Printing, printing, printing

A photo of my guys, because who wants to see a photo of a printer?

Unfortunately, the glory of finishing a draft of a novel is closely followed by the drudgery of printing. And printing. And printing. Yes, I know I could send it to a copy shop. I did that with the first novel. But that was New York, with the New York boundaries in place. It feels weird to do that here in Portland, where the personal boundaries are more relaxed. I’m pretty sure someone here in Portland would not only read through it while they copy it; they would also tell me about it. Which I couldn’t handle. They’d be totally sweet and friendly about it, but still. In New York, if they bothered to look at my pages, they never said so.

I printed out two copies already. One is in the mail to Reyna (who’s been my reader and I hers off and on since we were in high school), and the other was handed off to Heather, who’s reading it to make sure the legal stuff is plausible. Marrije and Anina both wanted the file emailed rather than hard copy sent (bless), so the book is also with them. Tonight, I’m printing out Lon’s copy to mail to him, and once I mail that tomorrow, it will officially be in the hands or on the way to the hands of all my second-draft readers. That is, the very first people to see even a single word of the book. Gulp.

Which marks the start of the tortuous waiting-for-feedback period. No wonder I’ve picked up my knitting again.

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20 Comments on “Printing, printing, printing

  1. Cari, I love that you’re willing to be in conversation with so many readers… strong and vulnerable entwined. I’m sure your voice is sharp and ice-clear, and that you’ll find the space to hear what these carefully chosen readers have to say. Huge congratulations on reaching this milestone.

  2. Cari, I love that you’re willing to be in conversation with so many readers… strong and vulnerable entwined. I’m sure your voice is sharp and ice-clear, and that you’ll find the space to hear what these carefully chosen readers have to say. Huge congratulations on reaching this milestone.

  3. Clean Copy in downtown Portland (adjacent to Portland State) does a lot of copying for the U, and I used to have lots of things copied there. They are very good about not reading people’s stuff, and they are also very busy most of the time. You might want to try them out!

  4. Clean Copy in downtown Portland (adjacent to Portland State) does a lot of copying for the U, and I used to have lots of things copied there. They are very good about not reading people’s stuff, and they are also very busy most of the time. You might want to try them out!

  5. Received!
    I’m taking it with me to the woods (Adirondacks) tomorrow morning. With my mom watching the little bird for the next few days, and no work-work, I’ll have uninterrupted reading. Stoked!
    And by the way, in case anyone is wondering, I peeked. If it starts with chills, I’m in. I’m so in.

  6. Received!
    I’m taking it with me to the woods (Adirondacks) tomorrow morning. With my mom watching the little bird for the next few days, and no work-work, I’ll have uninterrupted reading. Stoked!
    And by the way, in case anyone is wondering, I peeked. If it starts with chills, I’m in. I’m so in.

  7. You second-draft readers must be very lucky and talented individuals. Wishing your novel safe and fruitful travels…

    What you are knitting to keep your mind occupied?

  8. You second-draft readers must be very lucky and talented individuals. Wishing your novel safe and fruitful travels…

    What you are knitting to keep your mind occupied?

  9. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, hon!

    And may I add that it’s a real pain in the butt to knit with crossed fingers? Srsly.

  10. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, hon!

    And may I add that it’s a real pain in the butt to knit with crossed fingers? Srsly.

  11. How exciting! I’m guessing it’s nerve-wracking as all get-out, too, though.

    your men are adorable. I want to kiss Thumper’s little hand.

  12. How exciting! I’m guessing it’s nerve-wracking as all get-out, too, though.

    your men are adorable. I want to kiss Thumper’s little hand.

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