Short Attention Span Knitting

A fabulous time was had by all at Knitting Tuesday last night. Diego was very taken by Em and did his best to strike a suave pose for her. He’s a charmer, no?


Andrea worked on her amazing sweater from Norsk Strikkdesign. She’s my knitting hero. Way too humble about the gorgeous work she does. Em (or Michelle? I flip back and forth with what to call her here… in real life I think of her as Michelle, but online I think of her as Em… Sigh.)…where was I? Ah yes, Em/Michelle worked on three projects last night: Purple Rain, which is the most lovely shades of purple; Lazy Sunday, in colors that make me very happy–orange and pink and pale celery green; and a sock. Just the beginning of a tiny toe of a sock. A dog’s nose worth of sock. Very cute. I’ve only done socks on two circs and the whole dpn thing fascinates me. Not enough to actually pick a set up and knit that way, but fascinating to watch. Sarah returned to Knitting Tuesday after a month of absence (gasp!) and worked on her Manos scarf. Which made me want to work with some of my Manos stash…so…

…though I slogged diligently along on my brother’s sweater when everyone was here, as soon as they left I threw that raglan aside and cast on for a capelet using Manos in a lovely olive shade. It’s a top-down capelet, and should knit up really fast. I’ll still put most of my knitting time into my brother’s sweater. I promise! But oh! I want a capelet! It’s capelet weather and I want to have one to wear NOW! So um…yeah…there ya go. I was wondering how long I could go knitting just my brother’s sweater and Billy’s sock. For the record, I made it through two weeks of pure gift knitting before I was overwhelmed by the need to cast on for something for me. Not too bad…

8 Comments on “Short Attention Span Knitting

  1. gasp! You harlot! Nah, seriously, you deserve a Manos capelet for working so diligently on other people’s things. Yeah! And considering that your comments never remembers who I am, even though I click “Yes” every time, just go with whatever name you feel more comfy with. We’ll figger it out.

    Diego’s ears just KILL me.
    Posted by: Em/Michelle

  2. Not bad at all! I got two inches into Bill’s second sock and then cast on for a sweater for ME. What’s up with that?

    I am LOVING that photo of Diego. He is one suave dude. I think he needs an ascot to really complete the look. And maybe a monocle.
    Posted by: alison

  3. Diego looks SO suave! Completely elegant and so self-confident of his good looks! What a wonderful pup–great photo!
    Posted by: Lisa

  4. Love the picture of Diego! I come to this page every day partly for knitting news and partly for pictures of cute dogs…Thanks!
    Posted by: Mandy

  5. gasp! You harlot! Nah, seriously, you deserve a Manos capelet for working so diligently on other people’s things. Yeah! And considering that your comments never remembers who I am, even though I click “Yes” every time, just go with whatever name you feel more comfy with. We’ll figger it out.

    Diego’s ears just KILL me.
    Posted by: Em/Michelle

  6. Not bad at all! I got two inches into Bill’s second sock and then cast on for a sweater for ME. What’s up with that?

    I am LOVING that photo of Diego. He is one suave dude. I think he needs an ascot to really complete the look. And maybe a monocle.
    Posted by: alison

  7. Diego looks SO suave! Completely elegant and so self-confident of his good looks! What a wonderful pup–great photo!
    Posted by: Lisa

  8. Love the picture of Diego! I come to this page every day partly for knitting news and partly for pictures of cute dogs…Thanks!
    Posted by: Mandy

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