Quality control

I had a weird dream Friday night. (I know, I know…no one actually wants to hear about anyone else’s dreams. No, this one won’t be different. It’s not interesting enough to share, really, but I’m sharing anyway, because I’m going somewhere with this.) Thumper and I were in Portland, Oregon, at an outdoor cafe on the side of a grassy hill, surrounded by old-growth trees. I hung the baby sling–with the baby in it–on the back of a chair (this was perfectly normal in the dream) while I went to order coffee and a cookie from the very friendly woman at the counter, which was more like a wooden plank balanced on two saw horses. As I turned back toward the table with my coffee, I saw the baby start to reach for something and tip out of his sling. He was promptly caught by Paul McCartney.

Paul was very nice about having had to catch my falling baby, and we chatted about babies and Italian greyhounds (suddenly the dogs were there with me too) and then he drove off in an unremarkable car. Then I met up with Billy and told him that Paul McCartney was a nice guy and his car wasn’t as fancy as one would expect, and what a shame that I met him in Portland because now he thinks I live there. But I don’t, so he won’t be able to find me if he wants to…I don’t know…talk about Italian greyhounds some more.

And that was the dream. And then Billy and I spent a very intense weekend in the real wide-awake world, talking about quality of life, and what kind of family life we want and what kind of experiences we’d like Thumper to have, and what kind of public school experience we’d like him to have etc etc and it all came down to this:

There is an excellent chance that we will be moving to Portland. Sooner rather than later. I’m excited and terrified and all that. Anyone from the Portland area who can offer advice as to good school districts where we’d want to look for houses, our ears are wide open.

So I guess Paul will know where to find me after all. Funny thing is, he was always my least favorite Beatle.

132 Comments on “Quality control

  1. I’m up in Seattle so I don’t know the ins and outs of Portland. But the PNW is great and a wonderful place to raise a family.
    Posted by: Jessica

  2. I have never been anywhere near Portland, of course (or near Brooklyn, for that matter), but this sounds like a great idea! One of my cousins lives near Mount Hood, and it sounds like she and her husband and her two children have a brilliant life there.
    Posted by: marrije

  3. I have a couple friends who live in Portland, and they love the region but aren’t necessarily crazy about the city itself as a place for kids. If you would like to email me I’ll be glad to give you what info I have, or hook you up with my friends. I’m curious to see where you go from here!
    Posted by: Steph Bolinger

  4. so… i seem to be the only portlander thus far. i strongly suggest the se/ brooklyn area. yeah, there’s a brooklyn neighborhood, but it has little in common with the other one, if one were to ask me.

    if you have any other portland questions, i hope i can be of help. good luck in your search!
    Posted by: avalynda

  5. My stepson and his wife and baby told us yesterday that they are moving to Florida. This sure is hard on the rest of the family. Hope you guys find the right place for all of you.
    Posted by: Carole

  6. WHAT!? This is expected/unexpected?? Well, Sarah from bluegarter.org is a Portlander.
    Posted by: john

  7. I have several displaced Portland friends and they wax poetic about the place all. the. time. It’s gotten so bad that I’m pretty sure I want to move there at some point, too!

    And speaking of weird dreams–I keep having dreams where I give birth and the baby is already about one and speaks perfectly. One was quite hilarious.

    Posted by: Cirilia

  8. Wow. This decision must have been tough. My husband and I are trying to move to Minnesota, and we’re trying to decide if we can do it before or wait until after the baby comes. It’s for a lot of the same reasons you are talking about moving, although we’ll be moving closer to our families rather than further away. Big moves are exciting and scary and full of questions. Good luck.
    Posted by: Susan

  9. sniffle…sniffle… If you go a million miles away, you have to promise to still blog.

    But really…how exciting for you to live somewhere completely new!
    Posted by: claudia

  10. Sounds like your dream was about taking risks and having things come out alright in the end “with a little help from your friends.” And coffee.
    Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport

  11. I love hearing people’s weird dreams. They run in my family.

    The other night I had one. I was driving along in my car, and I noticed the “check battery” light was on. Even though that doesn’t even exist. So, I drove out of my way to go to my friend’s auto repair shop (in real life, this friend is actually a singer!) to get it fixed. I pulled up and he was like, “Hey! What’s going on?”

    I said, “Something’s wrong with my battery.”
    He said, “Oh, well did you check the carberator?”
    I said, “I don’t even know what that is!”

    And then he fixed my car.

    So weird. I just crack up at the “did you check the carberator” line!
    Posted by: Raychel

  12. Woah. That’s a seriously odd dream. I hate to break it to you but Paul doesn’t live in Portland. 😉

    He’s my least favorite Beatle as well.
    Posted by: Sachi

  13. I’m up in Seattle so I don’t know the ins and outs of Portland. But the PNW is great and a wonderful place to raise a family.
    Posted by: Jessica

  14. I have never been anywhere near Portland, of course (or near Brooklyn, for that matter), but this sounds like a great idea! One of my cousins lives near Mount Hood, and it sounds like she and her husband and her two children have a brilliant life there.
    Posted by: marrije

  15. I have a couple friends who live in Portland, and they love the region but aren’t necessarily crazy about the city itself as a place for kids. If you would like to email me I’ll be glad to give you what info I have, or hook you up with my friends. I’m curious to see where you go from here!
    Posted by: Steph Bolinger

  16. so… i seem to be the only portlander thus far. i strongly suggest the se/ brooklyn area. yeah, there’s a brooklyn neighborhood, but it has little in common with the other one, if one were to ask me.

    if you have any other portland questions, i hope i can be of help. good luck in your search!
    Posted by: avalynda

  17. My stepson and his wife and baby told us yesterday that they are moving to Florida. This sure is hard on the rest of the family. Hope you guys find the right place for all of you.
    Posted by: Carole

  18. WHAT!? This is expected/unexpected?? Well, Sarah from bluegarter.org is a Portlander.
    Posted by: john

  19. I have several displaced Portland friends and they wax poetic about the place all. the. time. It’s gotten so bad that I’m pretty sure I want to move there at some point, too!

    And speaking of weird dreams–I keep having dreams where I give birth and the baby is already about one and speaks perfectly. One was quite hilarious.

    Posted by: Cirilia

  20. Wow. This decision must have been tough. My husband and I are trying to move to Minnesota, and we’re trying to decide if we can do it before or wait until after the baby comes. It’s for a lot of the same reasons you are talking about moving, although we’ll be moving closer to our families rather than further away. Big moves are exciting and scary and full of questions. Good luck.
    Posted by: Susan

  21. sniffle…sniffle… If you go a million miles away, you have to promise to still blog.

    But really…how exciting for you to live somewhere completely new!
    Posted by: claudia

  22. Sounds like your dream was about taking risks and having things come out alright in the end “with a little help from your friends.” And coffee.
    Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport

  23. I love hearing people’s weird dreams. They run in my family.

    The other night I had one. I was driving along in my car, and I noticed the “check battery” light was on. Even though that doesn’t even exist. So, I drove out of my way to go to my friend’s auto repair shop (in real life, this friend is actually a singer!) to get it fixed. I pulled up and he was like, “Hey! What’s going on?”

    I said, “Something’s wrong with my battery.”
    He said, “Oh, well did you check the carberator?”
    I said, “I don’t even know what that is!”

    And then he fixed my car.

    So weird. I just crack up at the “did you check the carberator” line!
    Posted by: Raychel

  24. Woah. That’s a seriously odd dream. I hate to break it to you but Paul doesn’t live in Portland. 😉

    He’s my least favorite Beatle as well.
    Posted by: Sachi

  25. While i would be very sad to see you go, Portland is supposed to be a great place to live and you have to do what’s best for your family. Two of my dear friends left Brooklyn for Portland a couple of years ago and.i’m sure they would be happy to offer whatever help they could. Just let me know if you want their contact info and i’ll put you in touch.
    Posted by: regina

  26. we have two spiders in portland.. sarah from bluegarter and michelle of michelleknits (who is vegan and could give you lots of good food tips for sure!) i’ll let them know you are thinking about moving 🙂
    Posted by: gleek

  27. well, this is a bummer but…I’d have someone to visit in Portland. So make sure you have a spare room.
    Posted by: jackie

  28. Wow. This is big. But obviously well thought out. You and Billy have my full, complete and total respect for making this committment to the quality of your family life, and all the support and good wishes I can throw your way.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  29. Funny, funny dream. But you’re moving?! Almost certainly? Wow. I don’t know from Portland, but I know people who really love it. And Mariko is there!
    Posted by: alison

  30. Portland is fine…Portland Maine, that is! I fantasize about moving there all the time. And so much closer to cousin sarah…

    Posted by: sarah

  31. I love, love, love the state of Oregon. I’m going to be sad when we have to move away [not as sad as TheBoy who was born in Portland and has never lived further than 110 miles away]. Portland’s great, but there is a lot of state outside of Portland too, some of which I’m told has much better educational stuff going on [I don’t really know anything about that though, at least not apart from universities.] TheBoy still swears that Corvallis is where he would love to get old, but Portland’s really the only super urban city, if you’re still looking for that [and then not at all in the way that NY is urban!]. Sorry I can’t be more help.
    Posted by: TheBon

  32. re: dreams – I’ve had several deja vu moments lately, where I can accurately predict what someone will say or do because I’ve experienced it before in a dream. I think subconscious thoughts are fascinating and recently, some of my own have (re?)taught me a lot about myself.

    I can relate with how exciting and terrifying the possibilities of moving are – my decision was (mostly) made for me when I matched for residency. Now I’m in the process of buying a house and though it’s the least painful way to do so (as it’s from people I know and love), it’s still all new to me. Good luck with the information gathering and such – I’ve only heard amazing things from that area.

    (it’s not the most osteopathic friendly area, otherwise I’d have been out there this year.)
    Posted by: Kristen

  33. I love Portland! I live in rural Washington, and have a brother in Vancouver, WA (just across the river from Portland), so I get to visit there from time to time. It’s a wonderful (small) city, with lots to offer. Great museums, galleries, yarn shops, restaurants, and there always seems to be something going on down by the river. A couple of things about schools. I work for a school district, and the files I get from Portland often take a large amount of reorganizing before I can see what I’m working with. (I work with SpEd files, so the regular ed arena may be much more organized.) Also, my brother says that Portland’s school system leaves something to be desired, and that many people opt for private schooling in the city. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t find the right school for Thumper. If it’s where you’re supposed to be, things have a way of working out.
    Posted by: amberdiel

  34. This is like a Matrix moment – did you decide to move to Portland because you’d had the dream or did you have the dream because you were going to be moving to Portland?
    Posted by: Lizbon

  35. PS. I like hearing about people’s dreams. And Paul was always my favorite Beatle, although in recent years I have gained a greater appreciation of George.
    Posted by: Lizbon

  36. Oh! If you move to Portland, I could seriously stalk you (ermmm meet up and knit with you). How cool would that be? Oh I’d love it!
    Posted by: Rebecca

  37. Wow. Big move. I think I understand, having moved from the Bay Area to North Carolina for family reasons — closer to relatives, good public schools, affordable enough that we don’t have to stress so much about money. I miss California, but NC is a much better place for us right now. Good luck with your search.
    Posted by: Frith

  38. The Portland area is wonderful. We live about 20-30 minutes (depending on the time of day) from downtown — across the river in Washington. When my husband got the transfer to Portland, we chose our town for its great schools and its more suburban/rural features, and for its proximity to the fun that is Portland. The best of all worlds for our family — and you’ll find the best for yours. And the knitting scene here is great!
    Posted by: Janice in Camas

  39. I adore Portland but have only visited during sunny weather (lucky me). I love that it has neighborhoods, I love that you can walk so many places. I do have friends from here (Tucson: not known for its spectacular public schools) who decided against moving to Portland because of what they had heard or learned about the school districts.
    I will say this: as the parent of an almost 5 yr. old whose parents and in-laws live many, many miles away, the first couple years with a kid and no extended family were really rough. We lived to tell about it, but it was rough. It’s not enough of a reason to stay where you are if it’s not what you want, but it’s something to consider.
    Good luck!

    Posted by: Lynn in Tucson

  40. I’ve got my lower lip stuck WAY out. Blah blah blah quality of life blah blah blah school district blah blah blah climate blah blah blah good neighborhoods.


    That being said….well, I can see your point but you better come to visit.
    Posted by: Juno

  41. We’re in Eugene now & will be relocating to Seattle soon, but Portland is where The Husband grew up after leaving Queens at age 12. It’s gorgeous up there, great public transportation system, temperate climate, cheap housing when compared to NYC, close to the mountains & the ocean, really accepting of vegetarianism & alternative lifestyles, etc. etc. etc. The schools in OR are, however, not as great as in some other places. I went through the public school system here and I went to college with people who are now teachers in the public school system here and it leaves something to be desired. Unless Thumper turns out to be an average kid of average intelligence who really doesn’t care about where he goes to college or what he does as an adult so long as he gets to play sports as a kid, then public schools are a great option. Otherwise, I’d scope out the nearest private option or homeschool co-op. That said, there are better schools in the wealthier neighborhoods (as is often the case), and sometimes you get lucky with awesome teachers who are willing to go the extra mile.
    Posted by: jen

  42. You have been to Portland, right? In the winter? Do you like rain? Do you love rain?
    Actually, the weather is probably not that much worse than New York, just different. And there’s some great old time music there, which will be handy when Thumper decides he wants to play the banjo.
    Posted by: Lala

  43. I’m a native Portlandian who lived in Eastern Oregon for the grade school years. That being said, I have some interesting perspectives on the educational system of Oregon. My mom taught in the public schools in Oregon for over 20 years. When we lived in Portland, we went to private schools. I started out at a Montessori school which is now closed. It was awesome. My sister went to All Saints (a Catholic school) for grades 1-3 but it was too expensive after my parents divorced and so she went to a different Catholic school after that. When it came time for me to go to grade school, we visited a Waldorf school. I didn’t end up going, but I had a friend in high school who did and she said it was good but she ended up with some holes in her knowledge.
    Having gone to high school in Portland (Catholic All Girls’ School- St. Mary’s Academy- which I highly recommend if you have a daughter, even though you are Jewish) I know a fair bit about some of the other schools.
    If Thumper is super intelligent and you have lots of money, Catlin Gable is one of the best schools in the city. It is not Catholic, but you have to be very smart to go there.
    Alameda is a Catholic school in NE- very nice neighborhood there, very expensive, good schooling. Catholic, though. There are some Catholic schools that are more open than others. My high school and pre school were both very open to people of other faiths. There are some that are not, though.
    Lake Oswego (LO) is the richest suburb in Portland. Their schools are top notch but their kids are snobby sometimes. Very priveleged, very white.
    While the schools have faced recent challenges and downturns, I believe it is still possible to attend decent schools and to make it through public schools with a decent education- you just have to look.
    My high school boyfriend was a product of PPS- valedictorian of his class. While his school drove me crazy (Madison HS, NE Ptld), he was able to make it work for him. He went on to Dartmouth and thrived there.
    I read Kyrie’s knit blog (http://the3ofus.typepad.com/) and she lives in Portland, although she is about to move. She would probably have great perspective, as she has 2 small daughters.
    Cari, I’m all for moving to Portland. It’s a great city and lots to do as a kid. It’s really wonderful. Email me if you have any questions to follow up.
    That was quite a bit, though. Hope it was good.
    Posted by: Abby

  44. While i would be very sad to see you go, Portland is supposed to be a great place to live and you have to do what’s best for your family. Two of my dear friends left Brooklyn for Portland a couple of years ago and.i’m sure they would be happy to offer whatever help they could. Just let me know if you want their contact info and i’ll put you in touch.
    Posted by: regina

  45. we have two spiders in portland.. sarah from bluegarter and michelle of michelleknits (who is vegan and could give you lots of good food tips for sure!) i’ll let them know you are thinking about moving 🙂
    Posted by: gleek

  46. well, this is a bummer but…I’d have someone to visit in Portland. So make sure you have a spare room.
    Posted by: jackie

  47. Wow. This is big. But obviously well thought out. You and Billy have my full, complete and total respect for making this committment to the quality of your family life, and all the support and good wishes I can throw your way.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  48. Funny, funny dream. But you’re moving?! Almost certainly? Wow. I don’t know from Portland, but I know people who really love it. And Mariko is there!
    Posted by: alison

  49. Portland is fine…Portland Maine, that is! I fantasize about moving there all the time. And so much closer to cousin sarah…

    Posted by: sarah

  50. I love, love, love the state of Oregon. I’m going to be sad when we have to move away [not as sad as TheBoy who was born in Portland and has never lived further than 110 miles away]. Portland’s great, but there is a lot of state outside of Portland too, some of which I’m told has much better educational stuff going on [I don’t really know anything about that though, at least not apart from universities.] TheBoy still swears that Corvallis is where he would love to get old, but Portland’s really the only super urban city, if you’re still looking for that [and then not at all in the way that NY is urban!]. Sorry I can’t be more help.
    Posted by: TheBon

  51. re: dreams – I’ve had several deja vu moments lately, where I can accurately predict what someone will say or do because I’ve experienced it before in a dream. I think subconscious thoughts are fascinating and recently, some of my own have (re?)taught me a lot about myself.

    I can relate with how exciting and terrifying the possibilities of moving are – my decision was (mostly) made for me when I matched for residency. Now I’m in the process of buying a house and though it’s the least painful way to do so (as it’s from people I know and love), it’s still all new to me. Good luck with the information gathering and such – I’ve only heard amazing things from that area.

    (it’s not the most osteopathic friendly area, otherwise I’d have been out there this year.)
    Posted by: Kristen

  52. I love Portland! I live in rural Washington, and have a brother in Vancouver, WA (just across the river from Portland), so I get to visit there from time to time. It’s a wonderful (small) city, with lots to offer. Great museums, galleries, yarn shops, restaurants, and there always seems to be something going on down by the river. A couple of things about schools. I work for a school district, and the files I get from Portland often take a large amount of reorganizing before I can see what I’m working with. (I work with SpEd files, so the regular ed arena may be much more organized.) Also, my brother says that Portland’s school system leaves something to be desired, and that many people opt for private schooling in the city. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t find the right school for Thumper. If it’s where you’re supposed to be, things have a way of working out.
    Posted by: amberdiel

  53. This is like a Matrix moment – did you decide to move to Portland because you’d had the dream or did you have the dream because you were going to be moving to Portland?
    Posted by: Lizbon

  54. PS. I like hearing about people’s dreams. And Paul was always my favorite Beatle, although in recent years I have gained a greater appreciation of George.
    Posted by: Lizbon

  55. Oh! If you move to Portland, I could seriously stalk you (ermmm meet up and knit with you). How cool would that be? Oh I’d love it!
    Posted by: Rebecca

  56. Wow. Big move. I think I understand, having moved from the Bay Area to North Carolina for family reasons — closer to relatives, good public schools, affordable enough that we don’t have to stress so much about money. I miss California, but NC is a much better place for us right now. Good luck with your search.
    Posted by: Frith

  57. The Portland area is wonderful. We live about 20-30 minutes (depending on the time of day) from downtown — across the river in Washington. When my husband got the transfer to Portland, we chose our town for its great schools and its more suburban/rural features, and for its proximity to the fun that is Portland. The best of all worlds for our family — and you’ll find the best for yours. And the knitting scene here is great!
    Posted by: Janice in Camas

  58. I adore Portland but have only visited during sunny weather (lucky me). I love that it has neighborhoods, I love that you can walk so many places. I do have friends from here (Tucson: not known for its spectacular public schools) who decided against moving to Portland because of what they had heard or learned about the school districts.
    I will say this: as the parent of an almost 5 yr. old whose parents and in-laws live many, many miles away, the first couple years with a kid and no extended family were really rough. We lived to tell about it, but it was rough. It’s not enough of a reason to stay where you are if it’s not what you want, but it’s something to consider.
    Good luck!

    Posted by: Lynn in Tucson

  59. I’ve got my lower lip stuck WAY out. Blah blah blah quality of life blah blah blah school district blah blah blah climate blah blah blah good neighborhoods.


    That being said….well, I can see your point but you better come to visit.
    Posted by: Juno

  60. We’re in Eugene now & will be relocating to Seattle soon, but Portland is where The Husband grew up after leaving Queens at age 12. It’s gorgeous up there, great public transportation system, temperate climate, cheap housing when compared to NYC, close to the mountains & the ocean, really accepting of vegetarianism & alternative lifestyles, etc. etc. etc. The schools in OR are, however, not as great as in some other places. I went through the public school system here and I went to college with people who are now teachers in the public school system here and it leaves something to be desired. Unless Thumper turns out to be an average kid of average intelligence who really doesn’t care about where he goes to college or what he does as an adult so long as he gets to play sports as a kid, then public schools are a great option. Otherwise, I’d scope out the nearest private option or homeschool co-op. That said, there are better schools in the wealthier neighborhoods (as is often the case), and sometimes you get lucky with awesome teachers who are willing to go the extra mile.
    Posted by: jen

  61. You have been to Portland, right? In the winter? Do you like rain? Do you love rain?
    Actually, the weather is probably not that much worse than New York, just different. And there’s some great old time music there, which will be handy when Thumper decides he wants to play the banjo.
    Posted by: Lala

  62. I’m a native Portlandian who lived in Eastern Oregon for the grade school years. That being said, I have some interesting perspectives on the educational system of Oregon. My mom taught in the public schools in Oregon for over 20 years. When we lived in Portland, we went to private schools. I started out at a Montessori school which is now closed. It was awesome. My sister went to All Saints (a Catholic school) for grades 1-3 but it was too expensive after my parents divorced and so she went to a different Catholic school after that. When it came time for me to go to grade school, we visited a Waldorf school. I didn’t end up going, but I had a friend in high school who did and she said it was good but she ended up with some holes in her knowledge.
    Having gone to high school in Portland (Catholic All Girls’ School- St. Mary’s Academy- which I highly recommend if you have a daughter, even though you are Jewish) I know a fair bit about some of the other schools.
    If Thumper is super intelligent and you have lots of money, Catlin Gable is one of the best schools in the city. It is not Catholic, but you have to be very smart to go there.
    Alameda is a Catholic school in NE- very nice neighborhood there, very expensive, good schooling. Catholic, though. There are some Catholic schools that are more open than others. My high school and pre school were both very open to people of other faiths. There are some that are not, though.
    Lake Oswego (LO) is the richest suburb in Portland. Their schools are top notch but their kids are snobby sometimes. Very priveleged, very white.
    While the schools have faced recent challenges and downturns, I believe it is still possible to attend decent schools and to make it through public schools with a decent education- you just have to look.
    My high school boyfriend was a product of PPS- valedictorian of his class. While his school drove me crazy (Madison HS, NE Ptld), he was able to make it work for him. He went on to Dartmouth and thrived there.
    I read Kyrie’s knit blog (http://the3ofus.typepad.com/) and she lives in Portland, although she is about to move. She would probably have great perspective, as she has 2 small daughters.
    Cari, I’m all for moving to Portland. It’s a great city and lots to do as a kid. It’s really wonderful. Email me if you have any questions to follow up.
    That was quite a bit, though. Hope it was good.
    Posted by: Abby

  63. i thought you had negatoried the whole portland idea long ago. it’s a great place. and the oregon coast (only a 2hr drive from portland) is just breathtakingly beautiful in a way the east is not. mariko can tell you anything you need to know, she has lots of friends with kids there, also a couple friends who are school teachers so would know specifics about that stuff.

    p.s. he is my least favorite as well.
    Posted by: carolyn

  64. As a long time portlander and lurking reader, what a wonderful idea, I live in the Sellwood/Moreland neighborhood and tho i have no kids, i know people who are moving here for the schools. Also it is a wonderful neighborhood.
    Posted by: otter

  65. Say WHATTTTT?!!! To say this stuns me is a large understatement. But I applaud your decision!!! It’s gonna be scary, for sure. I don’t know what I could be of help with, but if there is anything, don’t hesitate to call on me. XOXO
    Posted by: Norma

  66. I have been reading your blog for about 9 months now as a knitting, vegetarian mother of a 7 month old, and have really appreciated all that you have shared. So I thought I would take a moment to share about Portland….
    My sister (currently 5 mos preg.) lives in NE and truly loves Portland. Though the thing that I think is most wonderful about the city is that it has everything to offer that a big city does, but it is also full of quaint little neighborhoods and communities. There is so much to offer there, and it is full of fun, young artists. I think that it was also recently rated as one of the top citiies to have a baby. There are also a number of great yarn shops, there is one on Alberta that I like (I think it is Close Knit).
    I do not know much about schools, but I do know that my sister is very excited about the one in her district. I will say that “they” are not lying about the rain, and it can get depressing in the winter, but the summers a just beautiful. And I am sure that a happy baby like Thumper can certainly brighten any day! Hope this helps with some of your fears….Portland really is a very fun place.
    Posted by: Celeste

  67. Because my subconscious loves irony and bad taste, I read “Paul McCartney” as “Eric Clapton,” and was totally pulled up short by the Beatles mention.

    I loved PDX and wished our visit there was much, much, much longer.
    Posted by: Wendy

  68. OMG! I am stunned to thing that with just a short 7 hour drive I myself could feast my eyes on the cuteness that is Thumper. In the flesh! I may pass out…
    I think Paul needs to stop dyeing his hair that terrible ‘old man red’. Could you tell him that next time? Thanks! ;-D
    Posted by: Ande

  69. whoa….i feel like i’m in some matrix–my first ever knitting blog i stumbled upon, and now we’ll be moving to portland maybe in the same year. the thing is, though, i am having a really hard time imagining you not in NYC. i would love to meet up with you and knit in pdx!
    Posted by: k

  70. I’m a former Brooklyn, NY dweller who moved, with family, to Portland 9 years. I still love Brooklyn but am oh so happy we ended up here. It’s a great place, as others before me in these comments have attested – greenery, music, art, bikers, walkers, activists all, of course, with a slower pace. When we moved we were homeschooling so schools weren’t much of a concern – we were mainly looking for a more relaxed pace and the ability for our kids to have the freedom to walk to the store and learn to take the bus on their own – all of that has been great. The public school system is struggling to be adequately funded (mmm, priorities, anyone?) but we’ve found a great place for our kids who chose school, as have many of our friends. There are a number of good neighborhood public schools right in the city, as well as magnet schools and a burgeoning charter school movement. A plug for my kids’ school – Metropolitan Learning Center isn’t for everyone but we love it. Founded in the 60’s, it’s the city’s oldest alternative public school. A very child-centered, respectful environment.

    When we moved, our NYC friends issued many a dire warning about food/restaurant choices. Let me assure you, it’s a great town for eating. Excellent vegetarian choices and people are really educated about and interested in eating locally and seasonally. Land use laws keep farms close in and accessible to the city, creating abundant opportunities to know who grows your food and to eat it fresh. Our farmers’ markets are amazing affairs! (I’ve also just found out about the Oregon Wool group which offers the chance to find out about locally raised wool.)

    Let me know if I can offer any other info or help. Best of luck to you all as you approach this big transition.
    Posted by: Regina

  71. Portland?! Holy cow – yay you guys! We moved from VT to CA a year ago – a cross-country move is a bit of an adjustment but pretty cool. Change can be a bit nerve-wracking, but it’s often very good. I’ll be reading with interest!
    Posted by: no-blog-rachel

  72. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a bad thing about Portland, OR. I’ve always wanted to visit. Hint, hing. And see, that’s why we ended up in CH. I’ll gladly give you tip son how to pack. Because I now know how not to.
    Posted by: valentina

  73. I grew up in Portland (SE suburb) and lived there 27 years before moving to Montana. I LOVE Portland and miss it on an almost daily basis. My husband and I both went to college and grad school in Oregon as well. It is a city of neighborhoods. I’ve heard that some of the public schools (mostly high schools, not elementary) are going down a bit. But there are plenty of neighborhoods to choose from where people love the schools if private school is not an option. AFter reading your blog for about a year – I personally think that you would LIKE Portland very much. The city is beautiful and has a lot to offer. The parks and outdoor life are wonderful (but be prepared for rain and cloudy days). Spring and falls are gorgegous there. If you have a house you can easily grow a garden – things grow like crazy there.
    I would recommend reading Posy Gets Cozy’s blog (http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/ as she lives in Portland and also has a link on her website for “Portland information”. She also has quite a few other Portlanders linked on her website. You would probably like the NE area, or around Mount Tabor. Sellwood would be great too – they have a wonderful YArn shop called “Abundant Yarns”. LOVE it.
    YOu’re quite clever to post about this – you’ve gotten a lot of great advice from commenters.
    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  74. Whoops! I forgot to say that there is a wonderful large writers group called “Willamette Writers”. Very organized and lots of opportunities.
    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  75. Well, I myself moved to Portland two years ago to be with my fiancee, who is a native. We just love our little house in the Sellwood/East Moreland area; and they have some great schools, and an amazing liberal arts college, Reed, right by it! Matt goes to Reed, so I am actually up there a lot, too. They have a New Seasons, which is our organic, local grocery store; a Starbucks or two; a lovely yarn shop called Abundant Yarn on 17th, with the Piece of Cake store which serves vegan and gluten free pastries of all sorts. I def say move by me; after all, the house next store just went up for sell!
    Posted by: Kelly

  76. I cannot believe that the word *Powell’s* has not yet been posted here. I’m 250-300 miles away in Central WA, and I fantasize about Powell’s Books all the time. We time our vacation driving around it. City of Books. Swoon.
    Posted by: Ann

  77. Hi,
    I am delurking. I love your blog and your beautiful boy. I have never been to Portland, but I read the blog of someone who is moving out of the area because of the school system and other problems. The link for this entry is: http://wackymommy.org/blog/archive/2007/02/12/lets_blow_this_popcorn_stand/
    I’m sure she says more about it in her archives, and I bet if you emailed her she’d be willing to tell you what she loves and hates about the city. I hope this helps.
    Posted by: Alexa

  78. Wow. That is huge. Regarding schools, all of Portland is covered by one district, ( pps.k12.or.us ) Various suburbs are considered better, but PPS has a relatively new superintendant and a lot can change in the years before Thumper starts. I’d still recommend living in the city instead of the ‘burbs for the amenities. I don’t have children, but you’re welcome to e-mail me with questions.
    Posted by: Andi

  79. Wow, congratulations on the decision! We, too, moved cross-country with an 11-month-old. Maybe it’s something they give us at the hospital? 🙂

    Good luck with the many logistics ahead, and may all of your dreams about life in Portland come true! It’s a wonderful city in my limited experience. Sibs of a close friend of mine have just had a baby there; I can try to put you in touch, if you’d like.
    Posted by: Amy

  80. Seriously, why Portland? And why not Austin? It’s raining here right now– just like Portland, but with more sun. And more affordable chances to have a yard. And some family close by, including me.
    Posted by: Anina

  81. I just moved to Portland this past August (from NYC) so I don’t know too much about school districts and such. But I can say that I couldn’t be happier with my decision to move here. It’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself in the last few years!

    The fun thing about Portland is that almost everyone I have met is passionate about the merits of their own particular neighorhood. I live in NE and love it. NE!! (pounds left chest with right arm)
    Posted by: Michelle

  82. Follow your heart! Home is where you and the people you love live (and I have found that sometimes the people that I love live in my telephone or email–not up the block).

    You can always go back to where you came from if you need to but please don’t miss the chance to go wherever your future might be.
    Posted by: Karen

  83. i thought you had negatoried the whole portland idea long ago. it’s a great place. and the oregon coast (only a 2hr drive from portland) is just breathtakingly beautiful in a way the east is not. mariko can tell you anything you need to know, she has lots of friends with kids there, also a couple friends who are school teachers so would know specifics about that stuff.

    p.s. he is my least favorite as well.
    Posted by: carolyn

  84. As a long time portlander and lurking reader, what a wonderful idea, I live in the Sellwood/Moreland neighborhood and tho i have no kids, i know people who are moving here for the schools. Also it is a wonderful neighborhood.
    Posted by: otter

  85. Say WHATTTTT?!!! To say this stuns me is a large understatement. But I applaud your decision!!! It’s gonna be scary, for sure. I don’t know what I could be of help with, but if there is anything, don’t hesitate to call on me. XOXO
    Posted by: Norma

  86. I have been reading your blog for about 9 months now as a knitting, vegetarian mother of a 7 month old, and have really appreciated all that you have shared. So I thought I would take a moment to share about Portland….
    My sister (currently 5 mos preg.) lives in NE and truly loves Portland. Though the thing that I think is most wonderful about the city is that it has everything to offer that a big city does, but it is also full of quaint little neighborhoods and communities. There is so much to offer there, and it is full of fun, young artists. I think that it was also recently rated as one of the top citiies to have a baby. There are also a number of great yarn shops, there is one on Alberta that I like (I think it is Close Knit).
    I do not know much about schools, but I do know that my sister is very excited about the one in her district. I will say that “they” are not lying about the rain, and it can get depressing in the winter, but the summers a just beautiful. And I am sure that a happy baby like Thumper can certainly brighten any day! Hope this helps with some of your fears….Portland really is a very fun place.
    Posted by: Celeste

  87. Because my subconscious loves irony and bad taste, I read “Paul McCartney” as “Eric Clapton,” and was totally pulled up short by the Beatles mention.

    I loved PDX and wished our visit there was much, much, much longer.
    Posted by: Wendy

  88. OMG! I am stunned to thing that with just a short 7 hour drive I myself could feast my eyes on the cuteness that is Thumper. In the flesh! I may pass out…
    I think Paul needs to stop dyeing his hair that terrible ‘old man red’. Could you tell him that next time? Thanks! ;-D
    Posted by: Ande

  89. whoa….i feel like i’m in some matrix–my first ever knitting blog i stumbled upon, and now we’ll be moving to portland maybe in the same year. the thing is, though, i am having a really hard time imagining you not in NYC. i would love to meet up with you and knit in pdx!
    Posted by: k

  90. I’m a former Brooklyn, NY dweller who moved, with family, to Portland 9 years. I still love Brooklyn but am oh so happy we ended up here. It’s a great place, as others before me in these comments have attested – greenery, music, art, bikers, walkers, activists all, of course, with a slower pace. When we moved we were homeschooling so schools weren’t much of a concern – we were mainly looking for a more relaxed pace and the ability for our kids to have the freedom to walk to the store and learn to take the bus on their own – all of that has been great. The public school system is struggling to be adequately funded (mmm, priorities, anyone?) but we’ve found a great place for our kids who chose school, as have many of our friends. There are a number of good neighborhood public schools right in the city, as well as magnet schools and a burgeoning charter school movement. A plug for my kids’ school – Metropolitan Learning Center isn’t for everyone but we love it. Founded in the 60’s, it’s the city’s oldest alternative public school. A very child-centered, respectful environment.

    When we moved, our NYC friends issued many a dire warning about food/restaurant choices. Let me assure you, it’s a great town for eating. Excellent vegetarian choices and people are really educated about and interested in eating locally and seasonally. Land use laws keep farms close in and accessible to the city, creating abundant opportunities to know who grows your food and to eat it fresh. Our farmers’ markets are amazing affairs! (I’ve also just found out about the Oregon Wool group which offers the chance to find out about locally raised wool.)

    Let me know if I can offer any other info or help. Best of luck to you all as you approach this big transition.
    Posted by: Regina

  91. Portland?! Holy cow – yay you guys! We moved from VT to CA a year ago – a cross-country move is a bit of an adjustment but pretty cool. Change can be a bit nerve-wracking, but it’s often very good. I’ll be reading with interest!
    Posted by: no-blog-rachel

  92. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a bad thing about Portland, OR. I’ve always wanted to visit. Hint, hing. And see, that’s why we ended up in CH. I’ll gladly give you tip son how to pack. Because I now know how not to.
    Posted by: valentina

  93. I grew up in Portland (SE suburb) and lived there 27 years before moving to Montana. I LOVE Portland and miss it on an almost daily basis. My husband and I both went to college and grad school in Oregon as well. It is a city of neighborhoods. I’ve heard that some of the public schools (mostly high schools, not elementary) are going down a bit. But there are plenty of neighborhoods to choose from where people love the schools if private school is not an option. AFter reading your blog for about a year – I personally think that you would LIKE Portland very much. The city is beautiful and has a lot to offer. The parks and outdoor life are wonderful (but be prepared for rain and cloudy days). Spring and falls are gorgegous there. If you have a house you can easily grow a garden – things grow like crazy there.
    I would recommend reading Posy Gets Cozy’s blog (http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/ as she lives in Portland and also has a link on her website for “Portland information”. She also has quite a few other Portlanders linked on her website. You would probably like the NE area, or around Mount Tabor. Sellwood would be great too – they have a wonderful YArn shop called “Abundant Yarns”. LOVE it.
    YOu’re quite clever to post about this – you’ve gotten a lot of great advice from commenters.
    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  94. Whoops! I forgot to say that there is a wonderful large writers group called “Willamette Writers”. Very organized and lots of opportunities.
    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  95. Well, I myself moved to Portland two years ago to be with my fiancee, who is a native. We just love our little house in the Sellwood/East Moreland area; and they have some great schools, and an amazing liberal arts college, Reed, right by it! Matt goes to Reed, so I am actually up there a lot, too. They have a New Seasons, which is our organic, local grocery store; a Starbucks or two; a lovely yarn shop called Abundant Yarn on 17th, with the Piece of Cake store which serves vegan and gluten free pastries of all sorts. I def say move by me; after all, the house next store just went up for sell!
    Posted by: Kelly

  96. I cannot believe that the word *Powell’s* has not yet been posted here. I’m 250-300 miles away in Central WA, and I fantasize about Powell’s Books all the time. We time our vacation driving around it. City of Books. Swoon.
    Posted by: Ann

  97. Hi,
    I am delurking. I love your blog and your beautiful boy. I have never been to Portland, but I read the blog of someone who is moving out of the area because of the school system and other problems. The link for this entry is: http://wackymommy.org/blog/archive/2007/02/12/lets_blow_this_popcorn_stand/
    I’m sure she says more about it in her archives, and I bet if you emailed her she’d be willing to tell you what she loves and hates about the city. I hope this helps.
    Posted by: Alexa

  98. Wow. That is huge. Regarding schools, all of Portland is covered by one district, ( pps.k12.or.us ) Various suburbs are considered better, but PPS has a relatively new superintendant and a lot can change in the years before Thumper starts. I’d still recommend living in the city instead of the ‘burbs for the amenities. I don’t have children, but you’re welcome to e-mail me with questions.
    Posted by: Andi

  99. Wow, congratulations on the decision! We, too, moved cross-country with an 11-month-old. Maybe it’s something they give us at the hospital? 🙂

    Good luck with the many logistics ahead, and may all of your dreams about life in Portland come true! It’s a wonderful city in my limited experience. Sibs of a close friend of mine have just had a baby there; I can try to put you in touch, if you’d like.
    Posted by: Amy

  100. Seriously, why Portland? And why not Austin? It’s raining here right now– just like Portland, but with more sun. And more affordable chances to have a yard. And some family close by, including me.
    Posted by: Anina

  101. I just moved to Portland this past August (from NYC) so I don’t know too much about school districts and such. But I can say that I couldn’t be happier with my decision to move here. It’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself in the last few years!

    The fun thing about Portland is that almost everyone I have met is passionate about the merits of their own particular neighorhood. I live in NE and love it. NE!! (pounds left chest with right arm)
    Posted by: Michelle

  102. Follow your heart! Home is where you and the people you love live (and I have found that sometimes the people that I love live in my telephone or email–not up the block).

    You can always go back to where you came from if you need to but please don’t miss the chance to go wherever your future might be.
    Posted by: Karen

  103. Well, I’m in the Portland area and I love it here. But my family has had ties for several generations so I’m biased. 😉

    There are many wonderful neighborhoods so I think you will just have to prowl a little to see what appeals to you. There are urban areas and burb areas and even pretty rural areas. (I lived in the Moreland area when I was a kid and I’m partial to it too.)

    I’m in Hillsboro now because I wanted a little more rural around me (and space for the greyhounds to run) and we have the Max line right here to take us downtown if we don’t want to drive. I used to live near Vancouver (Hi Janice! I lived in Washougal) which is also kind of a neat area and just over the river. No income tax. They aren’t hooked up with public transport into Portland yet but I think it will happen eventually.

    It isn’t as wet here as people think. We get deluges in Spring but the summers are fantastic. We like to point out to everyone that Seattle has more rain. There is a reason that Portland is the #1 most bike friendly city in the US. Our weather is great.

    Powells alone is worth moving here. And Cari, can I just tell you about VooDoo donuts? I think it is such a perfect representation of Portland. Take something traditional and give it our own twist.

    Feel free to email if you have more questions or want to get information or resources. Sounds like you have a band of knitters to do some legwork for you.:-)
    Posted by: Laurie

  104. Paul looks like he’d be the kind of guy to catch a falling baby and then stay to chat. Funny the things we dream about.
    Posted by: Diane

  105. I’m a displaced Portlander, exiled in Minneapolis, and oh, so jealous of your move!

    I agree with recommendations about Sellwood and Mt. Tabor area. Many schools in Portland aren’t the best, quite frankly; you might consider living across the river in Washington. Vancouver, WA’s public schools are supposed to be quite good, and there are many progressive aspects of WA politics.

    Good luck with the move!
    Posted by: Laurene

  106. I live in Portland, but have no kids to help on the school front…

    I’d love to chat dogs with you though, even though I’m not Paul! 🙂

    Happy travels, when the time comes.
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  107. thought i would throw my two cents in. i have lived in both brooklyn and portland and thought the 2 cities, though worlds apart, have many parallels. except portland is clean, small, and easy to get in/out of. my husband and i lived in the NW as renters, it is a vibrant and dynamic neighborhood. we did look for homes (not in that nieghborhood due to cost) but ended up returning to our native california. our time in portland was grand, no kids (then) so could not advise regarding schools, but my sister-in-law has two boys and they are doing fine in the oregonian school system. i do think a huge part of schooling is what the parents invest in it. just wanted to wish you well with the decisions and changes, and by the way, i did not think the weather was bad so let that be the least of your concerns (this from a socal native).
    Posted by: mamie

  108. I’m in Seattle, but I’m always raving about the Pacific Northwest! I think you’ll love it out here – moving across the country is difficult, but it is so nice out here that it’s well worth the trouble…out here it’s so easy to escape the cities and get out into nature, so it seems like a great place for Thumper to grow up!
    I will also say that it really doesn’t rain THAT much, even in Seattle, and it very rarely snows, although you can go play in the snow anytime you like in the winter, since the mountains are so close by! The summers here are beautiful, warm and sunny without oppressive humidity, and it gets cool at night, which is great for sleeping…
    Posted by: Emily

  109. I love Portland. I am so jealous! I would love to just pick up and move there. Why the heck haven’t we moved there yet? I can say that my friends who moved there started out living in Vancouver, WA because there is no state income tax in WA. Shop in P-town where there is no sales tax and live in Vancouver, WA where there is no state income tax. Advice from a CPA. He he he!
    Posted by: knittripps

  110. Talk about a push pull.

    64 comments and counting – all of them sending full out support and good wishes to three of my favorite people in life who are planning to move on. How wonderful!

    On the other hand – I’m one of the ones who will be left behind in NY missing them terribly.

    There must be something wise and true to say in addition to I Love You, but for now I’ll just sit in my chair and stare out the window.

    Posted by: Bill’s mom

  111. I just moved to Portland in June. I would love to recommend my realtor to you. I spent four days looking for places with him, then went back to the Midwest and bought my place sight-unseen because I trusted him so much (he’s a personal friend of mine now). He and his wife have twin 3-year olds and live in Sellwood. I can’t recommend him highly enough, and he will be very honest with you about his thoughts. He’s lived in Portland a long time and knows the city inside and out. He only works with a few people at a time, so you would be able to work very closely with him. He told me he would be willing to share his thoughts with you even if you weren’t sure what your plans were. Email me if you want his info. And if you do come to Portland and are looking for an ob-gyn in the future, let me know!
    Posted by: Mandy

  112. Well, I’m in the Portland area and I love it here. But my family has had ties for several generations so I’m biased. 😉

    There are many wonderful neighborhoods so I think you will just have to prowl a little to see what appeals to you. There are urban areas and burb areas and even pretty rural areas. (I lived in the Moreland area when I was a kid and I’m partial to it too.)

    I’m in Hillsboro now because I wanted a little more rural around me (and space for the greyhounds to run) and we have the Max line right here to take us downtown if we don’t want to drive. I used to live near Vancouver (Hi Janice! I lived in Washougal) which is also kind of a neat area and just over the river. No income tax. They aren’t hooked up with public transport into Portland yet but I think it will happen eventually.

    It isn’t as wet here as people think. We get deluges in Spring but the summers are fantastic. We like to point out to everyone that Seattle has more rain. There is a reason that Portland is the #1 most bike friendly city in the US. Our weather is great.

    Powells alone is worth moving here. And Cari, can I just tell you about VooDoo donuts? I think it is such a perfect representation of Portland. Take something traditional and give it our own twist.

    Feel free to email if you have more questions or want to get information or resources. Sounds like you have a band of knitters to do some legwork for you.:-)
    Posted by: Laurie

  113. Paul looks like he’d be the kind of guy to catch a falling baby and then stay to chat. Funny the things we dream about.
    Posted by: Diane

  114. I’m a displaced Portlander, exiled in Minneapolis, and oh, so jealous of your move!

    I agree with recommendations about Sellwood and Mt. Tabor area. Many schools in Portland aren’t the best, quite frankly; you might consider living across the river in Washington. Vancouver, WA’s public schools are supposed to be quite good, and there are many progressive aspects of WA politics.

    Good luck with the move!
    Posted by: Laurene

  115. I live in Portland, but have no kids to help on the school front…

    I’d love to chat dogs with you though, even though I’m not Paul! 🙂

    Happy travels, when the time comes.
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  116. thought i would throw my two cents in. i have lived in both brooklyn and portland and thought the 2 cities, though worlds apart, have many parallels. except portland is clean, small, and easy to get in/out of. my husband and i lived in the NW as renters, it is a vibrant and dynamic neighborhood. we did look for homes (not in that nieghborhood due to cost) but ended up returning to our native california. our time in portland was grand, no kids (then) so could not advise regarding schools, but my sister-in-law has two boys and they are doing fine in the oregonian school system. i do think a huge part of schooling is what the parents invest in it. just wanted to wish you well with the decisions and changes, and by the way, i did not think the weather was bad so let that be the least of your concerns (this from a socal native).
    Posted by: mamie

  117. I’m in Seattle, but I’m always raving about the Pacific Northwest! I think you’ll love it out here – moving across the country is difficult, but it is so nice out here that it’s well worth the trouble…out here it’s so easy to escape the cities and get out into nature, so it seems like a great place for Thumper to grow up!
    I will also say that it really doesn’t rain THAT much, even in Seattle, and it very rarely snows, although you can go play in the snow anytime you like in the winter, since the mountains are so close by! The summers here are beautiful, warm and sunny without oppressive humidity, and it gets cool at night, which is great for sleeping…
    Posted by: Emily

  118. I love Portland. I am so jealous! I would love to just pick up and move there. Why the heck haven’t we moved there yet? I can say that my friends who moved there started out living in Vancouver, WA because there is no state income tax in WA. Shop in P-town where there is no sales tax and live in Vancouver, WA where there is no state income tax. Advice from a CPA. He he he!
    Posted by: knittripps

  119. Talk about a push pull.

    64 comments and counting – all of them sending full out support and good wishes to three of my favorite people in life who are planning to move on. How wonderful!

    On the other hand – I’m one of the ones who will be left behind in NY missing them terribly.

    There must be something wise and true to say in addition to I Love You, but for now I’ll just sit in my chair and stare out the window.

    Posted by: Bill’s mom

  120. I just moved to Portland in June. I would love to recommend my realtor to you. I spent four days looking for places with him, then went back to the Midwest and bought my place sight-unseen because I trusted him so much (he’s a personal friend of mine now). He and his wife have twin 3-year olds and live in Sellwood. I can’t recommend him highly enough, and he will be very honest with you about his thoughts. He’s lived in Portland a long time and knows the city inside and out. He only works with a few people at a time, so you would be able to work very closely with him. He told me he would be willing to share his thoughts with you even if you weren’t sure what your plans were. Email me if you want his info. And if you do come to Portland and are looking for an ob-gyn in the future, let me know!
    Posted by: Mandy

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