What a wonderful thing, to be crying tears of joy instead of the tears of grief/betrayal/fear/disenfranchisement I’ve become accustomed to following an election. I’ll be honest, I was extremely anxious going into this election.

My fellow Americans, I’m sorry I underestimated you.


(Apparently, yes we can!)

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23 Comments on “PRESIDENT OBAMA!

  1. Yes!

    Our small town had a record turn out. People usually treat election day as a social event but this time people were quiet. I really believe that they realized just how important this election is to our country.

    This was a first presidential election for my two younger sons. We celebrated in our hearts, but one of the poll workers gave them each a kiss…Hershey’s, of course!

  2. Congratulations from Norway!

    I sat up until 3:30 this morning following the results, nothing was clear yet but then the Ohio results came and I went to bed with a good feeling. Woke up when my clock radio went off at 7 with the good news.

    Thank you!

  3. And do you know, the whole world sighed and jeered and,
    even on this side of the world,
    there were tears in my eyes to see the result.
    What hope springs…

  4. The relief I feel is overwhelming. What a wonderful thing to vote for someone and have them win – it’s been way too long since I had that experience.

  5. Congrats from a complete stranger in another part of the world (germany). First thing this early morning was checking the internet for the outcome. We are happy for you and so relieved!
    Better times to come!

  6. Living in a swing state, both my husband and I voted. We both got the “I Voted ” Presidential sticker, and the short person got the “Future Voter” sticker. He’s also been predicting Obama’s win for months–it was the first political candidate he could say (he’s a little younger than Thumper).

  7. i was tearing up during lat night’s speech and the husband and i went to bed with a laugh because we realized we were excited about our president. tim commented that his speech moved us because he believes in what he is saying. it is so refreshing to have a president who believes, so very refreshing.

  8. Yay from France, where the two kids and I did our bit! It is amazing how closely the election has been followed here (not only by expats, but by the French themselves), and with what hope the outcome has been received!

  9. I know!! I have been pinching myself all day. As I rode the bus to PCC today I realized I suddenly see my fellow citizens with new eyes – eyes of admiration and respect instead of the last 8 years of eyes of disdain, wondering who among them was responsible for what had happened. Today I see them all as responsible for a change so great, I can’t even begin to fathom it. Wonderful!!!

  10. In the UK I think we are all feeling a lot more positive about our ‘special relationship’ (!) now, you have a great country that deserves the best leadership.


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