Slowly but surely…

Getting there. Getting this new space up to speed. I’ve uploaded all the free patterns (Baby Yoda, Traveling Vines, the silly little Lizard Socks) to Ravelry as free PDF downloads. As soon as I”m approved to sell patterns there, I’ll move the Acorn Hat and Blank Canvas Vest patterns there as well, and get the pattern page here up and running.

We’ve had a great long weekend. I saw the Morrison Bridge in the UP position for the first time, which was really cool. I mean, who doesn’t get a little charge from seeing a draw bridge raised, as long as you aren’t late getting to wherever you need to go on the other side?

Once across the bridge, we went to a garage sale, where Thumper stumbled across quite the find. See…he’s got two obsessions these days: playing at cooking, and playing at fixing things. This weekend, we fed the toy tool obsession a bit. Not bad for a buck, yeah?

I was mowing the lawn and he ran over to me, chainsaw raised. I don’t know if he was simply sharing the joy of bladed tools (his albeit plastic and dull) or trying to show off the fact that his tool had flashing lights and made a big buzzing noise and the only noise mine made was my huffing and puffing along behind it.

Today I took my Sunday writing day, a day later so we could have a two-day family weekend. Fantastic work day today. I wrote nine pages–nine keepers, I think–and crossed the 200-page mark. A few weeks ago, I passed that inevitable point in the first draft where everything falls apart and corrected course, and now everything is moving along beautifully, taking shape on its own. I know where it’s headed now, only have to follow it. I’m optimistic about having a finished first draft by the end of July, at which point I’ll set it aside for a month or two. Then, with a bit of perspective brought by that distance, I’ll do my first revision. And then that second draft will go to my draft readers… Damn…it feels really, really good to be at this point with a book again.

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14 Comments on “Slowly but surely…

  1. I’m glad to hear that you had a nice weekend and a good writing day. It is garage sale season, isn’t it? I could go for a good garage sale (in both the buying and selling way).

  2. I’m glad to hear that you had a nice weekend and a good writing day. It is garage sale season, isn’t it? I could go for a good garage sale (in both the buying and selling way).

  3. Your blog came up in a conversation I was having with my partner tonight about how his… yearning/mission/ambition… whatever you call it, about his work exists in a separate plane from all of the other things in life that make him happy. It’s nice to see you find the joyful burn with your writing on this new book.

  4. Your blog came up in a conversation I was having with my partner tonight about how his… yearning/mission/ambition… whatever you call it, about his work exists in a separate plane from all of the other things in life that make him happy. It’s nice to see you find the joyful burn with your writing on this new book.

  5. the long weekend for some, but not for me. i worked all weekend selling shoes to very few people…such a slow weekend at work. 🙂

    but, now i’m off for two days while most go back to work. i think we’ll be hiking with the dog, cleaning up the house, blocking a certain cardigan i’m done knitting on!!

    i love thumper with his chainsaw. too funny.

  6. the long weekend for some, but not for me. i worked all weekend selling shoes to very few people…such a slow weekend at work. 🙂

    but, now i’m off for two days while most go back to work. i think we’ll be hiking with the dog, cleaning up the house, blocking a certain cardigan i’m done knitting on!!

    i love thumper with his chainsaw. too funny.

  7. Thumper’s saw is cute, I love the bright orange and the idea of flashing lights!

    I’ve been on the Hawthorne Bridge a few times when the drawbridge went up – it looks cool but kind of freaks me out too. Not sure why.

  8. Thumper’s saw is cute, I love the bright orange and the idea of flashing lights!

    I’ve been on the Hawthorne Bridge a few times when the drawbridge went up – it looks cool but kind of freaks me out too. Not sure why.

  9. YAY BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As to drawbridges, I tend to have mixed feelings, since I got caught on one ON MY BICYCLE on the way home late one night. I was simultaneously tickled to have to wait for a bridge while on a bike, and frustrated because it was late and time to be home already.

  10. YAY BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As to drawbridges, I tend to have mixed feelings, since I got caught on one ON MY BICYCLE on the way home late one night. I was simultaneously tickled to have to wait for a bridge while on a bike, and frustrated because it was late and time to be home already.

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