identity shift?

I’m thinking–just toying with the idea, mind you–of changing the name of the blog. Since there’s now one dog, not two, and the one dog doesn’t steal yarn. Since that one dog is a little old man who doesn’t much care for posing for pictures these days. Since I don’t talk about knitting much at all anymore…

I don’t know what I’d change the name to. Or if maybe it’s a terrible idea to change the name 5 years into a blog with a decent regular readership established… I don’t know. What do you, oh regular readers, think?

Posted in Uncategorized
140 comments on “identity shift?
  1. LeAnne says:

    Maybe you could change it to Toddler Steals Time? (kidding) Actually I like the name of your blog as it is. Up to you, I’ll still read it!
    Posted by: LeAnne

  2. Kim says:

    I think you should do what feels right. You’ve gone through a lot of changes in the past year and from your most recent posts it sounds like you’re doing a little bit of “shedding your skin”. Change. Transformation. So why not change the name? Your loyal readership will follow. New readers will pick up on your blog because they like what you’re writing about NOW.

    In Utopia…

    (I kind of like that one…)
    Posted by: Kim

  3. Sally McEntire says:

    I read, but haven’t commented. But I wanted to say, change it. You need to identify with your blog so that you want to write and enjoy it! If you take all the necessary steps, your readers will follow. And you might get new readers too! Maybe you could come up with a name that you can identify with even through life changes? Anyway, just my two cents.

    I’m also a Portlander and its fun to read about a local!
    Posted by: Sally McEntire

  4. stinkerbell says:

    your blog so you do what speaks to you 🙂

    Posted by: stinkerbell

  5. Stacey says:

    I like the name, but a change may be in order since you’ve mentioned before that you weren’t sure of what this blog is about anymore. If the name is tying you down, lose it. We’ll stay with you.
    Posted by: Stacey

  6. LeAnne says:

    Maybe you could change it to Toddler Steals Time? (kidding) Actually I like the name of your blog as it is. Up to you, I’ll still read it!
    Posted by: LeAnne

  7. Kim says:

    I think you should do what feels right. You’ve gone through a lot of changes in the past year and from your most recent posts it sounds like you’re doing a little bit of “shedding your skin”. Change. Transformation. So why not change the name? Your loyal readership will follow. New readers will pick up on your blog because they like what you’re writing about NOW.

    In Utopia…

    (I kind of like that one…)
    Posted by: Kim

  8. Sally McEntire says:

    I read, but haven’t commented. But I wanted to say, change it. You need to identify with your blog so that you want to write and enjoy it! If you take all the necessary steps, your readers will follow. And you might get new readers too! Maybe you could come up with a name that you can identify with even through life changes? Anyway, just my two cents.

    I’m also a Portlander and its fun to read about a local!
    Posted by: Sally McEntire

  9. stinkerbell says:

    your blog so you do what speaks to you 🙂

    Posted by: stinkerbell

  10. Stacey says:

    I like the name, but a change may be in order since you’ve mentioned before that you weren’t sure of what this blog is about anymore. If the name is tying you down, lose it. We’ll stay with you.
    Posted by: Stacey

  11. Michelle says:

    A Cariblog by any other name would kick the same amount of ass.
    Posted by: Michelle

  12. Bertha says:

    I’ve thought about doing this too since the name of my blog is just kind of random (I mean, I do like karma and kitties, but what does that have to do with knitting or babies?), but haven’t taken the plunge yet, just because it seems like such a pain in the ass, even though I probably don’t have as many readers as someone of your stature. I have thought that if I DO go through with it at some point, that I’d have some kind of prizey contest as incentive for people to update their bookmarks/bloglines. But I am sure your readers would follow you anywhere, with or without the promise of prizes!
    Posted by: Bertha

  13. lala says:

    How about “that’s as sad as a box of kittens in the road”? It’s an expression of sadness that I’ve been trying to popularize for about 15 years, and your blog is just the kind of powerhouse I need to push it over the edge and into the popular consciousness.
    Posted by: lala

  14. lyssa says:

    Change it to something that inspires you. Blogging should be fun, not an obligation. Some people who only want to read about knitting might wander off, but I think this is happening to a lot of folks who were in the knitting blog crazy phase when we first got really into it. As time moves on, we find that our lives are made of lots of things, and feeling like you have to talk about knitting because “My blog is a knitting blog” can feel overly constraining.

    Posted by: lyssa

  15. Maxly says:

    I agree with Michelle!
    Posted by: Maxly

  16. Michelle says:

    A Cariblog by any other name would kick the same amount of ass.
    Posted by: Michelle

  17. Bertha says:

    I’ve thought about doing this too since the name of my blog is just kind of random (I mean, I do like karma and kitties, but what does that have to do with knitting or babies?), but haven’t taken the plunge yet, just because it seems like such a pain in the ass, even though I probably don’t have as many readers as someone of your stature. I have thought that if I DO go through with it at some point, that I’d have some kind of prizey contest as incentive for people to update their bookmarks/bloglines. But I am sure your readers would follow you anywhere, with or without the promise of prizes!
    Posted by: Bertha

  18. lala says:

    How about “that’s as sad as a box of kittens in the road”? It’s an expression of sadness that I’ve been trying to popularize for about 15 years, and your blog is just the kind of powerhouse I need to push it over the edge and into the popular consciousness.
    Posted by: lala

  19. lyssa says:

    Change it to something that inspires you. Blogging should be fun, not an obligation. Some people who only want to read about knitting might wander off, but I think this is happening to a lot of folks who were in the knitting blog crazy phase when we first got really into it. As time moves on, we find that our lives are made of lots of things, and feeling like you have to talk about knitting because “My blog is a knitting blog” can feel overly constraining.

    Posted by: lyssa

  20. Maxly says:

    I agree with Michelle!
    Posted by: Maxly

  21. knittybob says:

    my ‘blog’ was named half heartedly, which reflects how i post. i have a bad habit of calling people by their full names with very little provocation and if i don’t know your middle name, i’ll make something up. my infant niece did something, you know, infantile, farted or something, and i called her “Laney Bob” and then it went from there.
    said all that to say this. maybe you could put a disclaimer in the little “describe your blog here” area. like maybe “dogs steal yarn: with one dog and no stealing”. because who knows, you might get another klepto-pup.
    Posted by: knittybob

  22. marti says:

    no matter the name, i will still read your blog…so do what you need to. this might be the perfect time to tweak it though, since you are often wondering about change.
    Posted by: marti

  23. Jen sans blog says:

    How about Utopian Yarns? It’s a little pun-ish. True. But, not too cute. Right?

    No? Yeah, I thought it was dumb too.(Tucks tail betwixt legs and waddles off.)

    Posted by: Jen sans blog

  24. MissElainey says:

    Et in arcadia ego would be a lofty title.
    Posted by: MissElainey

  25. Rachel H says:

    I think if you want to change the name to something that feels more relevant to your life now then that’s what you should do. We’ll still be here.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  26. knittybob says:

    my ‘blog’ was named half heartedly, which reflects how i post. i have a bad habit of calling people by their full names with very little provocation and if i don’t know your middle name, i’ll make something up. my infant niece did something, you know, infantile, farted or something, and i called her “Laney Bob” and then it went from there.
    said all that to say this. maybe you could put a disclaimer in the little “describe your blog here” area. like maybe “dogs steal yarn: with one dog and no stealing”. because who knows, you might get another klepto-pup.
    Posted by: knittybob

  27. marti says:

    no matter the name, i will still read your blog…so do what you need to. this might be the perfect time to tweak it though, since you are often wondering about change.
    Posted by: marti

  28. Jen sans blog says:

    How about Utopian Yarns? It’s a little pun-ish. True. But, not too cute. Right?

    No? Yeah, I thought it was dumb too.(Tucks tail betwixt legs and waddles off.)

    Posted by: Jen sans blog

  29. MissElainey says:

    Et in arcadia ego would be a lofty title.
    Posted by: MissElainey

  30. Rachel H says:

    I think if you want to change the name to something that feels more relevant to your life now then that’s what you should do. We’ll still be here.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  31. Rippedoffknitter says:

    My first thought was no. Cause you are Cari at Dogsstealyarn, and surprisingly few blogs have relevant names.

    BTW, the street I live on has a name associated with my profession, which people think is hysterical. I don’t, cause I don’t work in *that* field of my profession, if you see what I mean. Won’t move though. Not that it is the same..
    Posted by: Rippedoffknitter

  32. Heather says:

    I think that if you want to change the name to better reflect whats going on then go for it!!
    Posted by: Heather

  33. Andi says:

    If you changed the blog name, would Thumper Dogsstealyarn have to change his name also? He would still be dangerously cute, but it would be an adjustment.

    Posted by: Andi

  34. gleek says:

    i think that you should change your name for sure! here’s why: no one really thinks about changing their blog name (it’s a big step) unless they subconsciously think it’s the best idea. so once you’ve thought it, pow, you should do it! i would love to hear more about life in portland, raising thumper, baking, all that stuff.. what about “life in utopia” or “i moved to utopia” or something like that? (i’m sure you can think of a better name than i!) coinciding with a blog overhaul? this is the time to do it.
    Posted by: gleek

  35. Laura says:

    Change is good for the soul.
    I feel like a trader to my blog because it’s more about my 10wk old son than my looming & I recently gave up the cumbersome looms for the crochet hook….. it’s easier to manage some yarn time with a 10wk old in your lap/sling when you only need yarn & hook.
    So I may do the change at some point too…. I’ve lost readers because it’s become too “baby” & not enough Loom knitting.
    Posted by: Laura

  36. Rippedoffknitter says:

    My first thought was no. Cause you are Cari at Dogsstealyarn, and surprisingly few blogs have relevant names.

    BTW, the street I live on has a name associated with my profession, which people think is hysterical. I don’t, cause I don’t work in *that* field of my profession, if you see what I mean. Won’t move though. Not that it is the same..
    Posted by: Rippedoffknitter

  37. Heather says:

    I think that if you want to change the name to better reflect whats going on then go for it!!
    Posted by: Heather

  38. Andi says:

    If you changed the blog name, would Thumper Dogsstealyarn have to change his name also? He would still be dangerously cute, but it would be an adjustment.

    Posted by: Andi

  39. gleek says:

    i think that you should change your name for sure! here’s why: no one really thinks about changing their blog name (it’s a big step) unless they subconsciously think it’s the best idea. so once you’ve thought it, pow, you should do it! i would love to hear more about life in portland, raising thumper, baking, all that stuff.. what about “life in utopia” or “i moved to utopia” or something like that? (i’m sure you can think of a better name than i!) coinciding with a blog overhaul? this is the time to do it.
    Posted by: gleek

  40. Laura says:

    Change is good for the soul.
    I feel like a trader to my blog because it’s more about my 10wk old son than my looming & I recently gave up the cumbersome looms for the crochet hook….. it’s easier to manage some yarn time with a 10wk old in your lap/sling when you only need yarn & hook.
    So I may do the change at some point too…. I’ve lost readers because it’s become too “baby” & not enough Loom knitting.
    Posted by: Laura

  41. robin says:

    I think you should do what feels right to you as others have said. I mean we’re getting a peak into YOUR life (I hope that doesn’s sound too voyeuristic!) and as it intrigues us we’ll continue. I mean lets face it, you probably lost some readers before Thumper when their lives moved on to something besides ‘yarny’ things. I would think the knitting will come back at some time but it’s not like you’ll have to change the name back if it does OR even if you do get lucky enough to be chosen by another dog. It’s YOUR blog. With your voice, even if every reader left (which ain’t gonna happen anyway) when you changed the name, you’d soon have more. I don’t subscribe to any kind of feed – I just type in dogsstealyarn (which I can do rather rapidly) but my fingers will learn a new name easily.
    Posted by: robin

  42. Dorie says:

    Love and Yarn in Portland?
    Posted by: Dorie

  43. (formerly) no-blog-rachel says:

    My first reaction was ‘no don’t change it’ but after about 5 seconds I thought ‘why not’? I’m sure I’m not the only one who will follow you where ever you go (in a non-stalker, blog-reading-only kind of way, of course)! Do what your gut tells you.
    Posted by: (formerly) no-blog-rachel

  44. Knittripps says:

    Either way 🙂 Sorry, I am no help. I am terrible at making decisions.
    Posted by: Knittripps

  45. Stephanie says:

    You go…I follow. I don’t care what you call yourself.

    Posted by: Stephanie

  46. robin says:

    I think you should do what feels right to you as others have said. I mean we’re getting a peak into YOUR life (I hope that doesn’s sound too voyeuristic!) and as it intrigues us we’ll continue. I mean lets face it, you probably lost some readers before Thumper when their lives moved on to something besides ‘yarny’ things. I would think the knitting will come back at some time but it’s not like you’ll have to change the name back if it does OR even if you do get lucky enough to be chosen by another dog. It’s YOUR blog. With your voice, even if every reader left (which ain’t gonna happen anyway) when you changed the name, you’d soon have more. I don’t subscribe to any kind of feed – I just type in dogsstealyarn (which I can do rather rapidly) but my fingers will learn a new name easily.
    Posted by: robin

  47. Dorie says:

    Love and Yarn in Portland?
    Posted by: Dorie

  48. (formerly) no-blog-rachel says:

    My first reaction was ‘no don’t change it’ but after about 5 seconds I thought ‘why not’? I’m sure I’m not the only one who will follow you where ever you go (in a non-stalker, blog-reading-only kind of way, of course)! Do what your gut tells you.
    Posted by: (formerly) no-blog-rachel

  49. Knittripps says:

    Either way 🙂 Sorry, I am no help. I am terrible at making decisions.
    Posted by: Knittripps

  50. Stephanie says:

    You go…I follow. I don’t care what you call yourself.

    Posted by: Stephanie

  51. Keatyn says:

    I think that you should do what you think feels right for the blog.
    Posted by: Keatyn

  52. claudia says:

    Ah, so many ways one could interpret the words “dogs steal yarn”. Me? I’d probably think on that and creatively change the header, not the name.

    You? Surprise me!
    Posted by: claudia

  53. Phoe says:

    Change is good, especially if it’s needed.
    Posted by: Phoe

  54. P says:

    Whatever you decide to do I know I’ll keep reading!
    Posted by: P

  55. Lina says:

    Life is change. Changing is life. You´re alive. I like life and I like your blog!
    Posted by: Lina

  56. Keatyn says:

    I think that you should do what you think feels right for the blog.
    Posted by: Keatyn

  57. claudia says:

    Ah, so many ways one could interpret the words “dogs steal yarn”. Me? I’d probably think on that and creatively change the header, not the name.

    You? Surprise me!
    Posted by: claudia

  58. Phoe says:

    Change is good, especially if it’s needed.
    Posted by: Phoe

  59. P says:

    Whatever you decide to do I know I’ll keep reading!
    Posted by: P

  60. Lina says:

    Life is change. Changing is life. You´re alive. I like life and I like your blog!
    Posted by: Lina

  61. Lina says:

    Life is change. Changing is life. You´re alive. I like life and I like your blog!
    Posted by: Lina

  62. Bonney says:

    Keep it!! It’s part of your history!
    Posted by: Bonney

  63. Liz says:

    It’s your blog and your choice; just tell us where you’ve gone so we can carry on reading?
    Posted by: Liz

  64. Jaimi Finley says:

    It’s been obvious to me, a regular for awhile now, that you’ve outgrown this blog in more ways than the name. You have to be true to who you are, the same as in your writing. You should definitely change it, and I’ll follow you. It’s the whole Shakespeare thing, “A rose by any other name, blah blah blah”!
    Posted by: Jaimi Finley

  65. Lina says:

    Life is change. Changing is life. You´re alive. I like life and I like your blog!
    Posted by: Lina

  66. Bonney says:

    Keep it!! It’s part of your history!
    Posted by: Bonney

  67. Liz says:

    It’s your blog and your choice; just tell us where you’ve gone so we can carry on reading?
    Posted by: Liz

  68. Jaimi Finley says:

    It’s been obvious to me, a regular for awhile now, that you’ve outgrown this blog in more ways than the name. You have to be true to who you are, the same as in your writing. You should definitely change it, and I’ll follow you. It’s the whole Shakespeare thing, “A rose by any other name, blah blah blah”!
    Posted by: Jaimi Finley

  69. shannon in oregon says:

    change is the only thing we can always count on. 🙂 i think you’ll figure it out and when you do, we’ll still read! i also agree with michelle…a cari blog by any other name will still kick ass.
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  70. heather says:

    we heart you no matter what the blog’s named. but the first time i hear you referred to at a mass yarn gathering as “the blogger formerly known as dogs steal yarn cari” (TBFKADSYC) i will laugh my ass off.
    Posted by: heather

  71. heather t says:

    When I started reading your blog, the one dog was finding a new home and I never read about actual yarn theft by canines (hey, there’s a title!). But that’s ok. One of my (many) favorite blogs is “angry chicken” – the author of which is neither angry nor a chicken. I don’t tink and frog nearly as much as I used to. So the blog name doesn’t always have to be a close fit to blog content.

    That said, if the blog name doesn’t fit YOU, if you don’t like it or don’t relate to it anymore, then go ahead. I will still read!
    Posted by: heather t

  72. shannon in oregon says:

    change is the only thing we can always count on. 🙂 i think you’ll figure it out and when you do, we’ll still read! i also agree with michelle…a cari blog by any other name will still kick ass.
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  73. heather says:

    we heart you no matter what the blog’s named. but the first time i hear you referred to at a mass yarn gathering as “the blogger formerly known as dogs steal yarn cari” (TBFKADSYC) i will laugh my ass off.
    Posted by: heather

  74. heather t says:

    When I started reading your blog, the one dog was finding a new home and I never read about actual yarn theft by canines (hey, there’s a title!). But that’s ok. One of my (many) favorite blogs is “angry chicken” – the author of which is neither angry nor a chicken. I don’t tink and frog nearly as much as I used to. So the blog name doesn’t always have to be a close fit to blog content.

    That said, if the blog name doesn’t fit YOU, if you don’t like it or don’t relate to it anymore, then go ahead. I will still read!
    Posted by: heather t

  75. Celia says:

    Don’t you remember when Rachael changed the name of her blog from My Glass House to Yarnagogo? Readers followed. Do what you want to. We will follow.
    Posted by: Celia

  76. Norma says:

    I was considering the same thing recently. And this might give you a chuckle (or annoy you — one or the other) but my brain INSISTS on thinking of your blog name as “Dogs Eat Yarn.” I always have to correct myself.
    Posted by: Norma

  77. Alison says:

    Change it; we’ll still read.
    Posted by: Alison

  78. Anna W says:

    It think that if another cool name comes to you, then go for it. Otherwise, I really like the name. Beyond being literally descriptive it captures something about how I imagine your household to be – organized enough to notice if the dogs are stealing the yarn, but fun and a little messy around the edges at times. You could possibly redesign the page a little (or not) but still keep the name. Anyway, I don’t post too often here, but I read your blog fairly often and enjoy it. Thanks for putting it up.
    Posted by: Anna W

  79. Riin says:

    Do whatever feels right to you. I just think of your blog as “Cari’s blog.” Doesn’t matter to me if you write about knitting or not. I just come here because I like YOU.
    Posted by: Riin

  80. Celia says:

    Don’t you remember when Rachael changed the name of her blog from My Glass House to Yarnagogo? Readers followed. Do what you want to. We will follow.
    Posted by: Celia

  81. Norma says:

    I was considering the same thing recently. And this might give you a chuckle (or annoy you — one or the other) but my brain INSISTS on thinking of your blog name as “Dogs Eat Yarn.” I always have to correct myself.
    Posted by: Norma

  82. Alison says:

    Change it; we’ll still read.
    Posted by: Alison

  83. Anna W says:

    It think that if another cool name comes to you, then go for it. Otherwise, I really like the name. Beyond being literally descriptive it captures something about how I imagine your household to be – organized enough to notice if the dogs are stealing the yarn, but fun and a little messy around the edges at times. You could possibly redesign the page a little (or not) but still keep the name. Anyway, I don’t post too often here, but I read your blog fairly often and enjoy it. Thanks for putting it up.
    Posted by: Anna W

  84. Riin says:

    Do whatever feels right to you. I just think of your blog as “Cari’s blog.” Doesn’t matter to me if you write about knitting or not. I just come here because I like YOU.
    Posted by: Riin

  85. Mandy says:

    Don’t change the name. It doesn’t have to be literal. Or figurative, I guess.
    But then I read the comments about shedding skin, and I guess that makes sense, too. I just think it’s a good name.
    I wouldn’t change it to something about Utopia, though, because that locks you into feelings.
    Posted by: Mandy

  86. margaret says:

    here’s my take on it (and definitely take it for what it’s worth):
    you got married – did you change your name?
    you had a baby – did you change his name to the blogworld?
    you always knit; you always wrote; you always gardened; you always were/are a free spirit …

    you can write anything you want on your blog – it’s sorta kinda called the first amendment ;-D

    I don’t think that Norman Mailer was either naked or dead when he wrote his signature work; and I don’t think Philip Roth was either Portnoy or complaining when he wrote his …

    again, please do take this comment for what it’s worth, and I’m heading off to bed here on the right coast ..
    nitey nite,
    m (who has changed her blog’s name a couple of times, but it’s nowhere near as important as yours)
    Posted by: margaret

  87. beverly says:

    I’ll read no matter what the name is. I say change it if you find something that suits you more right now!
    Posted by: beverly

  88. laurakeet says:

    Go ahead and change it, I say – it makes those of us who “read you when” that much more special. (And now back to our regularly scheduled lurking.)
    Posted by: laurakeet

  89. janna says:

    Well, it’s your blog, so it’s your decision, and I’ll read no matter what you call it (even if it’s “jannasnotallowedtoreadmyblog”). But I do think you are identified with this blog name, so I like the idea someone before me had about adding a more descriptive subtitle — something like “Dogs Steal Yarn: now with one dog, a kid, and occasional knitting.”
    Posted by: janna

  90. Mandy says:

    Don’t change the name. It doesn’t have to be literal. Or figurative, I guess.
    But then I read the comments about shedding skin, and I guess that makes sense, too. I just think it’s a good name.
    I wouldn’t change it to something about Utopia, though, because that locks you into feelings.
    Posted by: Mandy

  91. margaret says:

    here’s my take on it (and definitely take it for what it’s worth):
    you got married – did you change your name?
    you had a baby – did you change his name to the blogworld?
    you always knit; you always wrote; you always gardened; you always were/are a free spirit …

    you can write anything you want on your blog – it’s sorta kinda called the first amendment ;-D

    I don’t think that Norman Mailer was either naked or dead when he wrote his signature work; and I don’t think Philip Roth was either Portnoy or complaining when he wrote his …

    again, please do take this comment for what it’s worth, and I’m heading off to bed here on the right coast ..
    nitey nite,
    m (who has changed her blog’s name a couple of times, but it’s nowhere near as important as yours)
    Posted by: margaret

  92. beverly says:

    I’ll read no matter what the name is. I say change it if you find something that suits you more right now!
    Posted by: beverly

  93. laurakeet says:

    Go ahead and change it, I say – it makes those of us who “read you when” that much more special. (And now back to our regularly scheduled lurking.)
    Posted by: laurakeet

  94. janna says:

    Well, it’s your blog, so it’s your decision, and I’ll read no matter what you call it (even if it’s “jannasnotallowedtoreadmyblog”). But I do think you are identified with this blog name, so I like the idea someone before me had about adding a more descriptive subtitle — something like “Dogs Steal Yarn: now with one dog, a kid, and occasional knitting.”
    Posted by: janna

  95. Laurie says:

    I think we have already proven we are along for the ride. And the title doesn’t specify that YOUR dogs steal yarn. Just that dogs steal yarn in general. And trust me, at my house right now, the dogs steal the yarn!

    Maybe you just have an “About” statement that broadens the subject matter to include the family, the knitting, the writing, the gardening, etc. As a writer, you know it is how the story is told, not just the subject matter.
    Posted by: Laurie

  96. Laurie says:

    I meant to add too that blogs are living things (long-term with no “end”). So the writer is going to change and evolve. I think that is fine and doing it on the blog only makes it more compelling and something we can relate to.
    Posted by: Laurie

  97. Lizbon says:

    As long as you tell me where to find it, I’ll read it. I do think it’s natural for blogs to evolve and that there’s nothing wrong with changing things up when it’s time.
    Posted by: Lizbon

  98. Heather says:

    But…but…you’re dogs steal yarn!
    Posted by: Heather

  99. Ruth says:

    Be true to yourself – because that’s what’s cool about your blog. I’ll keep reading whatever your name is!
    Posted by: Ruth

  100. Laurie says:

    I think we have already proven we are along for the ride. And the title doesn’t specify that YOUR dogs steal yarn. Just that dogs steal yarn in general. And trust me, at my house right now, the dogs steal the yarn!

    Maybe you just have an “About” statement that broadens the subject matter to include the family, the knitting, the writing, the gardening, etc. As a writer, you know it is how the story is told, not just the subject matter.
    Posted by: Laurie

  101. Laurie says:

    I meant to add too that blogs are living things (long-term with no “end”). So the writer is going to change and evolve. I think that is fine and doing it on the blog only makes it more compelling and something we can relate to.
    Posted by: Laurie

  102. Lizbon says:

    As long as you tell me where to find it, I’ll read it. I do think it’s natural for blogs to evolve and that there’s nothing wrong with changing things up when it’s time.
    Posted by: Lizbon

  103. Heather says:

    But…but…you’re dogs steal yarn!
    Posted by: Heather

  104. Ruth says:

    Be true to yourself – because that’s what’s cool about your blog. I’ll keep reading whatever your name is!
    Posted by: Ruth

  105. Stephanie says:

    I’ll still read no matter what the name is on the header 🙂
    Posted by: Stephanie

  106. Ginchy says:

    Blogs evolve over time as your life changes. If it feels right to change the name to reflect your current life then go for it.
    Posted by: Ginchy

  107. Carmen says:

    Hum…I was thinking just that when I looked up your blog yesterday…Perhaps time has come. We do change, nothing is static…and I’ll follow you… Many change. ScratchCraft, for instance…
    Posted by: Carmen

  108. Lisa says:

    Okay, putting on my marketing hat now…I know I’m in the minority, but I vote for not changing. You have created a brand with Dogs Steal Yarn, its a way that readers recognize you. And just because your dogs no longer steal yarn, some dogs do! I vote for a redesign, new layout, new colors, new fonts, a refreshed “about me” section.

    If you change your name (and your URL, I’m assuming) you will have to start fresh in terms of search engines finding you and, anyone who has linked to you in the past could lose you. Not sure if that means much for a blog, but it’s something to consider.

    Good luck
    Posted by: Lisa

  109. JoAnne says:

    I will follow you anywhere you go, Cari.
    Posted by: JoAnne

  110. Stephanie says:

    I’ll still read no matter what the name is on the header 🙂
    Posted by: Stephanie

  111. Ginchy says:

    Blogs evolve over time as your life changes. If it feels right to change the name to reflect your current life then go for it.
    Posted by: Ginchy

  112. Carmen says:

    Hum…I was thinking just that when I looked up your blog yesterday…Perhaps time has come. We do change, nothing is static…and I’ll follow you… Many change. ScratchCraft, for instance…
    Posted by: Carmen

  113. Lisa says:

    Okay, putting on my marketing hat now…I know I’m in the minority, but I vote for not changing. You have created a brand with Dogs Steal Yarn, its a way that readers recognize you. And just because your dogs no longer steal yarn, some dogs do! I vote for a redesign, new layout, new colors, new fonts, a refreshed “about me” section.

    If you change your name (and your URL, I’m assuming) you will have to start fresh in terms of search engines finding you and, anyone who has linked to you in the past could lose you. Not sure if that means much for a blog, but it’s something to consider.

    Good luck
    Posted by: Lisa

  114. JoAnne says:

    I will follow you anywhere you go, Cari.
    Posted by: JoAnne

  115. Luise says:

    As so many point out, it’s your blog, and I know I’ll follow you no matter what. That said, you do have a good identity as DSY; it needn’t reflect today’s news. Most of us keep at least our first name through all the ups and downs of life — though we do (please god) grow and change. We are all more flexible than we think, so we’ll work with whatever you decide. There’s no wrong answer!
    Posted by: Luise

  116. Mary K. in Rockport says:

    I’m in the minority here, agreeing with Lisa. You’ve created a brand with DogsStealYarn, and that’s Thumper’s last name, after all! So why mess with it? Plus DogsStealYarn is a ridiculous name, and that’s why I like it. Regarding content, your life certainly has changed – it’s not about just you as the centerpiece anymore. Which is fine. Just because your life now is tranquil and sweet and home centered, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to say. And what you share, you say well. For too long, young mothers were trapped in their single households with no one to talk to but a baby. You can talk to all of us, and we can imagine, or remember, those sweet but lonely years.
    Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport

  117. Jolene says:

    I changed the name of my blog, so I say go for it.
    Posted by: Jolene

  118. Pat says:

    I love your blog and I’m old enough to be your Mother, but age has no relativity when it comes to knitting and life. I have enjoyed all your adventures from baby to moving. I am Craving a move to the Northwest, but we can’t seem to sell our house. We have looked and not given up.
    I vote for UTOPIA or YARN IN UTOPIA if you decide to change.
    Posted by: Pat

  119. Knittripps says:

    Knitopia? Utopia Knits?
    Posted by: Knittripps

  120. Luise says:

    As so many point out, it’s your blog, and I know I’ll follow you no matter what. That said, you do have a good identity as DSY; it needn’t reflect today’s news. Most of us keep at least our first name through all the ups and downs of life — though we do (please god) grow and change. We are all more flexible than we think, so we’ll work with whatever you decide. There’s no wrong answer!
    Posted by: Luise

  121. Mary K. in Rockport says:

    I’m in the minority here, agreeing with Lisa. You’ve created a brand with DogsStealYarn, and that’s Thumper’s last name, after all! So why mess with it? Plus DogsStealYarn is a ridiculous name, and that’s why I like it. Regarding content, your life certainly has changed – it’s not about just you as the centerpiece anymore. Which is fine. Just because your life now is tranquil and sweet and home centered, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to say. And what you share, you say well. For too long, young mothers were trapped in their single households with no one to talk to but a baby. You can talk to all of us, and we can imagine, or remember, those sweet but lonely years.
    Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport

  122. Jolene says:

    I changed the name of my blog, so I say go for it.
    Posted by: Jolene

  123. Pat says:

    I love your blog and I’m old enough to be your Mother, but age has no relativity when it comes to knitting and life. I have enjoyed all your adventures from baby to moving. I am Craving a move to the Northwest, but we can’t seem to sell our house. We have looked and not given up.
    I vote for UTOPIA or YARN IN UTOPIA if you decide to change.
    Posted by: Pat

  124. Knittripps says:

    Knitopia? Utopia Knits?
    Posted by: Knittripps

  125. Juliette says:

    How about “Red Headed Writer” or “Yarn Doll” or “Utopia, Metopia”

    Whatever. It’s time. Do something rash.

    Wait.. how about “Something Rash”

    I could go on. But I won’t.
    Posted by: Juliette

  126. MonicaPDX says:

    I think readers will stick with you no matter what you do. I also agree that since it’s come up, it’s likely you do want a change. If it were me, I’d think about whether I really wanted a new name, a new look, or both; then go for whatever made me feel good. It’s your blog, after all. Put up a signpost if you change the name, then onwards!
    Posted by: MonicaPDX

  127. Liz in IL says:

    I started reading this blog when I started knitting and you had two dogs and a cat… then you got pregnant, I got pregnant, we had baby boys, you downsized in the animal department, we didn’t knit as much… but you’ve always written and I’ve always read – and it’ll stay that way if you change the name. 🙂
    Posted by: Liz in IL

  128. Abbey says:

    Your blog title speaks to me and the three beagles who reside with me. I will likely continue to read your blog, after all a rose by any other name right? My husband argues s***flower would not smell too sweet…

    I was drawn to your blog because I have dogs stealing my yarn BUT it’s your blog!
    Posted by: Abbey

  129. Dani says:

    I certainly won’t be going anywhere…a blog by any other name and all that, right?
    Posted by: Dani

  130. Juliette says:

    How about “Red Headed Writer” or “Yarn Doll” or “Utopia, Metopia”

    Whatever. It’s time. Do something rash.

    Wait.. how about “Something Rash”

    I could go on. But I won’t.
    Posted by: Juliette

  131. MonicaPDX says:

    I think readers will stick with you no matter what you do. I also agree that since it’s come up, it’s likely you do want a change. If it were me, I’d think about whether I really wanted a new name, a new look, or both; then go for whatever made me feel good. It’s your blog, after all. Put up a signpost if you change the name, then onwards!
    Posted by: MonicaPDX

  132. Liz in IL says:

    I started reading this blog when I started knitting and you had two dogs and a cat… then you got pregnant, I got pregnant, we had baby boys, you downsized in the animal department, we didn’t knit as much… but you’ve always written and I’ve always read – and it’ll stay that way if you change the name. 🙂
    Posted by: Liz in IL

  133. Abbey says:

    Your blog title speaks to me and the three beagles who reside with me. I will likely continue to read your blog, after all a rose by any other name right? My husband argues s***flower would not smell too sweet…

    I was drawn to your blog because I have dogs stealing my yarn BUT it’s your blog!
    Posted by: Abbey

  134. Dani says:

    I certainly won’t be going anywhere…a blog by any other name and all that, right?
    Posted by: Dani

  135. Yarn Hungry says:

    A suggestion: I have read someone else’s knitting blog before, who decided to change her blog name that had became more relevant to her currently. She still kept the old blog around for people who were familiar with it, but mentioned on her last post the reason for her new blog name and linked it so people can get re-directed to the new blog.
    How about that, huh? Whatever you do, your readership will follow you.
    One more suggestion: Just don’t quit your blog. You have a great following.
    BTW: I just entered the world of blog writing out of inspiration from several people, one of which is YOU! I’m in WordPress.
    Posted by: Yarn Hungry

  136. Renee says:

    I vote for not changing the name. Change the header if you want to reflect something more, but keep the super name.
    Posted by: Renee

  137. Sally McEntire says:

    Can’t wait to see it!
    Posted by: Sally McEntire

  138. Yarn Hungry says:

    A suggestion: I have read someone else’s knitting blog before, who decided to change her blog name that had became more relevant to her currently. She still kept the old blog around for people who were familiar with it, but mentioned on her last post the reason for her new blog name and linked it so people can get re-directed to the new blog.
    How about that, huh? Whatever you do, your readership will follow you.
    One more suggestion: Just don’t quit your blog. You have a great following.
    BTW: I just entered the world of blog writing out of inspiration from several people, one of which is YOU! I’m in WordPress.
    Posted by: Yarn Hungry

  139. Renee says:

    I vote for not changing the name. Change the header if you want to reflect something more, but keep the super name.
    Posted by: Renee

  140. Sally McEntire says:

    Can’t wait to see it!
    Posted by: Sally McEntire

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Writer, With Kids