It’s a girl!

16 weeks

We had an ultrasound this past Thursday, the detailed anatomical scan. It was all good news. Everything measured just fine. The baby looks great. And unlike her big brother, who kept his legs tightly crossed for most of his ultrasounds and only gave us sneaking little glimpses that allowed the sonographer to guess with 75% certainty that he was a boy at his 16-week scan, this one is not in the least bit shy. Legs in the air, waving her little butt around. We can announce with 100% certainty that I’ve got a girl cooking in there.

Yesterday I sorted through all of Thumper’s outgrown clothes, setting aside the very “boyish” stuff to give to my friend Helen, who’s having a boy any day now. It was hard at first to put anything in the bags to give away. We got rid of all the basic basics, like onesies, before we moved, so every little thing I pulled out of the boxes had some memory attached. It seemed like only weeks ago I’d dressed him in those little pajamas, and now here I was trying to decide if I want to dress his little sister in blue trucks. Too fast…and yet he’ll be nearly four when she’s born.

I decided to give the blue trucks away. Not because I wouldn’t put a girl in blue clothes (though I dislike blue and it’s all Thumper wants to wear so I’ll be very happy to see less of it on this one), or things with trucks on them. But because I want her to have some things that didn’t belong to her big brother first. And I want that little thrill of dressing her in something for the first time, something that will have probably been handed down from a friend’s kid, but nothing I will have already dressed a baby in.

As I went through the boxes it got easier, and I now have two big bags of clothes to pass on to Helen’s baby. I kept more than I’m giving away, and this little girl will be wearing plenty of handmedowns from her brother. But there will be some things that will be just hers.

Poor kid. I’m already way too excited about dressing her like a little Minnie Pearl. If Thumper is any indication, I figure I only have a year and a half to two years before she starts insisting on dressing herself. I’m going to make the most of that time.

51 Comments on “It’s a girl!

  1. Congrats!!! Baby girls are wonderful (about as wonderful as baby boys)! Baby anythings are great!!!!! Happy thoughts to all of you.

  2. Congratulations! As the mother of three beautiful and intelligent girls, I can say that little girls are wonderful -not always, but most of the time- probably just like little boys…

  3. yet again, i wonder what’s up with you, pop over to your blog and voila! a girl! woohoo! loved my boy so much, didn’t care if i had another boy, but when i had a girl (what the boy wished for the day before she was born), well, let’s just say it’s exciting no matter what (and hand-me-downs worked for her too, but the new to me and her girly clothes were fun, too!)

  4. Congrats on a complete set of kids! You’re very right about how much time you’ll in choosing what she wears so enjoy it fully.

  5. I am a lurker and I wanted to come out of lurkdom to say I am so happy for you and your family!! This is exciting news..

  6. Yay! Congrats. Glad to hear all the baby cooking is going well. And I just read the avocado post. At the new seasons concordia (killingsworth and 33rd) they have organic little avocados in the summer from cali. they aren’t ever as cheap as Freds. and freds are usually pretty good.

  7. 3 cheers for a matched set (or is it a mismatched set?) Having one of each is such a pleasure – a true stroke of chromosomal luck, I say. I gave away most of S’s little girly things, but I kept a few special items with the dream of one day making a quilt.

  8. I am obscurely delighted that you are having a girl, and I have no idea why. I mean, I’m really truly delighted she’s doing well, which is what really counts. But yay girl yay girl!

    A totally unfair and sexist perspective, but there it is. Girls rock.

  9. This is so exciting! Congratulations! We just found out this week that we will be adopting 3 little girls! Yay for girls everywhere!

  10. Congratulations! Healthy baby! And thanks for putting into words what I wish I could have said when my second child was born – sometimes, it’s nice to put something ‘new’ on a baby.

  11. excellent news 🙂 btw- what they wear at home is a different ballgame. My little boy gets his own new wardrobe for daytime, but at night the poor guys gets to wear pajamas with frills- just about the only thing I was able to hand down from his big sister 🙂

  12. Congrats… Glad to hear everything is going well. So… how does Thumper feel about getting a little sister?

  13. Delighted for you. One of the wonders I have found of being a parent (two girls) is how similiar they are (looks, personality) and how utterly different. Certainly keeps you on your toes and life interesting.

    I am thrilled that all is going well with the baby growing.

  14. Both my children were girls, so count your blessings. Actually, your husband should be doing the counting. In my experience, personal and observable, girls belong to their fathers, boys to their mothers.

  15. Congratulations – lovely to see the news!

    I had the same reluctance to move clothes on initially, but that has evaporated now that I’ve got 2 rapidly-growing children (girl + boy). I can’t get the too-small things out of the house quickly enough!

  16. Congratulations Cari with your babygirl! And slightly ot, this was the first time I read the word ‘onesies’ anywhere! I immediately knew what it meant, but I have honestly never seen it before in print. In Dutch a ‘onesy’ is called a ‘rompertje’. Also a word you won’t find in a dictionary. Ha ha.

  17. I can hardly wait to see a shot of her little butt in those frilly little nappie covers! (god…reading that back it sound a little pervy) but you know what I mean — frills and ribbons and velvet…Oh my!


    I can’t wait to hear what Thumper thinks of all this – I am sure he will have some funny things to say 😉

  19. Congratulations! I moved (to Portland!) and I’ve been away from your blog and I had no idea what was cooking 🙂 SO happy to hear that things are working out this time!!!

  20. Blue trucks! Yay! Thank you so much. I am very excited that you are having a girl. My brother and I are 4 years apart and I think it is a perfect age difference. Do you want to stop by tomorrow? Well, today (Wed.) Yes, it’s 4am. I’m practicing sleeplessness.

  21. Congratulations! My girls all wore plenty of their big brothers’ overalls and khaki cargo pants. I usually added a pink or purple or flowered T to the ensemble or a “girly” hat or even a cute pin to the safari hat that protected little faces and necks from the sun so well that I kept it even if it was a “boy” hat. And I’ll admit that my boys may have worn less than masculine hand-me-down PJs or socks once or twice (or more!). Enjoy your sweet little girl who will look adorable in Thumper’s jeans with a butterfly ironed on the pocket and hiking boots with glittery purple laces.

  22. Congrats! A girl, how exciting! Thumper will have Flopsy as his sister? Topsy? I can’t remember any others! I’m very very happy for you all!

  23. How nice! I have a boy (so I think they’re pretty cool), but I’m a girl, so yea!! From the way you describe him, Thumper seems to have such a sweet soul–he’ll be a lovely big brother.

  24. Congrats! This is wonderful news. I know what you mean about dressing a kid in new (or new to you) clothes. While I’m making some unisex sweaters and hats for my little girl so her brother can wear them later, I’m also making sure they have some things that were made just for them. I have a feeling it’ll become a bone of contention later if I don’t. 🙂

    Take good care and rest up while you can. You’ll find that having 2 kids is 10 times the work (and yes, worth it).

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