Just a quick note to say…

…that our dear Rachael’s book, How to Knit a Love Song, is now available for pre-order at Amazon.

Now, I usually try to buy all my books from Powells, to support my local independent (and utterly fantastic) bookstore, but getting good pre-order numbers truly helps emerging authors. So if you know and love Rachael, as I know many of you do, pre-ordering from Amazon would be a great way to support her.

And if you don’t know Rachael yet (which likely means you aren’t a knitter. And that’s okay), go check out her blog, and then please consider ordering her book. Yes, it’s a romance novel. You don’t read romance, you say? You know what? Me neither, usually. But do yourself a favor and put genre assumptions etc aside. Trust me on this one. The woman can write her ass off.

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