Ingredients for a perfect holiday Monday

1. Your two closest friends on the planet (other than husband, of course. Boys go in a different column. This recipe is for a girl day.)
2. Snow outside.
3. Warm and cozy inside.
4. A movie that one of you loves and the other two have never seen before. If Johnny Depp and Crispin Glover are in it, all the better.
5. Freshly baked oatmeal cookies.
6. Veggie samosas from that health food place on Bedford.
7. Grape tomatoes.
8. Plenty of knitting to keep hands busy during the movie so they don’t constantly reach for the cookies.
9. Go ahead–have a cookie. Have another. They aren’t that big.
10. Whoever’s home you’re in, look at her art. Have her pull out her latest work and also stuff going back to BFA and MFA. Everyone else then gets to talk about what they’re doing and each person must come away from the day with some fantastic new idea inspired by the other two. This will happen on its own. If it seems to be happening too slowly, eat another cookie.
11. After the movie and the art talk, go to a nearby cafe and wash those cookies and samosa down with some pecan pie and coffee. Chat with the cafe owner about sock knitting. There will be more art talk. Indulge in it. Especially if you’re in a cafe called Le Cafe Starving Artiste.
12. Hugs goodbye and then the two of you whose home was not the gathering place for the day must walk together to the subway, then hug goodbye at the turnstile because you’re taking separate trains.
13. Repeat. Often.

Spent the whole day with Christina and Alicia at Christina’s gorgeous new apartment in Bed-Stuy. We watched Dead Man, which is one of Alicia’s favorites. Perfect day. Absolutely perfect.

32 Comments on “Ingredients for a perfect holiday Monday

  1. Sounds wonderful. Sounds caloric. Sounds calorically wonderful. And wonderfully caloric.
    Posted by: Norma

  2. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day! Lucky you, lucky friends. (I had to work. Bah!)
    Posted by: Jackie

  3. Sounds wonderful. Sounds caloric. Sounds calorically wonderful. And wonderfully caloric.
    Posted by: Norma

  4. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day! Lucky you, lucky friends. (I had to work. Bah!)
    Posted by: Jackie

  5. I stumbled on your blog a while back, and I read it all the time now–we seem to have a lot in common: the knitting, the writing, the love of great vegetarian food! Anyway, I should have congratulated you on your novel-writing milestone, but what finally prompted me to comment is more selfish: I just ordered “Dead Man” via Netflix based on boyfriend’s insistence, and I am happy to hear it is good!

    Posted by: Jamie

  6. Oh, I agree re Johnny Depp and Crispin Glover. I wish the latter would come out in more movies, though. Casting agents: Give the guy more work! (He was so great in Nurse Betty.)
    Posted by: Becky

  7. Sounds like a great day.

    “…wash those cookies and samosa down with some pecan pie and coffee.”

    I haven’t had breakfast yet, so this line jumped out at me.
    Posted by: Iris

  8. How can you go wrong with good friends, good movie, good conversation, and good knitting?? Oh, and good food of course. Mmmmm, pecan pie…
    Posted by: Vicki

  9. Sounds like “Perfect Day w/Friends” from The Silver Palate CookBook or something. Wonderful.

    Dead Man is a great movie, to be sure, but kind of grim for such an afternoon, don’t you think? I still have nightmares of – of all things – his initial train ride to Machine.
    Posted by: David

  10. Hi there,
    I’m new to your blog and I just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying your writing AND your knitting (though as a fairly new knitter, i’m envious of your talent and prodigious output).

    Do you have literary representation? This may sound weird, but my ex is a terrific literary agent, so please let me know if you’re looking for someone. Like I said, i’m knocked out by the quality of your writing.

    all the best to you,

    Posted by: Regina

  11. I stumbled on your blog a while back, and I read it all the time now–we seem to have a lot in common: the knitting, the writing, the love of great vegetarian food! Anyway, I should have congratulated you on your novel-writing milestone, but what finally prompted me to comment is more selfish: I just ordered “Dead Man” via Netflix based on boyfriend’s insistence, and I am happy to hear it is good!

    Posted by: Jamie

  12. Oh, I agree re Johnny Depp and Crispin Glover. I wish the latter would come out in more movies, though. Casting agents: Give the guy more work! (He was so great in Nurse Betty.)
    Posted by: Becky

  13. Sounds like a great day.

    “…wash those cookies and samosa down with some pecan pie and coffee.”

    I haven’t had breakfast yet, so this line jumped out at me.
    Posted by: Iris

  14. How can you go wrong with good friends, good movie, good conversation, and good knitting?? Oh, and good food of course. Mmmmm, pecan pie…
    Posted by: Vicki

  15. Sounds like “Perfect Day w/Friends” from The Silver Palate CookBook or something. Wonderful.

    Dead Man is a great movie, to be sure, but kind of grim for such an afternoon, don’t you think? I still have nightmares of – of all things – his initial train ride to Machine.
    Posted by: David

  16. Hi there,
    I’m new to your blog and I just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying your writing AND your knitting (though as a fairly new knitter, i’m envious of your talent and prodigious output).

    Do you have literary representation? This may sound weird, but my ex is a terrific literary agent, so please let me know if you’re looking for someone. Like I said, i’m knocked out by the quality of your writing.

    all the best to you,

    Posted by: Regina

  17. Sounds like a perfect day. 🙂 Dead Man is one of our favourites, and isn’t the music amazing? I feel all vicariously cozy and full of sweets from reading your post. And, thank you for the birthday wish, Cari! 🙂
    Posted by: Mandy

  18. What a lovely, lovely day. Girls rule, dude.

    Ah, Crispin Glover – – no other actor could have possibly gotten me to sit through “Willard.” I still think his best role was the 45 second bit in “Wild At Heart” in some flashback as a creepy cousin who put roaches in his underwear and made too many sandwiches.
    Posted by: mindy

  19. Out of lurking now: your girlie night description made me realize that I’m in a hurry to go out and have some fun with the girls. Or one of them. Preferably tomorrow.
    BTW: I love your colours; both on your blog and in your knitting.
    Posted by: Strikkelise

  20. Sounds like a perfect day. 🙂 Dead Man is one of our favourites, and isn’t the music amazing? I feel all vicariously cozy and full of sweets from reading your post. And, thank you for the birthday wish, Cari! 🙂
    Posted by: Mandy

  21. What a lovely, lovely day. Girls rule, dude.

    Ah, Crispin Glover – – no other actor could have possibly gotten me to sit through “Willard.” I still think his best role was the 45 second bit in “Wild At Heart” in some flashback as a creepy cousin who put roaches in his underwear and made too many sandwiches.
    Posted by: mindy

  22. Out of lurking now: your girlie night description made me realize that I’m in a hurry to go out and have some fun with the girls. Or one of them. Preferably tomorrow.
    BTW: I love your colours; both on your blog and in your knitting.
    Posted by: Strikkelise

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