Just when you think you’re feeling kind of okay about it
A little girl in Thumper’s playgroup has a brand new baby sister. I just went to pick him up from playgroup, and this sweet little girl regaled me with tales of going to see the baby in the hospital, and how she was wearing a hat and how she is very, very little. Then Thumper came running up and said, “Mommy, I have a baby sister too!”
No, honey. You don’t.
He’s napping now. I’m going to go sit in the dark somewhere.
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Gosh, Cari. I’m so with you on this right now. It can be really hard to watch everyone ELSE enjoy their new babies sometimes.
Cari, I am so sorry, it is terrible when it seems like every one else’s arms are full and yours are empty.
love to you, lady.
I’m so sorry…
I’ve been there. Bean is now six and there isn’t going to be any sibling and sometimes it’s really hard to watch kids playing with their siblings and knowing she’s never going to have that.
I’m so sorry… <<>>
That was supposed to be a hug…..
Sending you big love. I wish you weren’t so damn far away, even if it is Utopia and all.
As soon as I read ‘baby sister’ I knew you hurt. I’m so sorry.
Bummer… Its hard when things like that are right in your face and you can’t avoid it. I felt the same aout hearing other’s birth stories, when mine was so disappointing. Its still hurts now.
I’m sorry. *hugs*
I’m sorry.
I hear you. I feel for you. And I completely understand. I had a miscarriage in September, and everytime I think I’m over it, something new comes up to remind me.
At the time though, remembering your post really really helped get me through it.
Hugs Cari. My would have been due date is coming up in a few weeks. The pain isn’t always pressing, but it’s times like this that really bring it forward.
Though I’m sure you will never get over such a tremendous loss, I’m sure that someday in the near future Thumper will have a little brother or sister. A good friend of mine had a miscarriage right around the time I became pregnant with my son, and she swore it was her girl. She already had two boys. About six months later she became pregnant again and had her little girl. My son and the little girl are best buds now. Hang in there, I have a feeling the future will get brighter. **Hugs**
I hope things get better for you, in your time.
so sorry, cari. thinking of you.
don’t know what to say…hope peace finds you again quickly xx
Oh honey.
I can only imagine the pain – especially when the reminder comes unexpectedly.
Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry. I’m thinking big squash hugs at you and also chocolate.
I’m so sorry. Sending hugs.
So sorry you have to feel this.
I’m so sorry, I’m sending love and hugs your way. x
ugh, i’m sorry to hear this happened, and ripped your wound back open. ((((hugs))))
i don’t know how i missed this post š hugs to you!
Awww, (((Cari))). I have a beautiful best friend, she had a beautiful baby boy, then two miscarriages, both terrible. And then another beautiful baby boy. I am certainly not wanting to make you feel nothing about this, maybe just show you the long view from my (limited) experience.
I always come to your blog knowing it will make me feel loving, no matter what.
Cari, I’ve been so absent lately (uhm like since last summmer). I missed your July miscarriage piece too. Bad friend. You wrote it so beautifully, so heart-wrenchingly, like it was, like it happened. Know I’m thinking of you, sending you hugs. I’m glad you don’t keep silent…