I swear I didn’t see it coming
Out of nowhere, I swear, I have the sudden strong urge to learn to play the ukelele. I know…they’re everywhere now. Maybe my brain finally reached optimal uke saturation or something. But mostly, it’s Amanda Palmer’s fault. Check out this:
and this:
Now tell me you still don’t want a ukelele.
Lorajean and I have a date to take a beginner’s ukelele class in early December. If I like it as much as I feel like I’m going to, I’ll buy one and go for it. Strum strum strummity strum strum…
Kiddo is really into music. I’m thinking I can learn the basics and then get him a little uke of his own and teach him what I’ve learned. Though if you could hear the way he already instinctively strums his kid-sized acoustic guitar or plays his drums you’d know that he’s going to take those basics and leave me in the dust in about five minutes. Natural musician, that one. It’s going to be a challenge to keep a light touch about it as a parent and not try to live through him, because damn am I envious of that gift he’s got.
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Oh girl, I love ukulele! I haven’t practiced in awhile, but now I am gonna pick it up again, so we can play together when I visit! Have you heard of Janet Klein and her Parlor Boys? Adore Adore…http://youtu.be/-GmcEcaIxCs
one more 😉
My son just got a uke from his great-aunt for his 6th birthday, and he just adores it. My guitar aficionado husband is thrilled, too, and the the two of them probably split playing time about evenly. It’s great. Have fun with it!
YAY! C’mon, all the cool mommies are taking music lessons… Oh, and I am, too. 😉
This woman is utterly fantastic.
Some of my favorite ukulele players are Tally Deushane (http://www.youtube.com/user/live2tivo), Molly Lewis (http://mollylewis.bandcamp.com/), and Harper Phillips (http://www.youtube.com/user/harperukulele). My ukulele mostly gets used to play 2- and 3-chord songs during Baby Storytime.
I am so envious of you getting to take a class. The closest class to me is on Tuesday afternoons, which kind of clashes with the full-time job. Other classes I’ve found are prohibitively far away. So, it’s me and the books and the Internets. 🙂
Have fun with your new instrument!
Thanks for the links and encouragement, folks. I’m SO excited for this class.
One of my one-time clients plays ukelele, and he said that it’s one of the best instruments to teach to kids. I’d love to learn to play someday… maybe when my 6-month old is a little older. 🙂
I totally get it. So much great ukelele lately. And Amanda Palmer is certainly one. But she’s just great in general.
My craving lately has been the accordian. Not as popular…
I have to admit that ukeleles are pretty cool. Let us know how your class goes!
Well? How’d the Uke lessons go? Do you have a family band started yet?
Are you ever coming back? I’ll miss you if you stay away.