Knitting: Good for what ails ya

Thanks so much for the supportive messages following yesterday’s post. It’s nice to know I have so many people pulling for me. It’s also interesting to see how many knitters are currently writing novels.

Anyway, I knew the MFA thing wouldn’t be easy. I’m back in the saddle today.

I have finally finished the first sock of Billy’s pair. Poor guy. I started this sock back in May and kept putting it aside in favor of other projects. I finished it last night and immediately cast on for the second. I’m dedicating all my subway knitting to it, so he’ll probably have a pair of toasty socks in another week.


It’s Regia ringel #5156. I prefer the Regia colorways that are tiny stripes rather than this faux fair isle, but this pattern is definitely more my boy’s style than stripes would be. He’s happy with his one sock and seems surprised at how much more comfortable it is than a storebought sock. (It’s all the love that’s knitted into it, of course.)

12 Comments on “Knitting: Good for what ails ya

  1. That’s a pic that only knitters would think is hysterical – if someone else were to look over my shoulder right now, they just wouldn’t get it. ‘Course I’m at home, and the only thing that can look over my shoulder is a cat or two, and they could care less….. Just saying.

    And yeah – isn’t that weird about the novel thing? I love it.
    Posted by: Rachael

  2. Your guy let you take a picture of his un-socked foot!? Wow. Mine would never! Good thing he’s appreciative of the first sock….gives you more incentive for number 2. Great monster sweater! love those colors….
    Posted by: claudia

  3. Jeez! Did you get the e-mail I sent you yesterday? Try this address, which is my work e-mail that is NOT to be used to personal reasons!! alison[at]mail[.]fareast[.]com[.]tw
    Posted by: alison

  4. Hee! Rach’s right: non-knitters would just not get that picture. I love the light blue in the sock! What size needles are you using? What size feet? (I’m embarking on my first pair of socks for BIG feet (11.5), so I’m curious)
    Posted by: Em

  5. That’s a pic that only knitters would think is hysterical – if someone else were to look over my shoulder right now, they just wouldn’t get it. ‘Course I’m at home, and the only thing that can look over my shoulder is a cat or two, and they could care less….. Just saying.

    And yeah – isn’t that weird about the novel thing? I love it.
    Posted by: Rachael

  6. Your guy let you take a picture of his un-socked foot!? Wow. Mine would never! Good thing he’s appreciative of the first sock….gives you more incentive for number 2. Great monster sweater! love those colors….
    Posted by: claudia

  7. Jeez! Did you get the e-mail I sent you yesterday? Try this address, which is my work e-mail that is NOT to be used to personal reasons!! alison[at]mail[.]fareast[.]com[.]tw
    Posted by: alison

  8. Hee! Rach’s right: non-knitters would just not get that picture. I love the light blue in the sock! What size needles are you using? What size feet? (I’m embarking on my first pair of socks for BIG feet (11.5), so I’m curious)
    Posted by: Em

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