Me? Giddily triumphant, thanks

I’m sitting in the usual Sunday cafe, where I come to write without toddler or husband interruption. (Which is not to say that I don’t appreciate the fact that I wouldn’t have this time to work if it weren’t for the willingness of said toddler and husband to spend six hours without me each Sunday.) The cafe is playing Nick Cave, as they tend to do, and it’s raining outside, a soft, gray Portland rain. I’m full of coffee and sandwich. I’m wearing the red v-neck cashmere sweater I always wanted to have, found at Goodwill the other week for twelve bucks.

Life is good, yeah?

And get this.

I just finished the third draft of the new novel. Yep. When I get home, I’m going to print it out to give it one last read through, then I expect to send it off to my agent by the end of the week.


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54 Comments on “Me? Giddily triumphant, thanks

  1. I hope this is all a sign that your novel will have an easy time making it’s way into the world.
    It was a lovely day to curl up with knitting and a warm kitty and slow-roast tomatoes.for winter.

  2. I hope this is all a sign that your novel will have an easy time making it’s way into the world.
    It was a lovely day to curl up with knitting and a warm kitty and slow-roast tomatoes.for winter.

  3. You are my idol, and holy shit, I need to get writing. So, CONGRATS to you – this is wonderful – and thank you, for motivating me!

    And dammit we WILL do coffee.

  4. You are my idol, and holy shit, I need to get writing. So, CONGRATS to you – this is wonderful – and thank you, for motivating me!

    And dammit we WILL do coffee.

  5. weird…this is the second blog posting I have read today that has mentioned Nick Cave…I think i’m gonna put on a Nick Cave CD cause the cosmos is trying to tell me something!

  6. weird…this is the second blog posting I have read today that has mentioned Nick Cave…I think i’m gonna put on a Nick Cave CD cause the cosmos is trying to tell me something!

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