Research required for the new novel and a call to my former East Village neighbors

My second novel, which I’m just beginning and which will be my main obsession/occupation/preoccupation while at the artists’ colony, requires a bit of research. The first novel, Drowning Practice, needed almost no research so I’m kind of excited about all the learning I’ll get to do for this new project.

Here are some of the bits and pieces of knowledge I’ll need to pick up along the way:

basic Dutch
the anatomy of a bicycle
bicycle repair tools
some political stuff from NYC in the early to mid nineties
Amsterdam squats and the European squatters movement

I’ve already done quite a bit of research on thalidomide (terrifying and sad, pharmaceutical company allowed to run roughshod over medical/drug-testing ethics) and on squats and the political stuff. Those were the big two themes, so I tackled them first. Now on to the lighter, fun stuff like the bicycle repair and learning Dutch. (Learning Dutch! I’ve wanted to learn Dutch for years but just never got around to starting.)

If anyone reading this was a squatter in or near the 13th Street squats around the time of the ’95 evictions, I would love to talk to you about your experiences. I was there as a neighbor, and I was there when they rolled that tank down East 13th, but I was observing as an outsider. An insider’s recollections would be so helpful. I’ve never forgotten that scene, the cops in their riot gear, the tank, the people trying to defend their homes…which is why I’m writing this novel. The book will be 100% fiction, but I’m determined to represent the political climate accurately (Guiliani before he got his 9/11 makeover, etc) and I’m absolutely coming down on the side of the squatters/homesteaders. Leave a comment if you’re up for talking about it.

And how about any Dutch squatters? I know…the chances of finding squatters via a knitting blog… but hey–it’s a very small world.

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54 Comments on “Research required for the new novel and a call to my former East Village neighbors

  1. Okay, I’m no help, but it all sounds very interesting.

    I like watching the creative process–thanks for sharing.
    Posted by: Steph

  2. I was going to say the same thing–I can’t help you at all (I’ve pedalled a bike and know how to get the gear shifts to change, but that’s about it!). But yes, that’s a very interesting combination of topics. I’m intrigued!
    Posted by: –Deb

  3. I’ve got your back on the bike tools stuff…well I’ve got a husband that knows….same thing.
    Posted by: claudia

  4. That kitten is simply too cute. I’m trying to keep myself from getting other animals in my house
    but these pics are making it hard for me.
    Posted by: nik

  5. Okay, I’m no help, but it all sounds very interesting.

    I like watching the creative process–thanks for sharing.
    Posted by: Steph

  6. I was going to say the same thing–I can’t help you at all (I’ve pedalled a bike and know how to get the gear shifts to change, but that’s about it!). But yes, that’s a very interesting combination of topics. I’m intrigued!
    Posted by: –Deb

  7. I’ve got your back on the bike tools stuff…well I’ve got a husband that knows….same thing.
    Posted by: claudia

  8. That kitten is simply too cute. I’m trying to keep myself from getting other animals in my house
    but these pics are making it hard for me.
    Posted by: nik

  9. Hey Cari,
    I forwarded this to my bike mechanic brother.

    Also, about your tomahawk post (i guess the comments are closed), sounds like a Red Man induction: .

    Posted by: sutton

  10. My husband’s been teaching himself Dutch. We have no shortage of popular Dutch music in mp3 if you’d want any and a close friend that knits and lives in the Netherlands if you want me to send her your way? I believe she used to be an actual Dutch squatter at some point too, but it was in a weird trailer park type thing with Gypsy caravans or something.
    Posted by: Noelle

  11. I’m all over anything that portrays Ghouliani for what he really is (pre-911 bullshit.) That man is the luckiest man alive. The amount he’s profited off the deaths of thousands is mind boggling.

    Hope the retreat is UBER creative.
    Posted by: Cara

  12. If you had any need to speak to a thalidomide baby, I’m sure I could put you in touch with my cousin/aunt (grandparents adopted her when she was very small from my aunt, grandpa was a shriner)

    legally blind and deaf, missing thumb joints, shortened limbs, transposed organs, and totally, utterly functional. She even graduated deans list for education from a local university. Amazing woman.
    Posted by: Amber

  13. Hi Cari, I may be able to help you, I live in the Netherlands, so ofcourse I speak Dutch, and many of my friends and some relatives have been squatting, so you can e-mail me at the above hotmail address.
    Posted by: Mariken

  14. Nog een bericht uit Nederland!
    Misschien is het handig om te weten dat ‘to squat’ in het Nederlands ‘kraken’ is, een ‘squatter’ is een ‘kraker’.
    Een interessante link (in het Nederlands):

    Hoe ga je het trouwens aanpakken om Nederlands te leren?

    Veel succes ermee en als je hulp nodig hebt: laat het maar weten!


    Another message from the Netherlands!
    Maybe it’s good to know that ‘to squat’ is ‘kraken’ in Dutch, a ‘squatter’ is a ‘kraker’.
    An interesting link (in Dutch):

    By the way, how will you go about learning Dutch?

    Good luck with it and if you need help: just let me know!
    Posted by: Saartje

  15. Hey Cari,
    I forwarded this to my bike mechanic brother.

    Also, about your tomahawk post (i guess the comments are closed), sounds like a Red Man induction: .

    Posted by: sutton

  16. My husband’s been teaching himself Dutch. We have no shortage of popular Dutch music in mp3 if you’d want any and a close friend that knits and lives in the Netherlands if you want me to send her your way? I believe she used to be an actual Dutch squatter at some point too, but it was in a weird trailer park type thing with Gypsy caravans or something.
    Posted by: Noelle

  17. I’m all over anything that portrays Ghouliani for what he really is (pre-911 bullshit.) That man is the luckiest man alive. The amount he’s profited off the deaths of thousands is mind boggling.

    Hope the retreat is UBER creative.
    Posted by: Cara

  18. If you had any need to speak to a thalidomide baby, I’m sure I could put you in touch with my cousin/aunt (grandparents adopted her when she was very small from my aunt, grandpa was a shriner)

    legally blind and deaf, missing thumb joints, shortened limbs, transposed organs, and totally, utterly functional. She even graduated deans list for education from a local university. Amazing woman.
    Posted by: Amber

  19. Hi Cari, I may be able to help you, I live in the Netherlands, so ofcourse I speak Dutch, and many of my friends and some relatives have been squatting, so you can e-mail me at the above hotmail address.
    Posted by: Mariken

  20. Nog een bericht uit Nederland!
    Misschien is het handig om te weten dat ‘to squat’ in het Nederlands ‘kraken’ is, een ‘squatter’ is een ‘kraker’.
    Een interessante link (in het Nederlands):

    Hoe ga je het trouwens aanpakken om Nederlands te leren?

    Veel succes ermee en als je hulp nodig hebt: laat het maar weten!


    Another message from the Netherlands!
    Maybe it’s good to know that ‘to squat’ is ‘kraken’ in Dutch, a ‘squatter’ is a ‘kraker’.
    An interesting link (in Dutch):

    By the way, how will you go about learning Dutch?

    Good luck with it and if you need help: just let me know!
    Posted by: Saartje

  21. I know nothing. Except that this post makes me wish I were half as awesome as you.
    Posted by: keli

  22. Isn’t the internet a wonderful thing? Look at those offers of help! 🙂
    Posted by: marrije

  23. No help here, just supportive comments! I was in Amsterdam this summer and I hung out in a few squats–one of them even had a liquor license and had a full bar! I also fell in love with the bikes there. Especially what I call “the minivan bike” which has 2 grown up seats, a few baby seats, and shelves on the back and front tires for whoever else needs a ride. Bottom line: your book sounds great!!
    Posted by: Ali

  24. I was going to offer dutch freinds, but you have a few of them already. I have a hubby well versed in anything bike related, fix-it related, etc.

    You sound so excited in this post – it must be so exciting to absorb all this new knowledge and allow it to become something personal and passionate. 🙂
    Posted by: Alison

  25. I can’t help with Dutch squatting specifically, but I was involved in the UK squatting scene in the early 90s, as well as ‘new age traveller’ type stuff, so feel free to drop me a line if you feel it could be helpful.
    Posted by: Mary

  26. I know nothing. Except that this post makes me wish I were half as awesome as you.
    Posted by: keli

  27. Isn’t the internet a wonderful thing? Look at those offers of help! 🙂
    Posted by: marrije

  28. No help here, just supportive comments! I was in Amsterdam this summer and I hung out in a few squats–one of them even had a liquor license and had a full bar! I also fell in love with the bikes there. Especially what I call “the minivan bike” which has 2 grown up seats, a few baby seats, and shelves on the back and front tires for whoever else needs a ride. Bottom line: your book sounds great!!
    Posted by: Ali

  29. I was going to offer dutch freinds, but you have a few of them already. I have a hubby well versed in anything bike related, fix-it related, etc.

    You sound so excited in this post – it must be so exciting to absorb all this new knowledge and allow it to become something personal and passionate. 🙂
    Posted by: Alison

  30. I can’t help with Dutch squatting specifically, but I was involved in the UK squatting scene in the early 90s, as well as ‘new age traveller’ type stuff, so feel free to drop me a line if you feel it could be helpful.
    Posted by: Mary

  31. I don’t have any help for you either, but when you do a book about carpenters, I’m your girl. I have a question though: will you be able to blog from your retreat?
    Posted by: karen

  32. My best friend’s husband is a bicycle mechanic, so let me know if you’d like me to put you in touch with him. No help to offer on the rest of it, unfortunately. This sounds like it’s going to be a very interesting book!
    Posted by: Sneaksleep

  33. I think I can help with everything you asked for. I’m the friend Noelle talked about. Send me an email for more specific information 🙂
    Posted by: aelumn

  34. Wow, sounds interesting! I have nothing to offer in the way of help with this but it sounds like you’ll have fun with your research. I can’t wait to hear more about this in the future!
    Posted by: Shannon

  35. Totally off topic: I just read a very strong comment that you left on a certain central state knit blog. You blow me out of the water, you are strong and so well spoken. I was so frustrated over the initial post – but you found the words for me. Thank you. Thank you for being a writer. Thank you for your strength.
    Posted by: Elaine

  36. I don’t have any help for you either, but when you do a book about carpenters, I’m your girl. I have a question though: will you be able to blog from your retreat?
    Posted by: karen

  37. My best friend’s husband is a bicycle mechanic, so let me know if you’d like me to put you in touch with him. No help to offer on the rest of it, unfortunately. This sounds like it’s going to be a very interesting book!
    Posted by: Sneaksleep

  38. I think I can help with everything you asked for. I’m the friend Noelle talked about. Send me an email for more specific information 🙂
    Posted by: aelumn

  39. Wow, sounds interesting! I have nothing to offer in the way of help with this but it sounds like you’ll have fun with your research. I can’t wait to hear more about this in the future!
    Posted by: Shannon

  40. Totally off topic: I just read a very strong comment that you left on a certain central state knit blog. You blow me out of the water, you are strong and so well spoken. I was so frustrated over the initial post – but you found the words for me. Thank you. Thank you for being a writer. Thank you for your strength.
    Posted by: Elaine

  41. hey. nothing to add on the book help, except i just wanted to comment about how cool it is that so many people are able to help you out! (remind me to use your blog next time i need to research something!)

    will you be on email the month you are gone?
    Posted by: Rebecca

  42. You seem to have plenty of help offered in the land of bike, but you can add my boy to the list. Total bike geek, and we are just a hop skip and a bike ride away.
    We’re useless on the other points though. I was around the EV from 1990 till last year, but not squatting. I have a friend who knows lots of people that might help, I’ll do what I can…
    Posted by: Cassie

  43. I don’t have any information helpful to your book, but wanted to wish you a peaceful and productive time at the colony.
    Posted by: Jena (the yarn harpy)

  44. My hubby is a bike junkie/fanatic/racer so if you have any questions about repair/anatomy send them my way!
    Posted by: Beth

  45. hey. nothing to add on the book help, except i just wanted to comment about how cool it is that so many people are able to help you out! (remind me to use your blog next time i need to research something!)

    will you be on email the month you are gone?
    Posted by: Rebecca

  46. You seem to have plenty of help offered in the land of bike, but you can add my boy to the list. Total bike geek, and we are just a hop skip and a bike ride away.
    We’re useless on the other points though. I was around the EV from 1990 till last year, but not squatting. I have a friend who knows lots of people that might help, I’ll do what I can…
    Posted by: Cassie

  47. I don’t have any information helpful to your book, but wanted to wish you a peaceful and productive time at the colony.
    Posted by: Jena (the yarn harpy)

  48. My hubby is a bike junkie/fanatic/racer so if you have any questions about repair/anatomy send them my way!
    Posted by: Beth

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