In which I make a bonfire of skateboards and wrap my child in bubble wrap

You know how these things go… One minute Kiddo was happily riding his skateboard down a slightly sloped sidewalk around the corner from our house while the little girl collected twigs in her wooden cart. The next he was headed for the curb and then he was down, a sick cracking sound that I was sure was bone snapping but in retrospect was probably his skateboard hitting the curb. And then he was on the ground, screaming and crying and clutching his arm.

broken wing

He screamed and cried the whole way to the hospital, until he started to pass out. From the pain. My first-born baby. “Why didn’t you catch me?! Why didn’t you stop the skateboard?!” *Cue shotgun blast of broken glass aimed straight at Mama’s heart*

He’s fine. He broke his wrist, but it’s a minor break, as breaks go. He’s uncomfortable but he’s okay. But ugh… It takes tremendous energy to stay calm for them when you’re absolutely freaking out on the inside, doesn’t it? I’ve got a stress hangover dogging me today. Everything feels just a little too sharp, a little too loud.

I let him stay home from school today. I bought him a cookie. He’s watching (too much) TV. He’s having a great day. Me? I’m thinking of all the different ways I can destroy that skateboard.

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10 comments on “In which I make a bonfire of skateboards and wrap my child in bubble wrap
  1. Carrie says:

    I cannot BELIEVE that is your son. He looks so so grownup. I remember him as such a wee thing. I’m sure this comment isn’t helping your mama heartache 😉 but he is adorable, and congrats on surviving this. Stupid skateboard.

  2. ToniC says:

    Hugs for both of you. At least he has something ‘cool’ to show his friends at school. I hope he sees it that way soon and that the pain isn’t too bad for him. Did you buy yourself a cookie, too? Your pain was probably worse than his.

  3. Melissa says:

    Poor kid. Hope he’s feeling better soon!

  4. Heather says:

    Sorry to hear it – hope you’re both feeling better today.

  5. Knittripps says:

    Oh my! I am sorry to hear about that. Poor thing. I hope it is a long time before my baby boy gets a skateboard 🙂

  6. Katie says:

    Oh, Cari!! I am so sorry Thumper is inured!!!! ♥

  7. Aw, but he looks like such a TOUGH GUY with that cast! My boys have never broken any bones, because they hardly ever want to play outdoors. Skateboards, bikes and scooters collect dust in the garage while little boys bury their nose in books, electronic devices, and Lego structures. It’s a beautiful day today — maybe I’ll force them to play outside, whether they like it or not? I have some helmets and plenty of bubblewrap on hand!

  8. Cait says:

    My son broke his arm last fall on his skateboard. It was his 5th broken bone in 6 years (he’s 11 and incredibly active). After a while you just get used to it.

  9. Steph VW says:

    My nephew, then 14, broke his arm and gave himself a concussion (even with a helmet) last fall while riding his skateboard. As his parents were on the other side of the country, I spelled of grandma and sat by his side in the hospital for the afternoon and evening before his surgery (yup, it was that bad). It was his second broken bone.

    There were thoughts of burning skateboards here too, but as he came out the other side, still the same smart kid who is a bit of a daredevil, a new helmet was purchased along with a new skateboard. What they didn’t buy, but which came with it, was a little bit of caution on his part.

  10. KathyB says:

    I busted my arm on a swing set when I was his age. Just don’t let his teacher use this as an excuse to get him to learn to write with the “wrong” hand, and you’ll both be fine.

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Writer, With Kids