Some random (with photos! Because random is more fun with photos)


1. I don’t post to Twitter all that often, and don’t put a hell of a lot of energy into it when I do, and yet Twitter seems to be sapping my will to blog. Want to know what I’m eating and when the kiddo refuses to nap? Of course you do. I seem to want to know what all my friends are eating. Bizarre thing, Twitter. I had no idea I cared so very much about your minutae, my friends. But I do.

2. Because our asparagus crowns are two years old now, we can harvest a bit of asparagus this season. We have to use serious restraint, though, to let the plants build their strength. I guess each year we’ll get to harvest more stalks for a longer period? Here’s our first harvest:

I am the very model of asparagus-ly restraint. Especially considering how very much I love the stuff. We won’t get enough for a meal at any given time this season, but it was enough to saute with onions and then scramble with eggs for a fine meal for the three of us (with additional veggies on the side, of course). Delicious. Tasting that little bit convinced me homegrown asparagus was worth another season or two of restraint. (Sorry, Heather! I’ll leave it to Heather to tell you what happened to HER asparagus harvest. If she ever blogs again, that is. Not that I’m one to talk these days…)

3. Did you know that chocolate mint is a perennial? Yeah, me neither. Here it is, though. Zombie mint.

4. Other stuff is growing too.


5. I’ve been avoiding refined sugar lately, by request of my naturopath, but today was 80 degrees in Portland and an especially good day, and I decided to give myself a bit of leeway and give the kiddo (who also doesn’t see much refined sugar) a treat. I took him out for frozen custard. I think he sorta liked it.

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13 Comments on “Some random (with photos! Because random is more fun with photos)

  1. Random additions:

    Twitting is one of the most mystifying of all the oddball uses of time spawned by the overwhelming domination of Cyberspace world into real life.

    My favorite season when we lived in Berlin was asparagus season, when every restaurant, even every street kiosk, offered mushy white asparagus with and on everything.

    I am a fan of sugar. To the honor of satisfying this craving, I have added the Argentine sweetness of choice, dulce de leche.

    I have noticed that you take a lot of photos of dirt. More photos of dirt than Thumper.

    My wife takes lots of pictures of trees.

    I take pictures of pretty girls on the street, and sometimes derelict buildings.

    Is this what a twit looks like?


    and again: ROFLMAO.

    After the nuclear holocaust, there will be cockroaches, Twinkies, and mint. You can’t KILL the stuff. Thank goodness (except when it’s overtaken your flower bed or your asparagus patch. Heh. XOXO

  3. Ohhh yes, beware the zombie mint. It looks like you have it safely enclosed for now, but watch out for seedlings outside the confines of safety! One sprig is too many, since they use runners and begin to take over the world. I say this in the voice of one who fought for a couple years to eliminate mint from her parents’ rock garden by hand. It didn’t work.

  4. LOVE that mint for making tea. It’s delicious.

    If you need/want some pointers on giving up the white stuff, even for temporarily, I’ve been off of it for over a year now. Feels amazing. I NEVER thought I could do this. It’s easier for me to give it up completey than moderately eat it. And, when I want something sugarless but cold like ice cream, I eat coconut ice cream by Luna & Larry’s. It’s so good.

    Super cute picture!

  5. That’s about how much rhubarb I expect to have, a wee pile in the bottom of a basket. It’s taken so long to recover from moving here. Somehow I thought the plants would all thank me for skipping them one zone south and reward me with abundance. I was wrong.

  6. I adore your teeny asparagus harvest!

    I’m about to start experimenting with Twitter, um–creatively. I hope it’s not a giant disaster.

  7. yay happy custard smile! this weather makes me feel like that too, though perhaps a little less chocolately.
    the asparagus seems to have bounced back after providing lunch for the dog and it’s killing me not to harvest just a teeeeeeeny bit of it. grump.

  8. Wow, that is some serious asparagus restraint. I’d make a rude analogy having sexy boys in it, but I suppose you can already see it heading up the drive. As far as I know ALL mint is not only perennial, but Impossible to Stop.

    I, too, love reading the minutae, and find that Twitter totally sucks the juice out of my blog. Oh well.

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