I’ve got nothing for you today

It’s well after 3pm and the kiddo is still resisting his nap (normally around 12:30), which means at this point there likely won’t BE a nap, which means I’m not getting a break today. And damn do I need a break today.

So instead of watching me bang my tired head against the wall (while eating much more than my share of the chocolate cherry bread that jumped into my cart at New Seasons this morning), why not go read this great post by Sutton?

22 Comments on “I’ve got nothing for you today

  1. Mine does the same thing, it must be an 18-months-thing. He’ll take a nap 1/3 of his normal one and be into everything! The only bonus is that he will sleep longer without waking up in the night. Other times it will be an extra long nap. Makes no sense. Hopefully he’ll break the cycle.
    Posted by: rubyredruca

  2. Oh my, you poor thing. It was hard for me to give up my kid’s naps. Now they are so few and far between.

    Hopefully Thumper will start napping again soon. My middle kiddo napped until he was 5 🙂 My other two, well, don’t want to depress you.
    Posted by: Michele

  3. Mine does the same thing, it must be an 18-months-thing. He’ll take a nap 1/3 of his normal one and be into everything! The only bonus is that he will sleep longer without waking up in the night. Other times it will be an extra long nap. Makes no sense. Hopefully he’ll break the cycle.
    Posted by: rubyredruca

  4. Oh my, you poor thing. It was hard for me to give up my kid’s naps. Now they are so few and far between.

    Hopefully Thumper will start napping again soon. My middle kiddo napped until he was 5 🙂 My other two, well, don’t want to depress you.
    Posted by: Michele

  5. Well, my younger gave up naps at 18 months. I think he’s going to become one of those adults who only needs 6 hours of sleep – I envy people who can do that. But it’s hard in the meantime! I’ve never understood why they start sleeping less around the time they start moving around both more and faster.
    Posted by: Patti

  6. mmmm, bread good. chocolate good. cherry good. chocolate cherry bread? mmmmmmm good.
    Posted by: carolyn

  7. Don’t despair! My 3-year-old went through a phase of no naps at all, and now he seems to nap 3 or 4 days a week. On Saturday, he fell asleep at 3:00pm and didn’t wake up again until 6:30 the next morning! Talk about a power nap.
    Posted by: Tracy

  8. Oh, boy. Mine’s starting to shift into having one long nap in the middle of the day (11am-1pm), which is nice, but sometimes it’s not predictable either. He’s starting to wean himself out of a nap from 4-5pm, and I miss having that time to do whatever I need to do. Gah.

    I just hope the next phase is sleeping through the night. I could use the sleep myself.
    Posted by: Anna

  9. Poor thing. I’m dreading when that day will come. Those naps are so necessary some days… Hope its just a stage, and he will go back to napping…
    Posted by: Sharon

  10. We’ve had a few no nap days lately too. They bite the big one because we end up with a very, very overtired, and consequently very, very cranky baby by 6pm. I hope this is just a passing phase for Thumper and he goes back to the nap.
    Posted by: ginchy

  11. Well, my younger gave up naps at 18 months. I think he’s going to become one of those adults who only needs 6 hours of sleep – I envy people who can do that. But it’s hard in the meantime! I’ve never understood why they start sleeping less around the time they start moving around both more and faster.
    Posted by: Patti

  12. mmmm, bread good. chocolate good. cherry good. chocolate cherry bread? mmmmmmm good.
    Posted by: carolyn

  13. Don’t despair! My 3-year-old went through a phase of no naps at all, and now he seems to nap 3 or 4 days a week. On Saturday, he fell asleep at 3:00pm and didn’t wake up again until 6:30 the next morning! Talk about a power nap.
    Posted by: Tracy

  14. Oh, boy. Mine’s starting to shift into having one long nap in the middle of the day (11am-1pm), which is nice, but sometimes it’s not predictable either. He’s starting to wean himself out of a nap from 4-5pm, and I miss having that time to do whatever I need to do. Gah.

    I just hope the next phase is sleeping through the night. I could use the sleep myself.
    Posted by: Anna

  15. Poor thing. I’m dreading when that day will come. Those naps are so necessary some days… Hope its just a stage, and he will go back to napping…
    Posted by: Sharon

  16. We’ve had a few no nap days lately too. They bite the big one because we end up with a very, very overtired, and consequently very, very cranky baby by 6pm. I hope this is just a passing phase for Thumper and he goes back to the nap.
    Posted by: ginchy

  17. I dunno. There are moments when I would have a hard time resisting the use of drugs. Hee. KIDDING!!!!
    Posted by: Norma

  18. Thank you for linking that lovely post. It made me think about high school memories that I haven’t thought about in a long time.
    Posted by: knittripps

  19. I dunno. There are moments when I would have a hard time resisting the use of drugs. Hee. KIDDING!!!!
    Posted by: Norma

  20. Thank you for linking that lovely post. It made me think about high school memories that I haven’t thought about in a long time.
    Posted by: knittripps

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