10 Comments on ““It wants to be a single word.”

  1. Yes, a fantastic essay – I was particularly taken with the fractal nature of this statement:

    In that single grain of sand lies the beach that contains the grain of sand.

  2. Yes, a fantastic essay – I was particularly taken with the fractal nature of this statement:

    In that single grain of sand lies the beach that contains the grain of sand.

  3. Yes, yes, yes. I’m not a writer but I am a reader, and for years I’ve wished I could articulate just this thing in such a beautiful way. As a reader I want luscious dense nuggets, not filler; a novel is a burden, a physical thing to be carried around until it’s finished, while with a short story I can read it, put it down, and carry the impressions that are left and unpack them slowly and fully at my leisure, hands free. Does that make sense?

  4. Yes, yes, yes. I’m not a writer but I am a reader, and for years I’ve wished I could articulate just this thing in such a beautiful way. As a reader I want luscious dense nuggets, not filler; a novel is a burden, a physical thing to be carried around until it’s finished, while with a short story I can read it, put it down, and carry the impressions that are left and unpack them slowly and fully at my leisure, hands free. Does that make sense?

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