More random because that’s where I’m at
1. My SIL (my brother’s wife), Amey, has a new blog about being a Korean American adoptee. Go see what Amey has to say.
2. We went to see a reproductive endocrinologist today. “blah blah we don’t know why you’re having recurring miscarriages blah blah give us more of your blood blah blah you’re not THAT old blah blah.” Which is not to say I didn’t like this guy, or that it was a waste of time, etc. I do like him. It’s just that this whole deal sucks and is unfair and is not the life I ordered, damn it. Blah blah.
3. I’ve started a new sourdough starter. The sunporch, where it’s living for the next few days, now smells like hard cider. There are far worse smells one could have in a sunporch.
4. It’s well over 100 deg F here. That’s not supposed to happen in Portland, Oregon. This is not what I signed on for. Though we do have central ac (sorry, polar bears!), so it’s not so bad. And the dog loves it, freaky desert breed that he is. And the okra I’m not supposed to be able to grow here love it , too. Still, if we could have our usual 70ish back soon, please, that’d be great. Thanks.
5. I have a cabbage. I have a crock. Soon, there will be sauerkraut.
6. Mmmmmm….sauerkraut…
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Yeah, from what I hear, Portland is definitely NOT supposed to have the same levels of heat we get here in DC. Ick! And the doctors, also ick.
But yay sourdough and hard cider smell and sauerkraut!
Thank you so much for the link to your SILs blog. I am the mother of a Korean Adoptee (she’s 5.5 right now) I’m always looking for insight on how she may feel as she grows up.
It’s pretty damned warm here just south of vancouver on the coast too…. but I do like it.
Hang in there on the RE stuff… rooting for you.
Hang in there! seeing a good RE is doing SOMETHING, in a situation that often feels out of our control. (beyond temping, charting, acupuncture, herbs, etc…)
I feel your pain – especially the RE pain. Sucks all around – BUT – I’m proof that they can help. I hope it does for you.
Thanks so much for the link to Amey’s blog. I have an odd relationship with S. Korea. I was stationed there for a year and have a friend that was adopted when she was a toddler. So I find myself a bit homesick for the country and being the one who orders for us when we go to Sorabol.
Sourdough and sauerkraut. I wanna come over for dinner. After it cools down some.
The sourdough and sauerkraut are so inspiring. I wish I had the motivation to do those things. My hubby wants to do the sauerkraut, I suspect he’ll follow through for us. 🙂
I’m glad you like the new doctor and hope he can at least come up with some ideas. I haven’t made it that far, but I find that they don’t seem all that concerned about time passing us by as far as fertility goes.
Keep cool….the heat sucks. really sucks. We are finally getting a break from it…
Hesitate to say this, because I’m sure it’s been discussed, but I had a friend who had a few miscarriages (coincidentally in Portland) and her gyno gave her an antibiotic because there was a fairly unusual infection that could cause early miscarriage. Said gyno said the treatment wasn’t indicated because she hadn’t had enough miscarriages, but she did it anyway, and all was well after that. (A miracle cure would be so nice.)
#7. the sweet sue peaches are in at the farmer’s market. baird family orchards. awesomeness.
bought a box of peaches and an iced coffee from velo at the wednesday market today and almost forgot that it was so hot outside my sunglasses were melting.
Looks like I’ll be making a trip to the RE soon. My dr has reached the end of what she can do. Wishing you good luck!
106 here in Lafayette, Oregon NOT Lafayette, Louisiana!
Going to the Sock Summit? I’m new, okay we moved her last summer, to Oregon and I’m looking for car poolers who want a ride. I’ll drive, large SUV, lots of room to bring home new stash!
I’ve been reading you blog for a number of years now, so for some reason I feel like I’m not a stranger. Let me know.
Thanks again Cari for linking my new Blog onto yours. I hope your readers will enjoy reading it and hope it will reach out to others whether they are adopted, adopting, or want to learn more about transracial adoption and Korea. Again, hope to see them there and their comments so it can open to discussions!
We may have gotten your weather. It is usually hotter in se michigan by the end of July but we have trouble breaking 80 for two days in a row. And 50 at night is really nice.
Do a little research on MTHFR. It is genetic and causes blood clots. My sister had one child without any problems and then suffered 5 miscarriages before they discovered the issue. Both of my sisters have it but I am just a carrier.
Best of luck to you in your journey,
Yeah I’m still playing catch up with all the blogs I follow.
Good luck with the RE. If you decide you don’t like him, switch, it really does make a difference.
Granted that didn’t help me, but then Fate hates my guts. 😉
Good luck Cari. This particular journey isn’t any fun. You’ve read my blog, this isn’t something I’ll try to sugar coat.
I do honestly wish you the best. I wouldn’t wish what I went through the last 3 years on anyone.