So maybe I’ve got the blog blahs

…because I keep thinking I should post here and then keep putting it off. I don’t have much to say. Thumper’s terrific. The garden is growing. I’ve got a huge crush on Billy. All the usual stuff. It’s rather quiet around here.

Trilce II, the sweater that was to be finished months ago, is still unfinished. I guess that’s what happens when you knit all of ten or eleven stitches a week. But no worries. It’ll look great with flip flops in August. Or maybe not. But I can put it away for the fall, so…

So yeah. Not so much with the knitting these days.

I’m reading this and loving it.

My friend Emily is up for an award tonight and I’m 97% happy for her. (Okay. 95%. No…maybe 93%. Whatever. Redheads look good in green.)

I’m stalking patio furniture on Craigslist.

Considering getting my mom a worm bin for Mother’s Day.

That’s about it. Quiet. On the outside, anyway.

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18 Comments on “So maybe I’ve got the blog blahs

  1. I hear ya. This is a lot like my post that’s planned (already written, actually) for tomorrow. And yet different, because we’re all different, and hallelujah for that. And then there’s all the between-the-lines stuff. Sigh.
    Posted by: Norma

  2. Congratulations on having a crush on your husband.

    As for Oscar Wao, I have read thousands upon thousands of books in my lifetime and it is like nothing I have read before, a little bit like Garcia Marquez but in a league of its own. I love Junot Diaz.
    Posted by: Judith

  3. If this is a time for needed catch up in reading, may I suggest an audio book to encourage your knitting? Or maybe you’re just trying to avoid writing. Like me.
    Posted by: Angie

  4. Kev makes me smile (when he’s not making me want to rip my hair out). Like yesterday, he scoured the kitchen, mowed the front lawn, put down some grass seed, took the dog on a run…

    I love spring!

    I’m stalking patio furniture, too! 🙂
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  5. I loved that book, too. Drown’s on my list, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.
    Posted by: Michelle

  6. I hear ya. This is a lot like my post that’s planned (already written, actually) for tomorrow. And yet different, because we’re all different, and hallelujah for that. And then there’s all the between-the-lines stuff. Sigh.
    Posted by: Norma

  7. Congratulations on having a crush on your husband.

    As for Oscar Wao, I have read thousands upon thousands of books in my lifetime and it is like nothing I have read before, a little bit like Garcia Marquez but in a league of its own. I love Junot Diaz.
    Posted by: Judith

  8. If this is a time for needed catch up in reading, may I suggest an audio book to encourage your knitting? Or maybe you’re just trying to avoid writing. Like me.
    Posted by: Angie

  9. Kev makes me smile (when he’s not making me want to rip my hair out). Like yesterday, he scoured the kitchen, mowed the front lawn, put down some grass seed, took the dog on a run…

    I love spring!

    I’m stalking patio furniture, too! 🙂
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  10. I loved that book, too. Drown’s on my list, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.
    Posted by: Michelle

  11. I can relate. I keep thinking I should post on my blog but I just don’t have anything to say.
    Posted by: Knittripps

  12. we should all give squirmy worms to our mothers. better than sending flowers, since they not only eat your garbage but then help to grow food and flowers. perhaps i should ask the rats and opposum who eat my garbage if they can help out with the garden?
    Posted by: reyna

  13. oh, one more thing…
    a word about your friend’s award nomination (for authors under 35): oddly enough this relates to mother’s day (but sadly, not red wigglers). i saw jonathan franzen give a talk in boston this weekend, and when asked about being chosen years ago for multiple “best authors under 40” special issues of granta and, he said he thought they were terrible ideas (yeah, i know, but wait), he said they were incredibly unfair to women writers because for a woman, writing time in her 20s and 30s may be drastically compromised for obvious reasons. happy early mother’s day, to a great writing mom!
    Posted by: reyna

  14. I can relate. I keep thinking I should post on my blog but I just don’t have anything to say.
    Posted by: Knittripps

  15. we should all give squirmy worms to our mothers. better than sending flowers, since they not only eat your garbage but then help to grow food and flowers. perhaps i should ask the rats and opposum who eat my garbage if they can help out with the garden?
    Posted by: reyna

  16. oh, one more thing…
    a word about your friend’s award nomination (for authors under 35): oddly enough this relates to mother’s day (but sadly, not red wigglers). i saw jonathan franzen give a talk in boston this weekend, and when asked about being chosen years ago for multiple “best authors under 40” special issues of granta and, he said he thought they were terrible ideas (yeah, i know, but wait), he said they were incredibly unfair to women writers because for a woman, writing time in her 20s and 30s may be drastically compromised for obvious reasons. happy early mother’s day, to a great writing mom!
    Posted by: reyna

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