Kids aren’t supposed to cause trouble until they’re born.
This new one? Hasn’t gotten the message.
Yes, everyone is fine. I’m fine. The fetus is fine. Had a bit of a scare during a routine prenatal appointment yesterday, though. And given everything that led up to this pregnancy, I’m already kind of full up on scares. I’m at 14 weeks now and I’ve been feeling movement since last week, so I walked into the appointment pretty confident that all was well. And then the doctor pulled out the doppler and couldn’t find a fetal heartbeat. Just the much slower sound of the blood through the placenta. She moved the doppler around, she searched and searched… I tried to cheer the kid on, while beginning to prepare myself for the thing I’ve been half preparing myself for ever since the positive pregnancy test back in July.
I said, “Well, someone’s been scraping and rolling around in there all week,” but already I was wondering if it had been optimistic gas or phantom baby scrabblings.
The doctor said, “I’m sure it’s fine. This kid just wants to be on TV.” She went to get the ultrasound machine. She said she was sure everything was fine, but you’ve never seen a doctor move this quickly, or come back so quickly, or set up a machine so quickly. And then, there was the little one, wriggling around like mad. Apparently the placenta is attached toward the front of my body, making it hard to hear anything (like a wee heartbeat) that’s deeper into the uterus. Fun. I really didn’t need any more excitement in my life, thanks.
This one’s a dancer. Not a GOOD dancer, more a dancer after its father’s style, but yeah. A mover. A shaker. A serious wiggler. Perhaps to make up for the scare, the doctor let me watch that kid go for a good long time. We got four images snapped, just for fun, and a different position in each one. Here are the two best.
Cute yeah? But already a stinker. Next time, kiddo, swim up closer to the surface so we can hear you, okay?
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You were so fortunate to have an ultrasound machine in the office. Where I am, you have to go to a clinic. Once at my gyny’s, I saw a woman in your situation being sent for an “emergency” ultrasound. There was no appointment available until the next day. Everyone was trying to make positive noises. Awful, just awful. I feel for you and I’m glad everything worked out.
Maybe you should play some Sly and the Family Stone for her before the next appointment. 😀
Oh ! Hello new person !
It’s an odd dichotomy, the ‘high risk’ pregnancy ! You want to hear and see the baby all the time, but the stress of the appointments is something you really don’t want. It was easier in the time before dopplers and ultrasounds. You felt your baby move and knew everything was o.k.
Having said that, I truly cherish every one of my numerous ultrasound pictures.
Your pictures are wonderful.
Yay! It’s an alien gymnast!
What a cutie! You had me worried for a second, but I’m glad to hear all is well. Is Thumper getting excited about being a big brother? It’s going to be awesome. My two have a crazy bond that you wouldn’t think was possible so young, but it’s so much fun.
Three cheers for dancing babies! This is wonderful news. I’d love to know how/when you told Thumper about his impending big-brotherhood…
Your comment about Bill’s trashing ahem dancing made us both laugh
Oy veh. Sometimes Yiddish just tells it better than English.
omg, the SAME EXACT thing happened to me at my last appointment. it scared the crap out of us. it’s such a relief to see that wriggling little baby. it’s a very good sign of a healthy, happy fetus (as i’m sure you already know).
Glad you got to ‘see’ that everything is fine.
Hey! Congratulations!!!
whew. fine. So s/he’s a drama queen/king. Alrighty. I’ve got a great pattern for a wee black knitted leather motorcycle jacket and I know I can find some leopard print leggings somewhere…
heh. Glad beyond words that all is well.
Oh the drama! I am so glad all is well. “Stay Positive” was the theme song for my last pregnancy. You are welcome to use it too.
whew. little swimmer there better behave next time. US pictures always freak me out a little bit. so weird that we can see in there, you know?
good to hear everything is going well! images are cute:)
Whoosh! Glad to hear all is well, except now I have that stupid Elton John song “Tiny Dancer” stuck in my head. I suppose there are worse songs…
eek! so scary. you’re so lucky there is a u/s machine right in the office. i’m glad all is well with you and the wee one.
Glad to hear Baby #2 is okay!
Well, you already got a Thumper so I guess this is Swimmer?
I am glad to hear that things are okay!
The weather is getting colder here and I wore my Trilce for the first time this season. I even received a couple of compliments on it. I love it so much I’m thinking about making another one in a differnt color.
oooh, I had an anterior placenta, too! When the baby is big enough that you can hear it’s heartbeat, it’s really cool to hear both sounds at the same time.
It always amazes me how much a baby changes in u/s pictures. 14 weeks and it looks just like a baby! I’m happy that all is well and that you get movements to assure you of that. My boys were buggers- totally lazy and always freaking me out.