadie was doing just the same thing. Although transition is painful, you’ll both find happiness in your new homes even though you’ll miss the old one.
    Posted by: Karen

  16. You let go of a family member.
    It will always hurt.
    I still hurt thinking about a cat we had to give away when we moved to the UK.
    Posted by: Alison

  17. I’m so sorry, Cari. Sending you good thoughts – I know they will place her in a great home. It’s going to work out – hang in there. And even though it hurts, you are doing the right thing. It’s just not the easiest thing.

    Hugs to you and your family.
    Posted by: Carrie

  18. The number of people who do as you’ve done, and planned out their pet’s transfer to a new home carefully, responsibly, and with a great deal of love and the animal’s best interest at heart, is still an unfortunate minority. Thank you for writing about what must be a really difficult process for you — I think that by doing so you are serving as an excellent model of responsible pet ownership.
    Posted by: Sarah

  19. Well – relationships with animals are like relationships with people – sometimes they just don’t work out despite our best efforts. Too bad I’m not closer or I would see if she might fit in with my too Iggy’s. 🙁
    Posted by: stephanie

  20. Try not to feel guilty. She was acting out because she wasn’t happy, right? You’re giving her a chance to find a home she’d be happy with. What’s she gonna do, put out a personal ad? Search the classifieds? No. She needs you to send her to a rescue organization where she can find a place where she’ll be happy. It’s the kindest thing you could do.

    The simple fact is, you deserve a family bed that is urine free. And though our pets are members of our family, humans outrank dogs. Someone will take her in and love her and it will all work out.
    Posted by: Jenn

  21. Listen, you are doing the best for all involved. Best for Sadie, best for Thumper, and, while you may not feel this way right now, best for you.

    What’s the alternative? Bringing her back home? You know how much of a strain it has been – and how relieved you were when Sadie left – can you imagine going back to watching her like a hawk every time she was in the room with Thumper?

    I got my (now departed, but much beloved) corgi from breed rescue – they do a FANTASTIC job of matching the right dog with the right home.

    All that aside, I know how sucky you must feel right now. And it’s okay to wallow in it for a bit.

    But seriously, you are absolutely doing the right thing.
    Posted by: Dina

  22. You feel like shit because you love her, and you’re a caring and thoughtful and kind human being. This isn’t easy, but it IS the right thing.

    I wish telling you not to feel guilty would let you stop feeling it, but I know it won’t. I’m sorry sweetheart.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  23. Oh, I am so sorry. I can’t even begin to fathom how you must be feeling but you have to remember that you must do what is best for you, your baby AND Sadie. It wouldn’t be fair to any of you if you kept her and none of you were happy.

    Hang in there.
    Posted by: knittingnurse

  24. I’m so sorry. I feel bad now begging for a Sadie story on Juno’s blog. So many of the things you had written about her reminded me of Belu and her personality, so I had high hopes…it’s complicated. Anyway, she’ll get there.

    It’s got to be so hard. Working in animal rescue, I could go on and on about this issue, so I won’t, but you know that what feels right is right when it comes to this sort of thing.

    I hope Sadie finds her perfect home soon so that will be one less thing on your mind.
    Posted by: Wendy

  25. Oh, sweetie. I’m so terribly sorry. Guilt doesn’t do anyone any good, though you feel what you feel. I wish I could help in some way. Sending lots of love your way.
    Posted by: regina

  26. What everyone else said ! Don’t feel guilty for doing the right thing. When Oliver came home, after six weeks in Special care, five weeks before his due date [!!!], he weighed five pounds and was tube fed. It very soon became clear that our much loved and very spoilt seven cats had to go. I was pumping, changing gastric tubes, etc. and had no time for them. They were deeply unhappy. It was the only thing to do. I don’t feel guilty. I know that we gave them a very happy life with us. Things change, life moves on and Thumper must be your number one priority.
    You know, the hardest thing for me was that some ”friends” stopped talking to me over it ! Being a Mama means taking care of your chick.
    What’s right in your heart is right for you.

    Posted by: Emma

  27. Loving pet owners have to make difficult decisions, like finding a home where their pet will be happier. Hang in there.
    Posted by: Jen S

  28. You are a good person, and a wonderful Pet Parent. Don’t feel bad, all you can do is what is best for you both. The rescue group will be able to find a wonderful home for her, and she will thank you for caring so much about her. It will all be well in the end, don’t worry!
    Posted by: Nicole

  29. You feel like shit because you care about her. Which is why you’re doing this – to give her a home that she’ll be happy in. Don’t feel guilty, you’re doing the right thing.
    Posted by: Mary

  30. Think about it this way–you know that you will be happier in Portland so you’ve taken actions to change the place you live. Well it seems to me that Sadie was doing just the same thing. Although transition is painful, you’ll both find happiness in your new homes even though you’ll miss the old one.
    Posted by: Karen

  31. You let go of a family member.
    It will always hurt.
    I still hurt thinking about a cat we had to give away when we moved to the UK.
    Posted by: Alison

  32. I’m so sorry, Cari. Sending you good thoughts – I know they will place her in a great home. It’s going to work out – hang in there. And even though it hurts, you are doing the right thing. It’s just not the easiest thing.

    Hugs to you and your family.
    Posted by: Carrie

  33. Not to sound harsh but I’ve been there done that. IT’s so hard but you have to just do what’s best for your family. We found out when the boy was 2.5 (he’s now 8) that he was allergic to both of our dogs. That was one of the saddest things we ever had to do. Give yourself a break. Okay? You’re doing the right thing.

    Good luck with selling the house too. John told me today that you were moving. I think you have enough on your plate right now so don’t add guilt on top of that!
    Posted by: scout

  34. My daughter has asthma and we had to place our remaining cat before we came to Canada in case she was allergic. We could not test before age 8, and she was 4…but no matter what the results would be four years later (we still haven’t tested yet), I could not take the chance that the cat hair aggravated the asthma. It sucked. But she came first. Sigh.

    It hurts a lot, I know. But as everyone else has said, sometimes the right thing doesn’t feel good. Lots of love to you during this difficult time.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  35. I’m sure there’s nothing I can say to make you feel better so all I will say is that I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I wish I could help.
    Posted by: Carole

  36. You only know so many people, and the rescue people have a far greater network of good loving homes than you could come up with through your own network of friends. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to feel guilty. You’re doing this for her, not for yourself.
    Posted by: jodi

  37. All I can offer is a “yeah, what they all said,” and a huuuuge hug. And one for Sadie and one for Juno, too. It is just so hard. SO.HARD. We all understand. Many of us have been there, done that.

    Posted by: Norma

  38. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out with Juno. But, things aren’t going well with Sadie at your house, so you’re not copping out. You’re trying to find a better home for her. That’s not bad–that’s incredibly kind and loving. I know how awful it feels, but you’re doing the right thing.
    Posted by: Jeanne

  39. It would have been so much worse if she’d snapped at the baby and bitten him in doing it, and you simply cannot keep a dog that might bite a child because they’re stressed by the child. Better that she be in a place where a) there’s no risk that a kid will be hurt and b) she won’t feel stressed to the point where she is behaving in a dangerous manner.

    You are still doing the right thing, and you’re still being incredibly responsible about it. Good for you.
    Posted by: Heather

  40. Everyone’s been so reassuring, there’s nothing left I can add. But I do not judge you harshly on this. If things have worked out while she was gone, then that’s proof that things are better for both of you if she’s in another home, a good home.
    Posted by: Kit

  41. One thing I’ve learned the hard way is that even when you do the right thing in a difficult situation, things can still not work out and you can still feel like crap. But you *still* did the right thing. Remember that. And know that keeping Sadie would be the wrong thing for all involved. Sadie included.
    Posted by: Romi

  42. Just think how happy Sadie will be when she is placed with a family that’s perfect for her. This way you will all be so much happier. You’re protecting your pup as she would protect hers.

    Posted by: Janet

  43. There are people who simply “ditch” their unwanted pets, like garbage. There are people who are just “tired” of being parents to their fur-babies, and discard them like used Kleenex when the whim takes them.

    This. Is. Not. You.

    And that, dear one, is why you feel like shit. This would be easy if you were one of “those” people. But you’re not. And we’re glad you’re not.

    You’re doing the right thing. Even though it feels like an endless black hole of misery – you’re doing the right thing. For ALL of you.

    Virtual hugs coming atcha, OK? Hang in there! Be strong, for all your sakes…
    Posted by: Mother Chaos

  44. Well, hon, unfortunately doing the right thing can sometimes be painful. I mean, if the right thing always made us feel good, we would always do what is right. This is not the case. Please, try to not spend too much time or energy on feeling ashamed at the way you have thought of others in the past who have surrendered a pet to rescue. You now have greater understanding. Staying mired in shame is not helpful. Learning and moving on will be far more productive. Another reason you are feeling this way is because you are experiencing a loss. Even though it is the best option for your family (I’m including pets, of course), it is a loss.
    Posted by: Sarah

  45. You can’t have a jealous dog around a child. It’ll only be a matter of time before the baby gets chomped on and then you’ll really feel guilt.

    You are doing the right thing for your family at this time. Unfortunately doing the right thing doesn’t make it easy.
    Posted by: Diane

  46. I’m so sorry you are going through this and especially at this very hectic time.
    Posted by: Karen

  47. I don’t comment here often, but I do have to this time:

    don’t feel guilty. Or at least, try not to.

    You care, and a lotta time it hurts to care. It sucks, but that’s the way life is.

    What you are doing is best for Sadie. You hurt because you love her, and when you love someone and you have to do something hard but RIGHT for the loved one (like letting them go), it hurts. But you’re doing what’s best for her.

    If you had sent her to a shelter where they held dogs for 72 hours and then put them down, if you had taken her to the vet and told him to put her down (and yeah, I’ve known people to do that – having a healthy animal killed because it became “inconvenient”), THEN you’d be justified in feeling guilty.

    Here’s a big hope that just the right person for Sadie comes along, and she has a great life with them.
    Posted by: fillyjonk

  48. Not to sound harsh but I’ve been there done that. IT’s so hard but you have to just do what’s best for your family. We found out when the boy was 2.5 (he’s now 8) that he was allergic to both of our dogs. That was one of the saddest things we ever had to do. Give yourself a break. Okay? You’re doing the right thing.

    Good luck with selling the house too. John told me today that you were moving. I think you have enough on your plate right now so don’t add guilt on top of that!
    Posted by: scout

  49. My daughter has asthma and we had to place our remaining cat before we came to Canada in case she was allergic. We could not test before age 8, and she was 4…but no matter what the results would be four years later (we still haven’t tested yet), I could not take the chance that the cat hair aggravated the asthma. It sucked. But she came first. Sigh.

    It hurts a lot, I know. But as everyone else has said, sometimes the right thing doesn’t feel good. Lots of love to you during this difficult time.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  50. I’m sure there’s nothing I can say to make you feel better so all I will say is that I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I wish I could help.
    Posted by: Carole

  51. You only know so many people, and the rescue people have a far greater network of good loving homes than you could come up with through your own network of friends. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to feel guilty. You’re doing this for her, not for yourself.
    Posted by: jodi

  52. All I can offer is a “yeah, what they all said,” and a huuuuge hug. And one for Sadie and one for Juno, too. It is just so hard. SO.HARD. We all understand. Many of us have been there, done that.

    Posted by: Norma

  53. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out with Juno. But, things aren’t going well with Sadie at your house, so you’re not copping out. You’re trying to find a better home for her. That’s not bad–that’s incredibly kind and loving. I know how awful it feels, but you’re doing the right thing.
    Posted by: Jeanne

  54. It would have been so much worse if she’d snapped at the baby and bitten him in doing it, and you simply cannot keep a dog that might bite a child because they’re stressed by the child. Better that she be in a place where a) there’s no risk that a kid will be hurt and b) she won’t feel stressed to the point where she is behaving in a dangerous manner.

    You are still doing the right thing, and you’re still being incredibly responsible about it. Good for you.
    Posted by: Heather

  55. Everyone’s been so reassuring, there’s nothing left I can add. But I do not judge you harshly on this. If things have worked out while she was gone, then that’s proof that things are better for both of you if she’s in another home, a good home.
    Posted by: Kit

  56. One thing I’ve learned the hard way is that even when you do the right thing in a difficult situation, things can still not work out and you can still feel like crap. But you *still* did the right thing. Remember that. And know that keeping Sadie would be the wrong thing for all involved. Sadie included.
    Posted by: Romi

  57. Just think how happy Sadie will be when she is placed with a family that’s perfect for her. This way you will all be so much happier. You’re protecting your pup as she would protect hers.

    Posted by: Janet

  58. There are people who simply “ditch” their unwanted pets, like garbage. There are people who are just “tired” of being parents to their fur-babies, and discard them like used Kleenex when the whim takes them.

    This. Is. Not. You.

    And that, dear one, is why you feel like shit. This would be easy if you were one of “those” people. But you’re not. And we’re glad you’re not.

    You’re doing the right thing. Even though it feels like an endless black hole of misery – you’re doing the right thing. For ALL of you.

    Virtual hugs coming atcha, OK? Hang in there! Be strong, for all your sakes…
    Posted by: Mother Chaos

  59. Well, hon, unfortunately doing the right thing can sometimes be painful. I mean, if the right thing always made us feel good, we would always do what is right. This is not the case. Please, try to not spend too much time or energy on feeling ashamed at the way you have thought of others in the past who have surrendered a pet to rescue. You now have greater understanding. Staying mired in shame is not helpful. Learning and moving on will be far more productive. Another reason you are feeling this way is because you are experiencing a loss. Even though it is the best option for your family (I’m including pets, of course), it is a loss.
    Posted by: Sarah

  60. You can’t have a jealous dog around a child. It’ll only be a matter of time before the baby gets chomped on and then you’ll really feel guilt.

    You are doing the right thing for your family at this time. Unfortunately doing the right thing doesn’t make it easy.
    Posted by: Diane

  61. I’m so sorry you are going through this and especially at this very hectic time.
    Posted by: Karen

  62. I don’t comment here often, but I do have to this time:

    don’t feel guilty. Or at least, try not to.

    You care, and a lotta time it hurts to care. It sucks, but that’s the way life is.

    What you are doing is best for Sadie. You hurt because you love her, and when you love someone and you have to do something hard but RIGHT for the loved one (like letting them go), it hurts. But you’re doing what’s best for her.

    If you had sent her to a shelter where they held dogs for 72 hours and then put them down, if you had taken her to the vet and told him to put her down (and yeah, I’ve known people to do that – having a healthy animal killed because it became “inconvenient”), THEN you’d be justified in feeling guilty.

    Here’s a big hope that just the right person for Sadie comes along, and she has a great life with them.
    Posted by: fillyjonk

  63. Have no doubt — you are doing the right thing. If you didn’t care so much about Thumper AND Sadie, you wouldn’t take the time to try to find an appropriate, loving home for her. Of course this is an emotional, gut-wrenching decision. That’s more confirmation that this is the right decision.

    Sadie has been just as lucky to have found you as you are to have found her. I have no doubt that the rescue society will find another wonderful family for her.
    Posted by: Alison

  64. At least the IG rescue is an option. That’s how you found the dogs, after all, so some other lovely person will find Sadie there too. (Don’t feel guilty, but it’s OK to be sad!)
    Posted by: alison

  65. I’m so sorry. But as everyone else has said, you know you are doing the right thing for Sadie. When we gave up Tino, he went back to his breeder’s, who found a home for him. We knew that she would be careful about where he was placed, and rescue team will definitely do the same!

    It just hurts because it is someone you love. But I promise with time it will feel better!
    Posted by: patti

  66. no words to say… except that despite your feelings you are doing the best and right thing… I have been there and know the pain though.
    Posted by: stinkerbell

  67. I really feel for you. This is a hard, hard thing you are doing; but you are doing it for Sadie. She will be happy again and that should bring you some comfort. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
    Posted by: Julie

  68. Yes, it’s been said, but I’ll repeat it because repetition is a great tool for learning. Doing the right thing is often very difficult and makes us feel like crap. Good for you for being strong and doing what’s right for your family. And cut yourself a break on the judgmental thing. You can’t change the past, and you’ll do it a lot less in the future because you’re more acutely aware of it now (at least that’s what I tell myself when I catch myself being less than the person I aspire to be.) It’s a hard time, but you know you’ll get through it.

    Posted by: Janice in Camas

  69. Sadie will find the right home for her. She is a good-looking little creature, and someone is sure to love her! Heck, we’d take her if I didn’t already know she and Deedle would kill one another. I know what you mean about being judgmental to those who surrender their dogs. It’s like they didn’t try hard enough or didn’t care enough, right? It’s not until you go through it yourself, though, that you really understand. Also, it’s okay to listen to your needs and act accordingly. It will all work out. Don’t feel guilty!
    Posted by: Mariko

  70. I am confident that everything will work out in the end. Whoever adopts Sadie will love and care for her and she will have all kinds of new adventures.
    Posted by: knittripps

  71. Rescues are good organizations that do put pups in great homes. We got our, then 7 yo, sammy after a woman no longer could take care of her. And our dog is a big part of our lives, you may be giving that to someone! You’re doing the right thing to try to find the best place for your dog, hang in there.
    Posted by: heather

  72. You cant be ashamed of people who put dogs into rescue (unless of course they do it for the wrong reasons)
    As a handler, trainer, dog lover, etc etc I am glad that you realize that the situation isnt healthy for any of you.
    The stress you feel would only compound as you worry if Sadie is going to bite Thumper.
    And the stress Sadie would feel in time is setting her up for disaster.
    Rescue will do everything to make Sadie have a good life(and you feel like shit because you feel no one will love her like you, you feel guilty because you got her from rescue, and now she is back in rescue)
    I don’t need to tell you what you already know.
    Know this, my thoughts are with you and Sadie as you all venture through this time of change and adjustment
    Posted by: Lady Wyvern

  73. Please don’t feel guilty about your decision. While I know you will miss your beloved pet, it sounds like your decision is in the best interest of all involved. IG’s are an extremely difficult breed. I know first hand because I have also rescued an IG. She is the funniest, snuggliest bundle of frustration and energy. I have college age children at home and even with older aged children we have issues. I could never have this dog with small children. There would not be enough hours in the day to tend to the needs of the children and home along with the exercise needs of an IG. We also have some aggression issues because of her prior miss treatment. I am sure the rescue organization will find an adequate home for her. You are doing the right thing!
    Posted by: Kyleen

  74. I’m so sorry. I know it’s impossible not to feel guilty right now. But you are doing the right thing and taking the right steps to make sure you are all in the healtiest, happiest environments.
    Posted by: chris

  75. You did the right thing for Sadie, out of love and kindness. She will find a family who can be what she needs. I can’t imagine how hard it must be, but it will get better with time and all of you will be happier and at peace.
    Posted by: Jen

  76. You are doing the best thing for your whole family, Sadie included. I’m thinking happy thoughts for you and sending good adoption vibes Sadie’s way.
    Posted by: kniternet

  77. Have no doubt — you are doing the right thing. If you didn’t care so much about Thumper AND Sadie, you wouldn’t take the time to try to find an appropriate, loving home for her. Of course this is an emotional, gut-wrenching decision. That’s more confirmation that this is the right decision.

    Sadie has been just as lucky to have found you as you are to have found her. I have no doubt that the rescue society will find another wonderful family for her.
    Posted by: Alison

  78. At least the IG rescue is an option. That’s how you found the dogs, after all, so some other lovely person will find Sadie there too. (Don’t feel guilty, but it’s OK to be sad!)
    Posted by: alison

  79. I’m so sorry. But as everyone else has said, you know you are doing the right thing for Sadie. When we gave up Tino, he went back to his breeder’s, who found a home for him. We knew that she would be careful about where he was placed, and rescue team will definitely do the same!

    It just hurts because it is someone you love. But I promise with time it will feel better!
    Posted by: patti

  80. no words to say… except that despite your feelings you are doing the best and right thing… I have been there and know the pain though.
    Posted by: stinkerbell

  81. I really feel for you. This is a hard, hard thing you are doing; but you are doing it for Sadie. She will be happy again and that should bring you some comfort. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
    Posted by: Julie

  82. Yes, it’s been said, but I’ll repeat it because repetition is a great tool for learning. Doing the right thing is often very difficult and makes us feel like crap. Good for you for being strong and doing what’s right for your family. And cut yourself a break on the judgmental thing. You can’t change the past, and you’ll do it a lot less in the future because you’re more acutely aware of it now (at least that’s what I tell myself when I catch myself being less than the person I aspire to be.) It’s a hard time, but you know you’ll get through it.

    Posted by: Janice in Camas

  83. Sadie will find the right home for her. She is a good-looking little creature, and someone is sure to love her! Heck, we’d take her if I didn’t already know she and Deedle would kill one another. I know what you mean about being judgmental to those who surrender their dogs. It’s like they didn’t try hard enough or didn’t care enough, right? It’s not until you go through it yourself, though, that you really understand. Also, it’s okay to listen to your needs and act accordingly. It will all work out. Don’t feel guilty!
    Posted by: Mariko

  84. I am confident that everything will work out in the end. Whoever adopts Sadie will love and care for her and she will have all kinds of new adventures.
    Posted by: knittripps

  85. Rescues are good organizations that do put pups in great homes. We got our, then 7 yo, sammy after a woman no longer could take care of her. And our dog is a big part of our lives, you may be giving that to someone! You’re doing the right thing to try to find the best place for your dog, hang in there.
    Posted by: heather

  86. You cant be ashamed of people who put dogs into rescue (unless of course they do it for the wrong reasons)
    As a handler, trainer, dog lover, etc etc I am glad that you realize that the situation isnt healthy for any of you.
    The stress you feel would only compound as you worry if Sadie is going to bite Thumper.
    And the stress Sadie would feel in time is setting her up for disaster.
    Rescue will do everything to make Sadie have a good life(and you feel like shit because you feel no one will love her like you, you feel guilty because you got her from rescue, and now she is back in rescue)
    I don’t need to tell you what you already know.
    Know this, my thoughts are with you and Sadie as you all venture through this time of change and adjustment
    Posted by: Lady Wyvern

  87. Please don’t feel guilty about your decision. While I know you will miss your beloved pet, it sounds like your decision is in the best interest of all involved. IG’s are an extremely difficult breed. I know first hand because I have also rescued an IG. She is the funniest, snuggliest bundle of frustration and energy. I have college age children at home and even with older aged children we have issues. I could never have this dog with small children. There would not be enough hours in the day to tend to the needs of the children and home along with the exercise needs of an IG. We also have some aggression issues because of her prior miss treatment. I am sure the rescue organization will find an adequate home for her. You are doing the right thing!
    Posted by: Kyleen

  88. I’m so sorry. I know it’s impossible not to feel guilty right now. But you are doing the right thing and taking the right steps to make sure you are all in the healtiest, happiest environments.
    Posted by: chris

  89. You did the right thing for Sadie, out of love and kindness. She will find a family who can be what she needs. I can’t imagine how hard it must be, but it will get better with time and all of you will be happier and at peace.
    Posted by: Jen

  90. You are doing the best thing for your whole family, Sadie included. I’m thinking happy thoughts for you and sending good adoption vibes Sadie’s way.
    Posted by: kniternet

  91. Cari

    You really are doing the right thing for all of you. I have a wonderful dog which her previous owner couldn’t keep. His son was allergic to her and his marriage was breaking down. The poor dog was being driven miles every day to work with him and then spent large parts of the day shut in his car.

    Like you he was caring enough to realise this wasn’t good for him or the dog so we adopted her. He was in tears when he handed over the dog to us, but she now has a home with 4 people who love her dearly, 3 fantastic walks a day and as I work from home, she spends her days mooching about my office or laying in the sun in the garden.

    Just how much better is that for all concerned? Her former owner now longer feels bad that she spends her days in the car or travelling, she has a loving home and we have a great pet who gives us so much pleasure.

    You fell in love with Sadie and wanted to give her a home, therefore, the likelihood is someone else will also see her qualities and want her. Someone who’s circumstances are such that they can give her the attention she so needs.

    You are doing the right thing and it will eventually work out – just hang in there!

    Posted by: Kaz

  92. It hurts because you love her, and you wish like heck things hadn’t turned out this way. But they did, and you have to do the best thing possible for everyone concerned.

    Rescue is the right thing for Sadie. They’ll find her a home that suits her and fills her needs.

    It’ll be o.k. Hang in there.
    Posted by: Ruth

  93. Please be easy on yourself. You would not be a responsible parent or dog owner if you kept Sadie. She will get a good home where she can get 100% attention. Shannon
    Posted by: SHANNON

  94. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I would be so torn up about it. I have 2 dogs of my own and we are thinking of having a child soon.

    Good luck in finding Sadie a home. I am sure someone out there can give her the attention that she needs.
    Posted by: Oiyi

  95. I know it sucks but you are so doing the right thing. You are a very good dog mommy.
    Posted by: Ande

  96. Just: I’ll give you a REAL hug the next time I see you. It’s going to be all right, I promise.
    Posted by: Rachael

  97. Maybe it’s fate telling you that there’s still hope? I know you feel like shit…

    I just don’t know what I would do…

    Best of luck.
    Posted by: TheSteph

  98. Cari,
    I have a 13 week foster puppy with aggression issues. It is so frustrating because I’ve had dogs all my life and have never had a dog like this cute pup. He is very cute, darn adorable even, but I can’t recommend him to anyone with small children – definately not. You never know what could happen and you have to put the safety of your children first. Sadie will find a good home and rescue will place her with the right family. I feel for you. Your pets are your family too.
    Posted by: Sue4

  99. Cari

    You really are doing the right thing for all of you. I have a wonderful dog which her previous owner couldn’t keep. His son was allergic to her and his marriage was breaking down. The poor dog was being driven miles every day to work with him and then spent large parts of the day shut in his car.

    Like you he was caring enough to realise this wasn’t good for him or the dog so we adopted her. He was in tears when he handed over the dog to us, but she now has a home with 4 people who love her dearly, 3 fantastic walks a day and as I work from home, she spends her days mooching about my office or laying in the sun in the garden.

    Just how much better is that for all concerned? Her former owner now longer feels bad that she spends her days in the car or travelling, she has a loving home and we have a great pet who gives us so much pleasure.

    You fell in love with Sadie and wanted to give her a home, therefore, the likelihood is someone else will also see her qualities and want her. Someone who’s circumstances are such that they can give her the attention she so needs.

    You are doing the right thing and it will eventually work out – just hang in there!

    Posted by: Kaz

  100. It hurts because you love her, and you wish like heck things hadn’t turned out this way. But they did, and you have to do the best thing possible for everyone concerned.

    Rescue is the right thing for Sadie. They’ll find her a home that suits her and fills her needs.

    It’ll be o.k. Hang in there.
    Posted by: Ruth

  101. Please be easy on yourself. You would not be a responsible parent or dog owner if you kept Sadie. She will get a good home where she can get 100% attention. Shannon
    Posted by: SHANNON

  102. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I would be so torn up about it. I have 2 dogs of my own and we are thinking of having a child soon.

    Good luck in finding Sadie a home. I am sure someone out there can give her the attention that she needs.
    Posted by: Oiyi

  103. I know it sucks but you are so doing the right thing. You are a very good dog mommy.
    Posted by: Ande

  104. Just: I’ll give you a REAL hug the next time I see you. It’s going to be all right, I promise.
    Posted by: Rachael

  105. Maybe it’s fate telling you that there’s still hope? I know you feel like shit…

    I just don’t know what I would do…

    Best of luck.
    Posted by: TheSteph

  106. Cari,
    I have a 13 week foster puppy with aggression issues. It is so frustrating because I’ve had dogs all my life and have never had a dog like this cute pup. He is very cute, darn adorable even, but I can’t recommend him to anyone with small children – definately not. You never know what could happen and you have to put the safety of your children first. Sadie will find a good home and rescue will place her with the right family. I feel for you. Your pets are your family too.
    Posted by: Sue4

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