In case I wasn’t clear in the last post…

…we are NOT moving to Portland. We are NOT leaving New York. Not gonna happen.

With work and school and writing going the way they’ve been going lately, I haven’t had a hell of a lot of downtime. When I have had downtime, I’ve chosen to get some much-needed sleep. So no knitting. Pretty much no knitting has happened at all. Starting right now and lasting for, oh, 36 hours or so, I do have some downtime, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. Tonight I will get to sleep at a reasonable hour and tomorrow morning I will sleep unreasonably late. Then I’ll head over to KnitNY to meet with the Drafty Table girls and get in some much-needed knitting time. I also have plans to get to the gym, block the machine sweater pieces, and spend some quality time with the boy. Then, and only then, will I think about the next two deadlines.

When you’re practically giddy about the thought of a day and a half off, you know you’ve got problems. I’m working on that, the whole balance thing. I’m trying to have a second draft of the book done by the end of the month. Once it goes to my readers I’ll get to relax ever so slightly. In the meantime, well…I don’t advise standing between me and the coffee counter tomorrow afternoon. I’m in need of caffeine and a muffin.

20 Comments on “In case I wasn’t clear in the last post…

  1. Well, thank goodness you’re not moving. Yeah, I know, Portland is a wonderful place and has a lot going for it, but so does NYC! And by golly, we need to keep as many of the good ones as we can. So please stay, ok? If not for yourself, then for the greater good of New York.

    I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
    Posted by: regina

  2. Boy do I know about the balance thing, so much that I don’t even have the luxury of a day and a half off right now. I’m HOPING to see you tomorrow. It all depends on how much grief I get from my client in the morning.
    Posted by: Jackie

  3. I am another knitter with an IG!!

    Does anyone elses nibble the ends of your needles while you are trying to knit?

    Posted by: Hannah

  4. glad to hear you are finding a little time for yourself- even if only 36 hours. enjoy the coffee, muffin and knitting!
    Posted by: rebecca

  5. Oh, I SOOOO had the coffee and morning glory muffin craving this morning! It’s now sated. Yay! And congrats on your excellent progress with the book drafts! Have a great weekend!
    Posted by: Rossana

  6. Sleep is good. Enjoy your mini vacation! Can’t wait to see how your machine sweater turns out. 🙂
    Posted by: Vicki

  7. Good for you for fitting in some knitting (ooh, a rhyme!) . . . and sorry to hear that you have so little downtime! Have a great 36 hours, and recharge those batteries!
    Posted by: chris

  8. Well, thank goodness you’re not moving. Yeah, I know, Portland is a wonderful place and has a lot going for it, but so does NYC! And by golly, we need to keep as many of the good ones as we can. So please stay, ok? If not for yourself, then for the greater good of New York.

    I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
    Posted by: regina

  9. Boy do I know about the balance thing, so much that I don’t even have the luxury of a day and a half off right now. I’m HOPING to see you tomorrow. It all depends on how much grief I get from my client in the morning.
    Posted by: Jackie

  10. I am another knitter with an IG!!

    Does anyone elses nibble the ends of your needles while you are trying to knit?

    Posted by: Hannah

  11. glad to hear you are finding a little time for yourself- even if only 36 hours. enjoy the coffee, muffin and knitting!
    Posted by: rebecca

  12. Oh, I SOOOO had the coffee and morning glory muffin craving this morning! It’s now sated. Yay! And congrats on your excellent progress with the book drafts! Have a great weekend!
    Posted by: Rossana

  13. Sleep is good. Enjoy your mini vacation! Can’t wait to see how your machine sweater turns out. 🙂
    Posted by: Vicki

  14. Good for you for fitting in some knitting (ooh, a rhyme!) . . . and sorry to hear that you have so little downtime! Have a great 36 hours, and recharge those batteries!
    Posted by: chris

  15. Hope you enjoy the downtime. I’m super jealous. Though life balance is such a hackneyed term, striving for it make so much sense. Now to go find me some.

    Drink a leisurely coffee for me too okay?
    Posted by: Steph

  16. Hope you enjoy the downtime. I’m super jealous. Though life balance is such a hackneyed term, striving for it make so much sense. Now to go find me some.

    Drink a leisurely coffee for me too okay?
    Posted by: Steph

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