Shockingly well-rested

Okay…so we’re only twelve days into this parenting adventure, but a few things are starting to click into place. I really get it now, that each family is different and it’s all a matter of finding what works for you and your baby.

Thumper and I roomed in at the hospital without separation, because that was very important to me. Perhaps a bit rough because I was post-op (trying to figure out how to get him out of the isolette at night without popping my incision when my ankles were still tethered to the bed by compression cuffs was especially interesting), but it wasn’t a negotiable point for me and I’m really glad I did it. From night one, he made it clear he’d much rather sleep all day and do nursing marathons at night, thankyouverymuch. As a result, I didn’t really sleep much at all for the three nights we were there. Nor had I slept the four nights previous, thanks to the Contraction-a-Thon that had been labor. Normal newborn stuff, this not sleeping at night. Waking up at night and sleeping during the day was the in-utero norm, and I didn’t expect him to change right away to suit my preference for sleeping at night. Though I hoped.

We got home, and now Billy was in on the no-sleeping thing. We did that until Friday night, and then we tried something new. Thumper had been (not) sleeping in a co-sleeper attached to my side of the bed. Attachment parenting makes so much sense to us, and that’s pretty much what we’re taking as our guidelines, but I was nervous about having him right in bed with us, in terms of safety. Well… Friday night, rather than propping myself up in bed with the Boppy to nurse him and then putting him in the co-sleeper after he fell asleep (at which point he’d invariably sleep for twenty minutes or so and then wake up wanting to nurse again–never a big nurse at those wakings, just a quick snack for comfort and then drifting off to sleep and occasional halfhearted little sucks), instead I nursed him lying down and let him drift off to sleep snuggled up against me, between me and Billy. We arranged the sheets so they wouldn’t go above his waist, made sure there weren’t pillows near him, and let him sleep there. I fell asleep, Billy fell asleep, and we stayed asleep for three hours, until Thumper started to wake and root around. A real-length hunger nursing still lying down at that point, and he went to sleep again. He woke up for another feeding three hours after that, and then since it was Saturday the whole family slept in another three hours. Everyone was happy and well-rested and it was quite cozy to have him in bed there with us.

Ditto for Saturday night. Ditto for last night. I hope I’m not jinxing myself and my sleep when I say that I think we’ve found what works for us, for now. It means the marathon nursing happens during the day now, but that’s fine with me.

The labor was really rough, and I’m recovering from surgery etc, but at least I’ve got a champion breastfeeder here who’s letting me get a decent amount of sleep. I’ll take that trade-off. Breastfeeding and sleep last longer than labor and delivery, anyway.

PS: If you’re thinking of leaving a comment warning against the “dangers” of co-sleeping, don’t bother. Not interested in hearing it and the evidence is pretty strong against your point. Thanks.

188 Comments on “Shockingly well-rested

  1. Yeah! Good for you! Nothing makes me happier than hearing a new mom take charge of her own life and family situation. You *must* do what works for you and when people tell you otherwise — well. . . who cares! (I just smiled politely when necessary and did things my own way.)

    Here’s to many more nights of decent sleep for your whole family 🙂
    Posted by: Julie

  2. I’m so glad to hear the three of you are doing well and getting settled in. Sounds like you have found a method that works great for you, which is all that matters. Congrats again, and lots of hugs are being sent your way.
    Posted by: Sarah

  3. I had one of those co-sleepers for my kids & guess what I ended up using it for? Changing dipeys in the middle of the night. The rest of the time, they slept right there in bed with us. We loved it.
    Posted by: carole

  4. I’m in the whatever-works-for-you camp. It doesn’t matter how you do things, someone will always tell you you’re wrong. I had one boy who sucked his fingers and another one who used a soother. People told me I was wrong both times which is pretty funny because I had nothing to do with their choices. I just went with what worked.

    I’m happy for you that you’ve figured things out so soon.

    Posted by: LaurieM

  5. Yeah! Good for you! Nothing makes me happier than hearing a new mom take charge of her own life and family situation. You *must* do what works for you and when people tell you otherwise — well. . . who cares! (I just smiled politely when necessary and did things my own way.)

    Here’s to many more nights of decent sleep for your whole family 🙂
    Posted by: Julie

  6. I’m so glad to hear the three of you are doing well and getting settled in. Sounds like you have found a method that works great for you, which is all that matters. Congrats again, and lots of hugs are being sent your way.
    Posted by: Sarah

  7. I had one of those co-sleepers for my kids & guess what I ended up using it for? Changing dipeys in the middle of the night. The rest of the time, they slept right there in bed with us. We loved it.
    Posted by: carole

  8. I’m in the whatever-works-for-you camp. It doesn’t matter how you do things, someone will always tell you you’re wrong. I had one boy who sucked his fingers and another one who used a soother. People told me I was wrong both times which is pretty funny because I had nothing to do with their choices. I just went with what worked.

    I’m happy for you that you’ve figured things out so soon.

    Posted by: LaurieM

  9. Fab ! Wg=hatever works for you is best.
    Did exactly that with our chick. So glad we did,for so many reasons.
    Posted by: Emma

  10. Whatever works! My little ones spent lots of time sleeping with us and the nursing lying down worked for me too. Sounds like you guys are doing great!
    Posted by: Kathy

  11. We had a moses basket for our little monster (now 5). Thank goodness we had borrowed and not bought as he never used the thing. As soon as he went in it he screamed! Slept with us for the first 6 weeks no probs and then went into his cot. Wouldn’t go in the cot during the day though only at night. In the day he used to sleep with one eye open (seriously!). I’m sure he was waiting to catch us put him in the cot so he could scream!

    No 2 children are the same – do what works for you and yours.

    Posted by: Michelle

  12. I’m with everyone who says that whatever works for your family is the right way to go. When I had Noah, I just didn’t know any better and I got out of bed to nurse. i thought i should give his dad a break, so we would wake up together and go sit in a rocker. of course, i got very little sleep and was a wreck for quite a while. Once I got the hang of nursing lying down (which a friend advised me to try), i caught up on my sleep and we were all much happier for it. I slept with both of my kids for a very long time, and they’re both happy, healthy, secure, independent little creatures. I’m delighted that you’re actually getting some rest. it’s so important for all three of you.
    Posted by: regina

  13. delurking to say congratulations, and lucky you for having found AP so soon!! We did too, but not before our baby was over a year, so missed out on all the cute slings and meitais and such!! Got the main points down from the start though, by instinct and a lucky choice of baby books. Still cosleeping after 2,5 yrs and convinced it’s the best way.
    Posted by: Marie

  14. Glad to hear everyone’s recovering so well from the ordeal, and getting some rest. Definitely the best way is whatever maintains the sanity and well being of parents and baby, and it’s great that you figured out a sleep cycle that works this quickly.
    Posted by: jodi

  15. The only danger I’ll give you about co-sleeping is that my fifteen month old nephew STILL sleeps with his parents. 😉 I think the older two were out of their bed by about a two or so. My sister usually nurses until she gets pregnant again, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens with this one. I don’t think she’s in any rush for another.

    Glad to hear everything’s going well. I love Dr. Sears!
    Posted by: Cara

  16. Fab ! Wg=hatever works for you is best.
    Did exactly that with our chick. So glad we did,for so many reasons.
    Posted by: Emma

  17. Whatever works! My little ones spent lots of time sleeping with us and the nursing lying down worked for me too. Sounds like you guys are doing great!
    Posted by: Kathy

  18. We had a moses basket for our little monster (now 5). Thank goodness we had borrowed and not bought as he never used the thing. As soon as he went in it he screamed! Slept with us for the first 6 weeks no probs and then went into his cot. Wouldn’t go in the cot during the day though only at night. In the day he used to sleep with one eye open (seriously!). I’m sure he was waiting to catch us put him in the cot so he could scream!

    No 2 children are the same – do what works for you and yours.

    Posted by: Michelle

  19. I’m with everyone who says that whatever works for your family is the right way to go. When I had Noah, I just didn’t know any better and I got out of bed to nurse. i thought i should give his dad a break, so we would wake up together and go sit in a rocker. of course, i got very little sleep and was a wreck for quite a while. Once I got the hang of nursing lying down (which a friend advised me to try), i caught up on my sleep and we were all much happier for it. I slept with both of my kids for a very long time, and they’re both happy, healthy, secure, independent little creatures. I’m delighted that you’re actually getting some rest. it’s so important for all three of you.
    Posted by: regina

  20. delurking to say congratulations, and lucky you for having found AP so soon!! We did too, but not before our baby was over a year, so missed out on all the cute slings and meitais and such!! Got the main points down from the start though, by instinct and a lucky choice of baby books. Still cosleeping after 2,5 yrs and convinced it’s the best way.
    Posted by: Marie

  21. Glad to hear everyone’s recovering so well from the ordeal, and getting some rest. Definitely the best way is whatever maintains the sanity and well being of parents and baby, and it’s great that you figured out a sleep cycle that works this quickly.
    Posted by: jodi

  22. The only danger I’ll give you about co-sleeping is that my fifteen month old nephew STILL sleeps with his parents. 😉 I think the older two were out of their bed by about a two or so. My sister usually nurses until she gets pregnant again, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens with this one. I don’t think she’s in any rush for another.

    Glad to hear everything’s going well. I love Dr. Sears!
    Posted by: Cara

  23. Oh-congratulations for taking charge of your own baby that came out of your body, thank you very much. I so miss the time nursing my Annie-all the snuggling and bonding is a very good thing- for both mom and baby. You do what you sense is best, and allow yourself to change your mind if you start thinking something else should work. I was a very old new mother (over 40) and everyone thought I needed every bit of advice in the world- until a lactation consultant told me that little bit of wisdom. She was right. The kid (and I) survived!
    Posted by: Deb

  24. It worked for all 7 of mine. Being able to sleep at night was much better than having to get out of a warm bed to retrieve the baby and then try to get said baby back to sleep in a now cool cradle. Everyone slept better with the baby in the bed with us. Just remember to switch sides so you don’t end up lopsided!!
    Posted by: Tish

  25. Much to the wailing threats of pesky grandparents, we co-slept with all three of ours. They’d nurse and go right back to sleep. None of this, getting the baby, finding the Boppy, nodding off while sitting up nursing the baby. Now my youngest will be 2 in August and I have to say, I miss the snuggling. Enjoy and keep following your instincts!
    Posted by: amanda

  26. You got it momma. You have to find what works for you and Thumper. I did the same thing with my big boy until he was about a year old, and frankly I would still be catching on sleep had I not. (21 years later). He is a cutie pie, soooooooo cute!
    Posted by: Betsy

  27. I’m so glad you guys found your rhythm. It’s good to know that not everyone has to do the same stuff to make it work.

    I didn’t sleep with my parents when I was an infant, but I can still remember creeping into their room in the morning to crawl in bed with them. It was the most wonderful feeling to snuggle with them in the morning.

    Thumper is so lucky!
    Posted by: Steph VW

  28. I wasn’t married when I had my son. It was just the two of us, and he slept with me from the beginning. He slept right up against me and we got good enough at it that I didn’t really wake up all the way when he nursed. I would wake up in the middle of the night and roll over to switch sides, but that was about it. I don’t think he was harmed by it. He’s 12 now. Go for it! No one else really knows what is best for your baby. Each one is different.

    Congratulations! He is beautiful.
    Posted by: kendall

  29. The only problem I ever had with the co-sleeping was that my subconcious must have been working so hard to keep me from moving in my sleep to avoid harming my son I would sometimes wake up with really sore hips. But I don’t regret a moment of it. Not a single moment.

    Glad you found what works for you so quickly. Getting decent sleep makes a world of difference in those first few months.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  30. Oh-congratulations for taking charge of your own baby that came out of your body, thank you very much. I so miss the time nursing my Annie-all the snuggling and bonding is a very good thing- for both mom and baby. You do what you sense is best, and allow yourself to change your mind if you start thinking something else should work. I was a very old new mother (over 40) and everyone thought I needed every bit of advice in the world- until a lactation consultant told me that little bit of wisdom. She was right. The kid (and I) survived!
    Posted by: Deb

  31. It worked for all 7 of mine. Being able to sleep at night was much better than having to get out of a warm bed to retrieve the baby and then try to get said baby back to sleep in a now cool cradle. Everyone slept better with the baby in the bed with us. Just remember to switch sides so you don’t end up lopsided!!
    Posted by: Tish

  32. Much to the wailing threats of pesky grandparents, we co-slept with all three of ours. They’d nurse and go right back to sleep. None of this, getting the baby, finding the Boppy, nodding off while sitting up nursing the baby. Now my youngest will be 2 in August and I have to say, I miss the snuggling. Enjoy and keep following your instincts!
    Posted by: amanda

  33. You got it momma. You have to find what works for you and Thumper. I did the same thing with my big boy until he was about a year old, and frankly I would still be catching on sleep had I not. (21 years later). He is a cutie pie, soooooooo cute!
    Posted by: Betsy

  34. I’m so glad you guys found your rhythm. It’s good to know that not everyone has to do the same stuff to make it work.

    I didn’t sleep with my parents when I was an infant, but I can still remember creeping into their room in the morning to crawl in bed with them. It was the most wonderful feeling to snuggle with them in the morning.

    Thumper is so lucky!
    Posted by: Steph VW

  35. I wasn’t married when I had my son. It was just the two of us, and he slept with me from the beginning. He slept right up against me and we got good enough at it that I didn’t really wake up all the way when he nursed. I would wake up in the middle of the night and roll over to switch sides, but that was about it. I don’t think he was harmed by it. He’s 12 now. Go for it! No one else really knows what is best for your baby. Each one is different.

    Congratulations! He is beautiful.
    Posted by: kendall

  36. The only problem I ever had with the co-sleeping was that my subconcious must have been working so hard to keep me from moving in my sleep to avoid harming my son I would sometimes wake up with really sore hips. But I don’t regret a moment of it. Not a single moment.

    Glad you found what works for you so quickly. Getting decent sleep makes a world of difference in those first few months.
    Posted by: Rachel H

  37. Just popping by to say hello and glad to hear that everyone is finding a happy rhythm together. I’d never heard of AP, but then, I’ve never had a baby. Very interesting to learn about this, as you never know when you’ll need to pass along a tidbit of information to someone else!
    Posted by: Gina

  38. Congratulations! I listened to “the voice of reasion” ie my mom and had a miserable time of it with my first child, until I was so exhausted I plopped my week old baby in bed with me for a nap one afternoon and slept 8 straight hours while he slept and nursed. After a quick supper we went back and had another blissfully unconscious 6 hours. Of course my mom had done things differently, she didn’t nurse her babies, hadn’t had an excruciatingly difficult labor with resulting internal bruising, and hadn’t had an emergency c-section either. Once I figured it out I started ignoring her, and after a month of tsking she said I was the most well rested new mother she’d ever seen and shut up lol
    I’m so glad that you’re figuring out what works best for you and your baby rather than doing what you’re told and hoping it starts to work eventually, like I did.
    Posted by: Enjay

  39. That’s exactly what worked for me with my little one for the first few months. Around four months or so, though, she began to Not Sleep At All when she was with me in the bed, so I had to revise my plan, but I was amazed at how well cosleeping worked for the first few months. And she was a preemie, so extra tiny. And no, I didn’t squish her. 🙂

    Rock on, dude.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  40. Thumper is a very lucky baby… getting to snuggle with mom and dad all night! I don’t understand the opposition to babies sleeping with their parents. It has been done for hundred’s of years. I can’t think of any better way to help make a baby feel safe, secure and loved.

    Congratulations on your beautiful little boy.
    Posted by: Sandy

  41. Good for you! It’s so fabulous that you’re finding a good rhythm, and that you’re all getting sleep. It sounds like you have a really great attitude and perspective about the labor, and I wish you a speedy and successful recovery from the surgery.
    Posted by: Frith

  42. I am so glad you found something that works for you. Sleep is sooo important, esp. with the frustrations of figuring out a new baby!
    Posted by: Maryann

  43. You know what I’ll say: Do what makes you comfortable. My mom was a big “don’t take the baby to bed with you” person but I did what I wanted. I did what seemed to be best for the baby. Sometimes they were in bed with us, sometimes not. I nursed in bed, sometimes not. After 5 babies I haven’t had a single one with adjustment issues to sleeping alone. Just do what feels right to you. I’m so glad you’re feeling so well after your surgery and long labor. I’m thinking of you all. Kiss sweet little Thumper for me. 🙂
    Posted by: Laura

  44. Just popping by to say hello and glad to hear that everyone is finding a happy rhythm together. I’d never heard of AP, but then, I’ve never had a baby. Very interesting to learn about this, as you never know when you’ll need to pass along a tidbit of information to someone else!
    Posted by: Gina

  45. Congratulations! I listened to “the voice of reasion” ie my mom and had a miserable time of it with my first child, until I was so exhausted I plopped my week old baby in bed with me for a nap one afternoon and slept 8 straight hours while he slept and nursed. After a quick supper we went back and had another blissfully unconscious 6 hours. Of course my mom had done things differently, she didn’t nurse her babies, hadn’t had an excruciatingly difficult labor with resulting internal bruising, and hadn’t had an emergency c-section either. Once I figured it out I started ignoring her, and after a month of tsking she said I was the most well rested new mother she’d ever seen and shut up lol
    I’m so glad that you’re figuring out what works best for you and your baby rather than doing what you’re told and hoping it starts to work eventually, like I did.
    Posted by: Enjay

  46. That’s exactly what worked for me with my little one for the first few months. Around four months or so, though, she began to Not Sleep At All when she was with me in the bed, so I had to revise my plan, but I was amazed at how well cosleeping worked for the first few months. And she was a preemie, so extra tiny. And no, I didn’t squish her. 🙂

    Rock on, dude.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  47. Thumper is a very lucky baby… getting to snuggle with mom and dad all night! I don’t understand the opposition to babies sleeping with their parents. It has been done for hundred’s of years. I can’t think of any better way to help make a baby feel safe, secure and loved.

    Congratulations on your beautiful little boy.
    Posted by: Sandy

  48. Good for you! It’s so fabulous that you’re finding a good rhythm, and that you’re all getting sleep. It sounds like you have a really great attitude and perspective about the labor, and I wish you a speedy and successful recovery from the surgery.
    Posted by: Frith

  49. I am so glad you found something that works for you. Sleep is sooo important, esp. with the frustrations of figuring out a new baby!
    Posted by: Maryann

  50. You know what I’ll say: Do what makes you comfortable. My mom was a big “don’t take the baby to bed with you” person but I did what I wanted. I did what seemed to be best for the baby. Sometimes they were in bed with us, sometimes not. I nursed in bed, sometimes not. After 5 babies I haven’t had a single one with adjustment issues to sleeping alone. Just do what feels right to you. I’m so glad you’re feeling so well after your surgery and long labor. I’m thinking of you all. Kiss sweet little Thumper for me. 🙂
    Posted by: Laura

  51. That sounds wonderful. A baby who sleeps a little makes recovering from the c-section so much easier. Sounds like you’re all settling in very nicely. 🙂
    Posted by: Jessica

  52. Thumper’s a lucky boy to have such an insightful mother. Co-sleeping is what got me through the first few months with our little girl. Kudos to you for doing what YOU feel is right for YOUR family. Congrats getting some sleep.
    Posted by: Sharon G.

  53. Isn’t it great how it all works out? We did the same thing in the beginning…now he spends somes nights in his bed and some with us…and it still works 🙂 Ahh…aren’t they incredible, these little boys?
    Posted by: Sarah

  54. Awww, hearing you talk about nursing your baby makes me miss nursing mine…I just weaned my toddler a few weeks ago, and I still get a little misty eyed thinking about it.
    Posted by: Faith

  55. Congratulations on your new baby, and glad you’ve found a sleep situation that works for you. If anyone had told me before I had my babies that I would sleep with them, I would have said they were crazy, but I did. With all 3 and for more than a year. You do what works for you and enjoy that baby!
    Posted by: Lisa D.

  56. Attachment is a good thing….My three year old tucks in with us every night at about 3am or 4am and I don’t mind at all. Although mine didn’t always co-sleep they did quite a bit especially in those breastfeeding days. I say if you get sleep and they get sleep and dad gets sleep then the family is happy. Enjoy
    Posted by: Dara

  57. Attachment is a good thing….My three year old tucks in with us every night at about 3am or 4am and I don’t mind at all. Although mine didn’t always co-sleep they did quite a bit especially in those breastfeeding days. I say if you get sleep and they get sleep and dad gets sleep then the family is happy. Enjoy
    Posted by: Dara

  58. A rested family is a happy family. Good for you for figuring out 12 days after the birth that you have to do what’s right for you. Took me about 6 months to finally ignore all the “experts”.
    Posted by: Holly Jo

  59. That sounds wonderful. A baby who sleeps a little makes recovering from the c-section so much easier. Sounds like you’re all settling in very nicely. 🙂
    Posted by: Jessica

  60. Thumper’s a lucky boy to have such an insightful mother. Co-sleeping is what got me through the first few months with our little girl. Kudos to you for doing what YOU feel is right for YOUR family. Congrats getting some sleep.
    Posted by: Sharon G.

  61. Isn’t it great how it all works out? We did the same thing in the beginning…now he spends somes nights in his bed and some with us…and it still works 🙂 Ahh…aren’t they incredible, these little boys?
    Posted by: Sarah

  62. Awww, hearing you talk about nursing your baby makes me miss nursing mine…I just weaned my toddler a few weeks ago, and I still get a little misty eyed thinking about it.
    Posted by: Faith

  63. Congratulations on your new baby, and glad you’ve found a sleep situation that works for you. If anyone had told me before I had my babies that I would sleep with them, I would have said they were crazy, but I did. With all 3 and for more than a year. You do what works for you and enjoy that baby!
    Posted by: Lisa D.

  64. Attachment is a good thing….My three year old tucks in with us every night at about 3am or 4am and I don’t mind at all. Although mine didn’t always co-sleep they did quite a bit especially in those breastfeeding days. I say if you get sleep and they get sleep and dad gets sleep then the family is happy. Enjoy
    Posted by: Dara

  65. Attachment is a good thing….My three year old tucks in with us every night at about 3am or 4am and I don’t mind at all. Although mine didn’t always co-sleep they did quite a bit especially in those breastfeeding days. I say if you get sleep and they get sleep and dad gets sleep then the family is happy. Enjoy
    Posted by: Dara

  66. A rested family is a happy family. Good for you for figuring out 12 days after the birth that you have to do what’s right for you. Took me about 6 months to finally ignore all the “experts”.
    Posted by: Holly Jo

  67. Co-sleeping makes a whole lot of sense to me, too. (And I know it works with puppies, but that’s really a whole, different issue–grin.) Oh, and my own personal theory as to why babies like to be awake at night and sleep during the day? The light hurting their eyes–it’s hard going from someplace warm and dark to someplace bright. Who wouldn’t want to keep their eyes closed? Squinting can cause wrinkles, after all….

    So glad to hear you’re all doing well! You’ve got to follow your instincts, and it sounds like you’re doing great!
    Posted by: –Deb

  68. Go mama!! That’s wonderful that you’re getting some decent shut eye and that you found a good rhythm so soon. 🙂
    Posted by: melanie

  69. Glad to hear its going so well! We’ve coslept since birth as well (trying a bassinet by the bed but that didn’t really make any of us happy). You will get SO much more sleep than non-cosleepers, and baby will learn your sleep rhythms (mine slept in with me for late mornings, 10-11am or so for a loong time!) Not the case at 2 years old, but it is a super plus in the beginning.

    Bets of luck to you & yours!!
    Posted by: Aija

  70. My three-day-old sleeps far better on or beside me than anywhere else. Unfortunately we’re having real difficulty with feeding, but we will get through it, and I know we’re going to go through masses of changes. At the maternity unit, we weren’t allowed to sleep with the babies in our beds, which was fairly wise I suppose, since they were so narrow. But we couldn’t get any sleep at all, any other way, so what were we to do? You really have to do what works, as everyone above has said!
    Posted by: Karen

  71. Co-sleeping worked for us with both our children. One bottle fed, one breast fed. I got the most rest and it felt right as well.
    Posted by: Mary

  72. We are definitely planning on cosleeping, and I think it’s perfectly natural and sane, but when I mention it people always give a little pause. Wonderful for you that Thumper is in with the family ways. One can’t stress about what “should be” and “is the right way”. Keep on keepin’ on!
    Posted by: Johanna

  73. The biggest, and sometimes scariest – thing you can give your child is trust: That they’ll help you find the way that works for ALL the family, even if that goes against how you imagined it to be. The sooner you open up and allow possibilty into the equation, the happy and more relaxed you all will be. To find a sleeping pattern which is working for you all at this point is great 🙂

    How are the dogs feeling!!
    Posted by: Alison

  74. Hi there, I’m the mother of four kids and I nursed and slept with all four. Worked fine for me, dad and the baby. By the way, the oldest is 20 now and he is a happy, healthy, well adjusted young man. Keep on doing whatever you need to do for you and your family. Thumper is absolutely gorgeous. As an aside, my father called me Thumper before I was born.
    Posted by: Kim

  75. Co-sleeping makes a whole lot of sense to me, too. (And I know it works with puppies, but that’s really a whole, different issue–grin.) Oh, and my own personal theory as to why babies like to be awake at night and sleep during the day? The light hurting their eyes–it’s hard going from someplace warm and dark to someplace bright. Who wouldn’t want to keep their eyes closed? Squinting can cause wrinkles, after all….

    So glad to hear you’re all doing well! You’ve got to follow your instincts, and it sounds like you’re doing great!
    Posted by: –Deb

  76. Go mama!! That’s wonderful that you’re getting some decent shut eye and that you found a good rhythm so soon. 🙂
    Posted by: melanie

  77. Glad to hear its going so well! We’ve coslept since birth as well (trying a bassinet by the bed but that didn’t really make any of us happy). You will get SO much more sleep than non-cosleepers, and baby will learn your sleep rhythms (mine slept in with me for late mornings, 10-11am or so for a loong time!) Not the case at 2 years old, but it is a super plus in the beginning.

    Bets of luck to you & yours!!
    Posted by: Aija

  78. My three-day-old sleeps far better on or beside me than anywhere else. Unfortunately we’re having real difficulty with feeding, but we will get through it, and I know we’re going to go through masses of changes. At the maternity unit, we weren’t allowed to sleep with the babies in our beds, which was fairly wise I suppose, since they were so narrow. But we couldn’t get any sleep at all, any other way, so what were we to do? You really have to do what works, as everyone above has said!
    Posted by: Karen

  79. Co-sleeping worked for us with both our children. One bottle fed, one breast fed. I got the most rest and it felt right as well.
    Posted by: Mary

  80. We are definitely planning on cosleeping, and I think it’s perfectly natural and sane, but when I mention it people always give a little pause. Wonderful for you that Thumper is in with the family ways. One can’t stress about what “should be” and “is the right way”. Keep on keepin’ on!
    Posted by: Johanna

  81. The biggest, and sometimes scariest – thing you can give your child is trust: That they’ll help you find the way that works for ALL the family, even if that goes against how you imagined it to be. The sooner you open up and allow possibilty into the equation, the happy and more relaxed you all will be. To find a sleeping pattern which is working for you all at this point is great 🙂

    How are the dogs feeling!!
    Posted by: Alison

  82. Hi there, I’m the mother of four kids and I nursed and slept with all four. Worked fine for me, dad and the baby. By the way, the oldest is 20 now and he is a happy, healthy, well adjusted young man. Keep on doing whatever you need to do for you and your family. Thumper is absolutely gorgeous. As an aside, my father called me Thumper before I was born.
    Posted by: Kim

  83. Co-sleeping from the minute Herself was born was the only option I ever considered. “They” (the ubiquitous they who always know better than you) tried to take her to the nursery in the hospital so I could “get some rest”. I informed them that even with an incision I could likely fight them *g*

    We still share a bed. She’s almost six. I may be taking this a little far. Heh.
    Posted by: Rabbitch

  84. You’re on the right path to parenthood! Doing what feels right for you and yours. I tucked all of mine in with us, nursed, cuddled, much better than groggy night fumbles. My daughter and oldest son (now 24 and 22) also nursed their baby dolls way back when!
    Posted by: Mj

  85. Love the PS. I still use that method to sleep in in the morning, though she sleeps in the co-sleeper at night. Sleep is good.
    Posted by: valentina

  86. Good for you. Do what works. I have had 9 and we co-sleep. You sure do get more sleep that way and it’s great!
    Posted by: Catherine

  87. Congratulations!
    Just passing thru reading blogs when I read about your co sleeper.
    I was also very lucky to have 2 good breast feeders and a makeshift co sleeper that was just too practical for words. My eldest graduated to his “big boys bed” when he was 2 when his little sis came along.
    They are both teenagers now and yes, blackheads, pimples and hormones!
    I hope you enjoy these beautiful precious months with your new babe. They grow up too quickly!
    Posted by: maniacalmultitasker

  88. there is nothing sweeter than waking in the morning snuggled between the two men I love most in the world. SO glad you’re all getting more sleep, it’s so important, and VERY glad Thumper’s a great nurser, that makes life a whole lot easier.
    Posted by: jen

  89. So glad you’ve got a good breastfeeder. I hope that if I ever have kids they will do good as well. (Me and all my siblings slept in the bed with my parents and we’re still alive and slept through the night @ 3 weeks. Not such a bad thing I am thinking…… 🙂
    Posted by: Whitney

  90. We had a crib set up when our first child came along but only the cats ever slept in it, so we donated it to a charity auction. I stopped reading parenting books and learned to trust what we needed, and what worked for us. It was very liberating. Each child slept with us until they stopped nursing, which was 2 years for the first babe, 3 for the second. Wouldn’t have done it any other way!
    Posted by: Bethany

  91. Co-sleeping from the minute Herself was born was the only option I ever considered. “They” (the ubiquitous they who always know better than you) tried to take her to the nursery in the hospital so I could “get some rest”. I informed them that even with an incision I could likely fight them *g*

    We still share a bed. She’s almost six. I may be taking this a little far. Heh.
    Posted by: Rabbitch

  92. You’re on the right path to parenthood! Doing what feels right for you and yours. I tucked all of mine in with us, nursed, cuddled, much better than groggy night fumbles. My daughter and oldest son (now 24 and 22) also nursed their baby dolls way back when!
    Posted by: Mj

  93. Love the PS. I still use that method to sleep in in the morning, though she sleeps in the co-sleeper at night. Sleep is good.
    Posted by: valentina

  94. Good for you. Do what works. I have had 9 and we co-sleep. You sure do get more sleep that way and it’s great!
    Posted by: Catherine

  95. Congratulations!
    Just passing thru reading blogs when I read about your co sleeper.
    I was also very lucky to have 2 good breast feeders and a makeshift co sleeper that was just too practical for words. My eldest graduated to his “big boys bed” when he was 2 when his little sis came along.
    They are both teenagers now and yes, blackheads, pimples and hormones!
    I hope you enjoy these beautiful precious months with your new babe. They grow up too quickly!
    Posted by: maniacalmultitasker

  96. there is nothing sweeter than waking in the morning snuggled between the two men I love most in the world. SO glad you’re all getting more sleep, it’s so important, and VERY glad Thumper’s a great nurser, that makes life a whole lot easier.
    Posted by: jen

  97. So glad you’ve got a good breastfeeder. I hope that if I ever have kids they will do good as well. (Me and all my siblings slept in the bed with my parents and we’re still alive and slept through the night @ 3 weeks. Not such a bad thing I am thinking…… 🙂
    Posted by: Whitney

  98. We had a crib set up when our first child came along but only the cats ever slept in it, so we donated it to a charity auction. I stopped reading parenting books and learned to trust what we needed, and what worked for us. It was very liberating. Each child slept with us until they stopped nursing, which was 2 years for the first babe, 3 for the second. Wouldn’t have done it any other way!
    Posted by: Bethany

  99. Yay, for sleep, but watch out: I used to wake up with hickies on me in strange spots every now and again when I didn’t even wake up when our babies were rooting around. Now, at 3 and 6, they crawl in with me in the morning and fight over the covers while I snooze a little longer. So cozy!
    Posted by: Siri

  100. Congrats, thumper is a cutie.
    It’s wonderful that you are all sleeping and have found a plan that is working for all of you.
    How are the dogs liking their baby brother?
    Posted by: Lindy

  101. So glad to hear you so very happy. That, at the end of the day, it what matters the most. You all need your rest and by whatever means and what works for you is the best!

    Posted by: delia

  102. Lying down nursing and co-sleeping worked for us. Glad you figured this out early on. It tooks me 5 months before I nursed lying down. Before that I would sit on the sofa and fall asleep sitting up while my son nursed. Not so comfortable. Thumper is freaking adorable. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
    Posted by: Kim P

  103. I go away for two weeks and look what happens…Congratulations to you and Billy for the beautiful new addition to your family, Cari. I had a conversation about co-sleeping with my mom just the other day – she and my dad had never heard of it, but when any of my siblings or I were acting needy, *poof* and into my parent’s bed it was. She also mentioned that for each of the four of us, it was different – I liked having my own space from the beginning, but my middle brother was apparently a born co-sleeper, never using his cradle.
    I’m glad you’re finding your rhythm!
    Posted by: Dani

  104. Shortly after we adopted my daughter (at 8 months) everyone asked us if she was sleeping through the night. I had to tell them I didn’t really know. If she fussed at all, we just rolled over and comforted her, so she never had the opportunity to really cry or wake up fully.

    I did have a lot of people tell me not to let her in our bed but I went to our pediatrician who said letting your kid sleep with you is one of the best kept secrets of all parents. A lot of people are afraid to admit that they do it. (I think this is changing in recent years, though.)Our daughter is almost 7 and is in her own bed 90 percent of the time now. I confess I still like that other 10 percent. I miss her!

    If you are sleeping and the baby is happy (and Daddy is okay too) then that’s all anyone should care about.
    Posted by: jessie

  105. Go new Mom! That’s great your all getting along and developing a routine. and that photo of him on the blankie is adorable!
    Posted by: Julia

  106. All three of mine co-slept for at least the first four months. After that, it depended on the kid, and the circumstances. My Young’un still comes into our bed if he wakes up in the night.

    You hit the nail on the head when you said you’re doing what is working for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. Anyone who says you should do otherwise should keep that opinion to themselves.
    Posted by: Ruth

  107. Yay, for sleep, but watch out: I used to wake up with hickies on me in strange spots every now and again when I didn’t even wake up when our babies were rooting around. Now, at 3 and 6, they crawl in with me in the morning and fight over the covers while I snooze a little longer. So cozy!
    Posted by: Siri

  108. Congrats, thumper is a cutie.
    It’s wonderful that you are all sleeping and have found a plan that is working for all of you.
    How are the dogs liking their baby brother?
    Posted by: Lindy

  109. So glad to hear you so very happy. That, at the end of the day, it what matters the most. You all need your rest and by whatever means and what works for you is the best!

    Posted by: delia

  110. Lying down nursing and co-sleeping worked for us. Glad you figured this out early on. It tooks me 5 months before I nursed lying down. Before that I would sit on the sofa and fall asleep sitting up while my son nursed. Not so comfortable. Thumper is freaking adorable. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
    Posted by: Kim P

  111. I go away for two weeks and look what happens…Congratulations to you and Billy for the beautiful new addition to your family, Cari. I had a conversation about co-sleeping with my mom just the other day – she and my dad had never heard of it, but when any of my siblings or I were acting needy, *poof* and into my parent’s bed it was. She also mentioned that for each of the four of us, it was different – I liked having my own space from the beginning, but my middle brother was apparently a born co-sleeper, never using his cradle.
    I’m glad you’re finding your rhythm!
    Posted by: Dani

  112. Shortly after we adopted my daughter (at 8 months) everyone asked us if she was sleeping through the night. I had to tell them I didn’t really know. If she fussed at all, we just rolled over and comforted her, so she never had the opportunity to really cry or wake up fully.

    I did have a lot of people tell me not to let her in our bed but I went to our pediatrician who said letting your kid sleep with you is one of the best kept secrets of all parents. A lot of people are afraid to admit that they do it. (I think this is changing in recent years, though.)Our daughter is almost 7 and is in her own bed 90 percent of the time now. I confess I still like that other 10 percent. I miss her!

    If you are sleeping and the baby is happy (and Daddy is okay too) then that’s all anyone should care about.
    Posted by: jessie

  113. Go new Mom! That’s great your all getting along and developing a routine. and that photo of him on the blankie is adorable!
    Posted by: Julia

  114. All three of mine co-slept for at least the first four months. After that, it depended on the kid, and the circumstances. My Young’un still comes into our bed if he wakes up in the night.

    You hit the nail on the head when you said you’re doing what is working for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. Anyone who says you should do otherwise should keep that opinion to themselves.
    Posted by: Ruth

  115. I have 4 children. Boy #1 slept with us until he was 4. He quit us “cold turkey” on his 4th birthday. I was sad. Boy #2 wouldn’t sleep with us. As a matter of fact, he slept in his crib right from the start. Boy #3 slept with us starting at 18 months (when he broke the crib!) and stayed until he was 3 years old. And Girl #1 slept in her car seat until she was 5 months, then slept in a bassinet until 7 months and now she’s in a crib. She’s 2 1/2 and could probably go into a bed but she likes her “cribby”. So, in our case, we had 4 totally different sleeping experiences and we have 4 really smart, well rounded, happy kids! I say to each his own. It’s all about what’s best for the babies, the mama and the daddy.
    Posted by: Michelle

  116. Thanks again for posting about your labor and sharing Thumper’s pics with us–he’s gorgeous and it’s wonderful to hear about things working.

    Congrats on the good sleep–things always seem to change in one way or another as soon as one feels complacent with an infant, but hopefully the sleep part will stay good. 🙂 It’s great that he can nurse lying down already! J., my son, took about 4 months to get that right. It really makes a difference in how well-rested I feel, glad that seems to work for you too. As J. gets older, our favorite co-sleeping time is the morning. We have a similar experience to what you mention–very cozy.

    I’m sorry the birth was rough, but glad you’re doing so well now!
    Posted by: Amy

  117. Hooray! I’m glad you found a “strategy” that works for you. Emma slept between us the first few weeks until she made it clear she liked her own bed. We co-slept with Alexander a fair bit because I needed the sleep and he needed to eat all the time. I just woke up enough to get him the breast and we were all happy.

    Hope you’re feeling totally better really soon.

    Posted by: Steph

  118. Good for you! We co-slept with J for the first 4 years. Going into it all, we had no idea we would be co-sleepers. We had a crib all set up before he was born, and all it’s ever been used for is storing clean clothes. Believe it or not, we slept with him between us, and that didn’t change until after his 4th birthday, when he asked to sleep in a bed by himself. Enjoy those nights with the little one…they grow pretty fast!
    Posted by: Laurene

  119. Thanks for blogging and sharing so soon. We love your amazing baby. And next to him, sleep is the most beautiful thing. You’re right to try what works for you. With kids, you get what you get. Each is an individual. Like you. Thanks for your great blog.
    Posted by: Angie

  120. My daughter Rhianna slept with us until she was at least five or six. I wouldn’t trade a single night of it! I think it should occur much more often than it does. Sending you healing, peaceful light.
    Posted by: Lorenda

  121. Congratulations for your baby, and for following what feels right for you.

    Sheets at waist level? be glad that it’s summer (we actually slept in pullovers when my baby was born in March this year! and yes we had the same bed arrangment)

    Take care

    Posted by: Alice

  122. I have 4 children. Boy #1 slept with us until he was 4. He quit us “cold turkey” on his 4th birthday. I was sad. Boy #2 wouldn’t sleep with us. As a matter of fact, he slept in his crib right from the start. Boy #3 slept with us starting at 18 months (when he broke the crib!) and stayed until he was 3 years old. And Girl #1 slept in her car seat until she was 5 months, then slept in a bassinet until 7 months and now she’s in a crib. She’s 2 1/2 and could probably go into a bed but she likes her “cribby”. So, in our case, we had 4 totally different sleeping experiences and we have 4 really smart, well rounded, happy kids! I say to each his own. It’s all about what’s best for the babies, the mama and the daddy.
    Posted by: Michelle

  123. Thanks again for posting about your labor and sharing Thumper’s pics with us–he’s gorgeous and it’s wonderful to hear about things working.

    Congrats on the good sleep–things always seem to change in one way or another as soon as one feels complacent with an infant, but hopefully the sleep part will stay good. 🙂 It’s great that he can nurse lying down already! J., my son, took about 4 months to get that right. It really makes a difference in how well-rested I feel, glad that seems to work for you too. As J. gets older, our favorite co-sleeping time is the morning. We have a similar experience to what you mention–very cozy.

    I’m sorry the birth was rough, but glad you’re doing so well now!
    Posted by: Amy

  124. Hooray! I’m glad you found a “strategy” that works for you. Emma slept between us the first few weeks until she made it clear she liked her own bed. We co-slept with Alexander a fair bit because I needed the sleep and he needed to eat all the time. I just woke up enough to get him the breast and we were all happy.

    Hope you’re feeling totally better really soon.

    Posted by: Steph

  125. Good for you! We co-slept with J for the first 4 years. Going into it all, we had no idea we would be co-sleepers. We had a crib all set up before he was born, and all it’s ever been used for is storing clean clothes. Believe it or not, we slept with him between us, and that didn’t change until after his 4th birthday, when he asked to sleep in a bed by himself. Enjoy those nights with the little one…they grow pretty fast!
    Posted by: Laurene

  126. Thanks for blogging and sharing so soon. We love your amazing baby. And next to him, sleep is the most beautiful thing. You’re right to try what works for you. With kids, you get what you get. Each is an individual. Like you. Thanks for your great blog.
    Posted by: Angie

  127. My daughter Rhianna slept with us until she was at least five or six. I wouldn’t trade a single night of it! I think it should occur much more often than it does. Sending you healing, peaceful light.
    Posted by: Lorenda

  128. Congratulations for your baby, and for following what feels right for you.

    Sheets at waist level? be glad that it’s summer (we actually slept in pullovers when my baby was born in March this year! and yes we had the same bed arrangment)

    Take care

    Posted by: Alice

  129. I did exactly what you are doing wtih Thumper and my daughter and I quickly became experts in shuffling each other around to a good nursing position. We slept well and still do. My second baby will arrive in January and I plan to follow the same pattern. A rested mum is so much better than a sleepdeprived unhappy one! Good luck and take care 🙂
    Posted by: Emma

  130. Yay for you! There is nothing I love more than co-sleeping. We co-slept with our 3 year old until I got pregnant again, then we moved him into his own bed in our room. Our three month old has slept with us since day one, and I have to say I’m a pretty well rested mom!
    Posted by: knittymama

  131. Hi Cari,
    Just wanted to tell you that with my first child I didn’t want to start the habit of him sleeping with me because everyone was against it. They said that he’d never want to leave my bed, and so I suffered like no one knows because Dante wouldn’t sleep in his crib. We slept in the living room, me on the couch and him on a pile of blankes on the floor for the first 2 weeks. Now with Alex I decided that sleep was more important to me and I’d risk it. We slept next to each other from the day I brought him home and because we did, he slept for 4-5 hours at a stretch from the first day! I propped him up on a 3 inch thick doggie bed pillow right next to me with my hand on his tummy. After two weeks, I started to introduce him to this crib at nap times and put a sweatshirt in the crib on the matress that I had been wearing that day. He sleeps on it now because it smells like me, and for the last 3 nights he’s slept in his own crib, right next to my side of the bed. This morning when he woke up at 4am to eat and then was gassy I tried putting him in his crib, and after 30 minutes of constantly haveing to get out of bed to give him the pacifier back, I grabbed him and put him back in bed with me. We slept in until 10:00am! If you’re comfortable with co-sleeping, more power to ya. A girl’s gotta sleep or she can’t be a good mommy in the morning.
    Posted by: Cambria W

  132. I’m delurking to say congratulations! He’s adorable! And you are absolutely right to do what’s best for your particular situation. I have an 8 week-old and she’s been in our bed since we brought her home. We did the same thing with our 4 year-old son too. Of course, everyone reacted negatively when we said we were co-sleeping – parents, grandparents, even the pediatrican. But it’s what works for our family.
    Posted by: Missy

  133. thanks so much for sharing cari–i’m taking notes,
    by the way. Thanks for the links!
    Posted by: k

  134. Welcome to the world, Thumper.

    How are the dogs doing with the new family member?
    Posted by: Catherine

  135. We did the co-sleeping thing, mostly because I was and am a HUGE proponent of breastfeeding and I just needed my sleep. The kidlings all just did what you described in this blog post…but 15, 13 and 11 years ago and I’d do the same thing again should we really go for it and decide to have #4 as we are discussing. Do NOT listen to anyone else. I don’t even think you need to be told that, huh. Good job, Cari. I’m cheering for you from the other coast. LeAnne
    Posted by: LeAnne

  136. Just your opinion…would you have gone for a doula if you were over 40 (as I am)? If it matters, it would be for my 4th child after 3 very “textbook” labors and births.
    Posted by: LeAnne

  137. I did exactly what you are doing wtih Thumper and my daughter and I quickly became experts in shuffling each other around to a good nursing position. We slept well and still do. My second baby will arrive in January and I plan to follow the same pattern. A rested mum is so much better than a sleepdeprived unhappy one! Good luck and take care 🙂
    Posted by: Emma

  138. Yay for you! There is nothing I love more than co-sleeping. We co-slept with our 3 year old until I got pregnant again, then we moved him into his own bed in our room. Our three month old has slept with us since day one, and I have to say I’m a pretty well rested mom!
    Posted by: knittymama

  139. Hi Cari,
    Just wanted to tell you that with my first child I didn’t want to start the habit of him sleeping with me because everyone was against it. They said that he’d never want to leave my bed, and so I suffered like no one knows because Dante wouldn’t sleep in his crib. We slept in the living room, me on the couch and him on a pile of blankes on the floor for the first 2 weeks. Now with Alex I decided that sleep was more important to me and I’d risk it. We slept next to each other from the day I brought him home and because we did, he slept for 4-5 hours at a stretch from the first day! I propped him up on a 3 inch thick doggie bed pillow right next to me with my hand on his tummy. After two weeks, I started to introduce him to this crib at nap times and put a sweatshirt in the crib on the matress that I had been wearing that day. He sleeps on it now because it smells like me, and for the last 3 nights he’s slept in his own crib, right next to my side of the bed. This morning when he woke up at 4am to eat and then was gassy I tried putting him in his crib, and after 30 minutes of constantly haveing to get out of bed to give him the pacifier back, I grabbed him and put him back in bed with me. We slept in until 10:00am! If you’re comfortable with co-sleeping, more power to ya. A girl’s gotta sleep or she can’t be a good mommy in the morning.
    Posted by: Cambria W

  140. I’m delurking to say congratulations! He’s adorable! And you are absolutely right to do what’s best for your particular situation. I have an 8 week-old and she’s been in our bed since we brought her home. We did the same thing with our 4 year-old son too. Of course, everyone reacted negatively when we said we were co-sleeping – parents, grandparents, even the pediatrican. But it’s what works for our family.
    Posted by: Missy

  141. thanks so much for sharing cari–i’m taking notes,
    by the way. Thanks for the links!
    Posted by: k

  142. Welcome to the world, Thumper.

    How are the dogs doing with the new family member?
    Posted by: Catherine

  143. We did the co-sleeping thing, mostly because I was and am a HUGE proponent of breastfeeding and I just needed my sleep. The kidlings all just did what you described in this blog post…but 15, 13 and 11 years ago and I’d do the same thing again should we really go for it and decide to have #4 as we are discussing. Do NOT listen to anyone else. I don’t even think you need to be told that, huh. Good job, Cari. I’m cheering for you from the other coast. LeAnne
    Posted by: LeAnne

  144. Just your opinion…would you have gone for a doula if you were over 40 (as I am)? If it matters, it would be for my 4th child after 3 very “textbook” labors and births.
    Posted by: LeAnne

  145. Oh, how cute is he. I just got my internet back and wondered if he’d arrived yet. Congratulations from the other side of the world!!!
    Posted by: julia

  146. No argument here. I finally figured that part out with number 3 and what a difference! There’s no way anyone could ever roll over on their baby. My sanity was saved after not having to “get up” for every short night nursing session! Good for you for figuring out “your” best routine.
    Posted by: Janet

  147. We followed your plan pretty much exactly with both our daughters. Best thing I ever did. There were no long nights, pacing the corridor with a squalling infant, no groggily groping down the hall to get the the baby’s room. It was a perfect and elegant solution that worked beautifully for my family. So glad that you, Billy and Thumper are finding your family groove.
    Posted by: Nathania

  148. I’m so glad you found a way to snooze and breast feed that works for you! Thumper is CUTE!! Congrats again, and I am crossing my fingers that he keeps snoozing for 3 hours at a time…
    Posted by: Mia

  149. Let’s see, the dangers of co-sleeping…

    the baby may not end up wanting a security blanket or toy, because they have you…

    you’re in danger of being able to fall back to sleep immediately instead of waiting for the feeding session to be done, thus minimizing the interruptions to your sleep cycle…

    you’re in danger of having a happy baby that is comforted by his parents’ presence…

    well, at least, these are some of the dangers I encountered when co-sleeping with my first two kids (and will surely do again with the third).

    The only draw-back we found was that they didn’t learn to fall asleep on their own till much later. That didn’t harm anybody, and they sleep well on their own now.

    I’ve never really understood the notion that newborns need to instantly learn to be alone and independent in their own beds. After 9 months in a comfy environment, going cold-turkey like that doesn’t seem right to me.
    Posted by: Krista

  150. former co-sleeper here from back in the 80’s when no one was doing it (or at least admitting to it)…ignored everyone’s advice(including pedi) and did it my way — i’m happy to report that my daughter will be 17 tomorrow, my son is 22 and yes, they are sleeping very well on their own, have been for years — and i’ve always been one of the lucky moms whose kids slept in to a decent hour giving me some precious time of morning solitude…so happy you are recovering so well…enjoy these blessed days and stay strong in doing it your way!
    Posted by: patricia

  151. Glad you found a system that works for you – it was also the only one that worked for me : ) It meant I had enough sleep at night to be a reasonably rational human being for the rest of the time, though fighting off the comments from others about ‘never’ getting her out of our bed did become a bit wearing. She stayed with us for ages, but now (2.5) sleeps on her own for most of the night, and is quite happy, after a few stories and some cuddles, to go to bed on her own. She’s also one of the most secure, gorgeous, easygoing little girls I know – but I am rather biased in that regard. Congratulations on Thumper’s birth, and enjoy every minute of the next few months. The happiest parents I’ve found are always those who take all the parenting books advice with a grain of salt, and ultimately just listen to their child and do what feels right – it’s different for everyone.
    Posted by: jo

  152. Oh, how cute is he. I just got my internet back and wondered if he’d arrived yet. Congratulations from the other side of the world!!!
    Posted by: julia

  153. No argument here. I finally figured that part out with number 3 and what a difference! There’s no way anyone could ever roll over on their baby. My sanity was saved after not having to “get up” for every short night nursing session! Good for you for figuring out “your” best routine.
    Posted by: Janet

  154. We followed your plan pretty much exactly with both our daughters. Best thing I ever did. There were no long nights, pacing the corridor with a squalling infant, no groggily groping down the hall to get the the baby’s room. It was a perfect and elegant solution that worked beautifully for my family. So glad that you, Billy and Thumper are finding your family groove.
    Posted by: Nathania

  155. I’m so glad you found a way to snooze and breast feed that works for you! Thumper is CUTE!! Congrats again, and I am crossing my fingers that he keeps snoozing for 3 hours at a time…
    Posted by: Mia

  156. Let’s see, the dangers of co-sleeping…

    the baby may not end up wanting a security blanket or toy, because they have you…

    you’re in danger of being able to fall back to sleep immediately instead of waiting for the feeding session to be done, thus minimizing the interruptions to your sleep cycle…

    you’re in danger of having a happy baby that is comforted by his parents’ presence…

    well, at least, these are some of the dangers I encountered when co-sleeping with my first two kids (and will surely do again with the third).

    The only draw-back we found was that they didn’t learn to fall asleep on their own till much later. That didn’t harm anybody, and they sleep well on their own now.

    I’ve never really understood the notion that newborns need to instantly learn to be alone and independent in their own beds. After 9 months in a comfy environment, going cold-turkey like that doesn’t seem right to me.
    Posted by: Krista

  157. former co-sleeper here from back in the 80’s when no one was doing it (or at least admitting to it)…ignored everyone’s advice(including pedi) and did it my way — i’m happy to report that my daughter will be 17 tomorrow, my son is 22 and yes, they are sleeping very well on their own, have been for years — and i’ve always been one of the lucky moms whose kids slept in to a decent hour giving me some precious time of morning solitude…so happy you are recovering so well…enjoy these blessed days and stay strong in doing it your way!
    Posted by: patricia

  158. Glad you found a system that works for you – it was also the only one that worked for me : ) It meant I had enough sleep at night to be a reasonably rational human being for the rest of the time, though fighting off the comments from others about ‘never’ getting her out of our bed did become a bit wearing. She stayed with us for ages, but now (2.5) sleeps on her own for most of the night, and is quite happy, after a few stories and some cuddles, to go to bed on her own. She’s also one of the most secure, gorgeous, easygoing little girls I know – but I am rather biased in that regard. Congratulations on Thumper’s birth, and enjoy every minute of the next few months. The happiest parents I’ve found are always those who take all the parenting books advice with a grain of salt, and ultimately just listen to their child and do what feels right – it’s different for everyone.
    Posted by: jo

  159. Congratulations and good for you! My three kids slept with me from day one happily and healthily. They are now happy adolescents (is there such a thing?). Let your heart lead you always and things will be fine.

    P.S. Thumper is beautiful!
    Posted by: chris

  160. My first child had no problem sleeping in a cradle, but my second refused to sleep unless he was in bed with us. We did that for three months until he decided to sleep in his own bed. Do what works.
    Posted by: Christina

  161. Hi! I am new to your blog. I like it very much! Congratulations on the birth of “Thumper” He is adorable! I am also a former co-sleeper from the 80’s. I didn’t listen to a single comment from well meaning family members – and there were many. My two kids are 12 months apart so we had both in bed with us at the same time for a while! My kids are now well adjusted, secure and productive adults. I cherish the memories and the bonding I had with my kids during those times. They grow up so fast. I feel like I got extra time with them during those early years.

    I also have an Italian Greyhound. She sure keeps things hopping around here!

    Best wishes to you and you new baby!

    Posted by: kyleen

  162. 4 nights home and we’ve already co-slept most of them. LilBit lets us sleep much more that way – being put in the co-sleeper is a few feet to far away and colder, no body warmth. With her in bed, we’ve gotten a good 7-8 hours sleep a night, just with a break in the middle for a diaper check and nurse. Lovely. Truly lovely.
    Posted by: sophiagrrl

  163. Just wanted to say that I always thought one of the major pluses of breastfeeding was the ability for the mom to simultaneously feed and sleep. No need to wake up to prepare a bottle. Nothing snugglier than a tiny baby at the breast. Enjoy! He’ll be grown before you know it.
    Posted by: Ellen

  164. Congratulations and good for you! My three kids slept with me from day one happily and healthily. They are now happy adolescents (is there such a thing?). Let your heart lead you always and things will be fine.

    P.S. Thumper is beautiful!
    Posted by: chris

  165. My first child had no problem sleeping in a cradle, but my second refused to sleep unless he was in bed with us. We did that for three months until he decided to sleep in his own bed. Do what works.
    Posted by: Christina

  166. Hi! I am new to your blog. I like it very much! Congratulations on the birth of “Thumper” He is adorable! I am also a former co-sleeper from the 80’s. I didn’t listen to a single comment from well meaning family members – and there were many. My two kids are 12 months apart so we had both in bed with us at the same time for a while! My kids are now well adjusted, secure and productive adults. I cherish the memories and the bonding I had with my kids during those times. They grow up so fast. I feel like I got extra time with them during those early years.

    I also have an Italian Greyhound. She sure keeps things hopping around here!

    Best wishes to you and you new baby!

    Posted by: kyleen

  167. 4 nights home and we’ve already co-slept most of them. LilBit lets us sleep much more that way – being put in the co-sleeper is a few feet to far away and colder, no body warmth. With her in bed, we’ve gotten a good 7-8 hours sleep a night, just with a break in the middle for a diaper check and nurse. Lovely. Truly lovely.
    Posted by: sophiagrrl

  168. Just wanted to say that I always thought one of the major pluses of breastfeeding was the ability for the mom to simultaneously feed and sleep. No need to wake up to prepare a bottle. Nothing snugglier than a tiny baby at the breast. Enjoy! He’ll be grown before you know it.
    Posted by: Ellen

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