Random, random. You know how it goes…

1. Morning sickness is gone. Replaced by that constant, desperate hunger, which is infinitely more fun. Welcome back, Second Breakfast! I missed you.

2. I still can’t stomach the thought of eating kale. Good thing the garden is full of it. Must try kale chips, and see if I can eat it that way.

3. Every moment of my time away from the kiddo has been sucked into freelance work for the past two weeks, so I’m not reading anything or writing at all. This feels rather uncomfortable. Quite wrong. I’m remembering all too well why I was so happy to take that very extended maternity leave from editing.

4. A post on HTML GIANT reminded me of the poem that inspired me to become a writer. I was already writing, had been since elementary school, but at sixteen I found Cornelius Eady’s poem “Victims of the Latest Dance Craze.”* It changed my life. I decided then that I would be a writer. So I dug the book out, read the poem, and felt again the way it made me feel that first time. And I remembered thinking that I would do that with my writing someday. And then I thought…”Am I doing that now? Am I digging as deep as I promised myself I would? Am I really, really doing it as hard and as true as I can?” And the answer is that I’m not sure I am. So, well…cue attack of serious art angst. And then no time to address it because I won’t have time to write until this job is off my desk.

My eggs, they are scrambled.

A necessary wakeup call, I’m sure. They usually are.


5. It’s fall. The rain is creeping back in and the garden is full of horrifically huge spiders. I’m thrilled to have the rain back. Not so much with the spiders.

6. And now, back to that freelance job.

7. Oh yeah. And the hard drive on my beloved MacBook up and died. I’m typing this on the tired old G4. Not even two years old and the damn thing dies on me. Yes, most of my work was backed up. No, not all of it. And no, not the photos. Yes, I’m an idiot.


*Update: Here’s the poem.

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12 Comments on “Random, random. You know how it goes…

  1. The farmer I get my CSA from says you can freeze kale. Don’t know if you’d need to blanch it first. That might help–keep it for when you’re able to face it again.

  2. It was a poem for me, too. Only it was one I wrote when a teenager to a way-out-of-my-league girl I was nuts about, and it worked. Because of the poem, she wanted to go out with me. Not being a jock, right then and there I realized the power of words.

    Re. your Mac. Now I have a 24″ imac, and an old G4 notebook for cafes. The macbook I had before the G4 had an HD crash and burn after a couple of years. A Mac techie told me that I had probably induced the crash over time by carrying the notebook around when it was asleep rather than off. Now I always turn the G4 off before moving it any distance. It is over 5 years old now.

    Just in case …

  3. IT – gotta love it ;-(
    It is possible that you can recover your photos off the original hard drive – depending on how badly it has died – the Mac people may be able to retrieve data from it – crossed fingers

  4. Wish I could eat your kale for you. I am enthralled with kale this year.

    Big fan of the second breakfast. Though this year it seems to be more like second (and third, and occasionally fourth) dinner.

  5. Well, why WOULD you back up your photos? Macs supposedly never die. Except that I keep hearing stories lately that they DO.

    And that comment about carrying it around when asleep certainly got MY attention. Abigail has a Macbook and I will pass that along to her. And I’ve been carrying my HP around in sleep mode rather than “off” also… I only started doing that in the last year, having found out how GREAT it was to do that for quick startups from one class to the next. Guess I have to stop that. Damnitalltohell.

  6. oh god, the spiders.
    was i just so blissed out last year that i missed them? because i don’t seem to recall quarter-sized monsters of ugliness lurking in my cherry tomatoes and lettuce exactly where i want to be picking my dinner.

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